11 Years Later

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Dateline: June 23rd, 1991

The camera pans towards a boy and girl who are sleeping together in a small and confined space that only fits two people. Just then, the light mysteriously flicked on, and they heard a voice that was rapping on the door.

''Up. Get Up.'' said the voice as she rapped the door, even more, unhooking the hinge in the process. ''Now!'' repeated the voice as she banged the door one last time.

Both the Boy and girl woke up and turned on the bedroom light making the room seem brighter by the minute. The Boy went to grab his glasses that were damaged in the middle, and the girl put on a cast on her right arm. Outside, a large and fat boy runs down the stairs above the small room and starts to jump on the stairs causing dust to fall from the top.

''Wake up, cousins! We're going to the zoo!'' the fat Boy giggled as the Boy and girl tried to come out of the room, but they got pushed by the fat Boy knocking them back towards their bed.

''Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy!'' said the voice ''Happy birthday, son.'' said another voice as the Boy and Girl came out of the room and they walked towards the kitchen in outgrown clothes.

''Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.'' a voice unpleasantly said to the Boy.

''Yes, Aunt Petunia.'' said the Boy as he went to work the bacon by the stove.

''I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day,'' said Aunt Petunia in an excited manner, closing Dudley's eyes.

''Hermione! Bring my Coffee!'' said the voice that sounded rather harsh

''Yes, Uncle Vernon,'' Hermione said as she boiled the water and ground the coffee beans

There were a lot of presents for Dudley as Aunt Petunia uncovered Dudley's eyes.

''Aren't they wonderful, darling?'' Aunt Petunia said sweetly to Dudley.

''How many are there?'' he said in an ungraceful tone

''Thirty-six. Counted 'em myself,'' said Uncle Vernon in an exact manner.

''Thirty-six?! But last year last year I had thirty-seven!!''

''Err, yes, well, some of them were a bit bigger than last year.''

''I don't care how big they are!''

''Oh, now, now, now. This is what we're going to do, is that when we go out, we're going to buy you two new presents! How's that, pumpkin?'' said Aunt Petunia, calming Dudley down.

After breakfast, The Dursleys, Dudley's friend Piers Polkiss, Hermione and the Boy walked towards the car. As Hermione and the Boy were just about to get in the car, Uncle Vernon closed the door and raised a car key at Hermione and the Boy.

''I'm warning you now, kids. Any funny business, any at all, and you won't have any meals for a week.'' Uncle Vernon snapped ''Get in.'' and they did.

They drove to the London Zoo, and a few minutes later, the family and Piers were at the Reptile House, looking at a boa constructor.

''Make it move.'' Dudley snapped

''Yeah, make it move,'' said Piers, repeating Dudley.

Uncle Vernon tapped on the glass, gently responding to Dudley's and Piers' request. ''Move!''

Dudley and Piers tapped the glass harder as Uncle Vernon flinched ''MOVE!'' they said

''He's asleep!'' Hermione said

''He's boring,'' Dudley said as he, his parents, and Piers head over to another exhibit

''Sorry about him.'' the Boy said. ''He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day.''

''Watching people press their ugly faces in on you, annoying isn't it??'' Hermione said as the snake winked at the two kids.

''Can you...hear us?'' Hermione said as the snake nodded ''We've just...We've never talked to a snake before.''

''Do you...I mean... do you talk to people often?'' the Boy said as the snake shook his head.

''You're from Burma, aren't you?''

''Was it nice there?''

''Do you miss your family?'' the snake turned his head to a sign that said Bred In Captivity.

''I see. That's us as well. We never knew our parents either.''

Dudley watched the snake and ran towards the glass seeing it alive and well. ''Mummy, dad, come here!'' he said, knocking Hermione and the Boy to the ground ''You won't believe what this snake is doing!'' he said again as his hands are on the glass, still staring at the snake.

The Boy glared at the glass while Hermione glared at Piers Polkiss. Then, in a blink of an eye, the glass vanished, and Piers was a few feet in the air. Hermione guided Piers towards Dudley, and both fell into the habitat the snake lived in. Both snickered as the snake got out of the exhibit, stopping in front of the two.

''Thanksssssssss.'' hissed the snake

''Anytime.'' said the Boy as the snake slithered off, away from the kids

There was a lot of screaming as the snake slithered towards the exit. Dudley and Piers both got up and placed their hands on the frame. Seeing that they were trapped, they pounded the glass, calling for help. Aunt Petunia notices Dudley and Piers in the exhibit, and she screams. Both the Boy and Hermione snickered as Uncle Vernon looked over at the two, not looking pleased. Both Hermione and the Boy's grins disappeared, knowing that they're in deep trouble.

Back at Number Four, Aunt Petunia ushered a wet Dudley in the house with the Boy, Hermione, and Uncle Vernon behind. They walk in, and Uncle Vernon slams the door grabbing both the Boy and Hermione by their hairs.

''What happened?!'' yelled Uncle Vernon

''We swear We don't know!'' the Boy said as Uncle Vernon growled at them, grabbing their hairs even more tightly.

''One minute, the glass was there, and it was gone! It was like magic!'' Hermione said as Uncle Vernon scoffed at them, and he shoved them into the room under the stairs. He then slammed and latched the door, locking them.

''There's no such thing as magic!'' Uncle Vernon growled as he closed the vent, blacking out the Boy's and Hermione's view.

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