The Mirror of Erised

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Dateline: Christmas Eve, 1991

The rest of November went as fast as the rest of September went for the year, as it now turned to December when Professor McGonagall took names of those who would be staying at Hogwarts for the Holidays. Harry and Hermione signed up immediately as they couldn't dare to see the Dursleys for the holidays and get themselves beaten up by Dudley's friends for Harry-and-Hermione-Hunting. Hogwarts was now covered in several feet of snow, and Malfoy was more than unpleasant as usual after Gryffindor's win in the Quidditch match last month against the Slytherins. He'd always tried to come up with an excuse for how they randomized picks for everyone to be on the team; Harry and Hermione for having a lot of discrimination, Fred and George Weasley for having no money, and Oliver Wood because he's stupid like a piece of wood. He realized that no one found this funny because every student was really impressed at the way Harry managed to stay on his bucking broom. That allowed Malfoy to be even more jealous of Harry because of all the clout he and Hermione are getting. Both never cared about clout; They'll always be Just Harry and Just Hermione all the time. Hagrid was setting up 12 Christmas trees in the Great Hall on the 21st, but not before Harry almost told Hagrid about Nicholas Flamel, thanks to Hermione. The Weasleys decided to stay at Hogwarts as their parents, Molly and Arthur, took a trip to Romania to visit their second-oldest son, Charlie, who's a dragon handler. Meanwhile, Harry was sitting in the library as Hermione went to get a book that told about Nicholas Flamel.

''I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading,'' she said, slamming the book down at Harry.

''Light?'' thought Harry. ''She calls this light? Well, she is a great reader, and I don't have any complainants.''

Hermione continued to flip through the pages until she reaches Flamel's name.

''I knew it! Here it is! Nicholas Flamel is the only known creator of the Philosopher's Stone!''

''The what?''

''Oh, honestly, Harry, do you even read?'' she said, slapping his arm playfully.

''Yes, I do read, actually. It's just I've never heard of the Philosopher's Stone before.''

''Listen to this, 'The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. The only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665th birthday.' That's what Fluffy's guarding on the 3rd floor.''

''That's what's under the trapdoor...''

''The Philosopher's Stone!'' they said together.

''But who would want the Stone so badly? It's quite obvious that it's so powerful and it could bring anyone back to life,'' questioned Harry.

''Don't know. Oh, no, It's Filch!'' said Hermione, noticing Filch as he walked near the Restricted Section. ''Maybe we could find some information on Nicholas Flamel in the Restricted Section.''

''But how do we ever get into the Restricted Section?''

''I honestly don't know. But we've got to figure something out.''

Dateline: Christmas Day, 1991

The sight of snowflakes was falling down on the grass as Harry heard a familiar voice calling to him from downstairs.

''Harry, wake up! Come on, Harry, wake up!''

Harry wakes up from his bed, and he starts to see that no other Weasley was in his dormitory. He already knew Hermione was calling him, and he wanted to make sure he was right. He put on his glasses and ran out of bed to a balcony that separated the boys and girls dormitories. He was right; Hermione was down there and was wearing a sweater with the letter H on the front.

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