After The Premiere

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Dateline: November 4th, 2001 at Odeon Leicester Square

Time: 10:32 PM

The credits roll, marking the conclusion to the first of many films for this dynamic duo. If anyone was outside the theatre, they would've thought that they had heard an explosion from inside. However, Dan and Emma couldn't hold their excitement for long, and they kissed themselves full on the mouth with nobody watching them.

"What a brilliant idea to be kissing in the Square with millions of people watching us." said Dan, breaking the kiss, and he leaned into her ear, "I'll get you that treatment as soon as we get home!"

Emma simply nodded at his response, clearly agreeing with his idea. They got up from their seats and headed out of the luxurious treatment they enjoyed for the past two and a half hours in the theatre. Dan and Emma both went down first to avoid all the incoming traffic of all the cast and crew heading to the exit, and to their surprise, the paparazzi were on their heels immediately, and one person took a photo of them holding hands, unbeknownst to the kids. The cameras were still flashing for the two main stars of the film, and they were trying to figure out where Chris and Alan had gone. But then, out of nowhere, a blue SUV pulled out in front of the kids, and they yanked the door open; this is the Watson's family car. They climbed inside only to see Chris and Alan in the front row of the vehicle.

'''Hey, kids!'' said Chris

''How was the premiere?'' said Alan, both peering over to look their kids in the eyes.

''It was great!'' answered Dan.

''Fantastic!'' replied Emma.

''Brilliant!'' they both said.

''Good. Now, are you guys excited about the next one?'' said a hyper Chris who's not paying attention to the road.

''They should be!'' exclaimed Alan. ''And- look out!''

Chris slammed on the brakes, not paying attention to the road with all of their seat belts fastened uptight.

''Next time Chris, could you please pay more attention to the road?'' said Alan in a worried manner.

''No problemo.'' said a confident Chris, now paying attention to the road.

''Now, The Adventures of Radcliffe and Watson would be decent if the mothers would stay out of our way. I can't let that happen to my son or your daughter. We need to get them out of this mess!''

''Here's an idea; once we head back to the house, pack your stuff, we're heading to a hotel. We'll take care of you two now.''

''You sure about this?'' Dan said, bemused.

''Positive. Now, the moms are having their usual girls-night-out, and this is our only chance to sneak away from them. So, Alan, you're with Daniel, and I'll go with Emma.''

They went their separate ways, and they started to pack everything from their rooms, leaving nothing but the painting of blue and pink from their rooms as they headed out of their houses. Chris told Alan to meet at The Chamberlain Hotel as Jacqueline and Marcia were just about to go home, and there's no time for them to stop. After clear traffic for the first five minutes, things get complicated as cars and trucks pile up on the highway with no sign of Marcia and Jacqueline. Finally, after clearing some infuriating traffic for 10 minutes, everyone was in the clear until they reached a magnificent looking castle. This is the Chamberlain Hotel, and this is the place they would be staying for the next couple of years. They found two parking spots with no car occupying either of the spots, and they set their vehicles next to each other. They went inside, and they went up to the front desk for two separate rooms: One for Chris and Alan and One for Dan and Emma. Both of the kids have their U.S. Premiere of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: The Philosopher's Stone in a couple of days in New York; and they have an interview with the one and only actor and comedian, Rosie O'Donnell on her show with the skyline so perfect, even from her studio you could see it from far away. They went into their rooms on the same floor, and Emma was crying on the bed as soon as she walked in.

''Hey, what's wrong?'' questioned Dan, patting her shoulders.

''It's my brother,'' she answered in tears. ''I miss him a lot, and I would like for him to accompany us when both of our mums want to keep us separate.''

Dan's jaw dropped in horror. Alex, how could they forget? He's the only person to keep Emma company when Dan's in the middle of doing a different acting job. Right now, Alex is at home, hopefully wondering when Chris would pick him up, and he sat in his room.

''I'll talk with your dad about this. There's simply no way Alex won't kill us if we left him behind,'' said Dan in a hurried manner, and he jogged off towards the fathers' room, stopping at the foot of the entrance.

Chris opened the door, and to his surprise, Dan's at the door. Dan told everything that's happening with Emma right now to Chris. After Dan told him everything, Chris bolted out of the door with a big smile on his face, dragging Daniel to the car and to his surprise, they were picking up Alex. Moments later, after sneakily avoiding the moms who just got back, Alex got all of his stuff, and he put them in a large suitcase. With everything packed for Alex, Chris got out another suitcase that was slightly bigger than the one before and placed Alex inside of it. They got out of the house undetected, and they hopped back into the car, leaving the house for the final time for the foreseeable future. Finally, they arrived at the hotel, and Chris checked Alex in securing his spot safely. Alex stayed in Dan and Emma's room and chose the far right bed with Dan and Emma sharing their bed. Oblique curtains were placed on either bed for privacy between them, but since Dan and Emma never got tired of each other's privacy, they stripped down to their undergarments and fell asleep in their arms.

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