Journey To New York City

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Dateline: November 13th, 2001

Dan's POV

It's been nine days since me, Emma, and Alex arrived at the hotel with rumours of our moms separating our relationship. Luckily, Chris and my dad always had our backs, and they make a pretty good team for real-life brothers for the past nine years. Jacqueline and my mum are probably wondering where we are because we left without a note or a warning from Chris. Anyways, we have a big trip from the London Heathrow Airport to America; or more specifically, New York City. While we're there, The U.S. Premiere of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: The Philosopher's Stone will happen, an interview with Rosie O'Donnell on her show where we can see the entire New York skyline, and I'm hoping that I'll get something for Emma when her and Chris go fashion shopping.

I know it's a mother and daughter thing to do fashion shopping, but since we don't have any mothers around, it's up to my dad and Chris to sort things out as the mother and father of the hotel. There's not enough time to spend the whole week in America because we still have to get back to filming three days after the premiere, and we start to work on Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: The Chamber of Secrets. This is the story in which Harry and Hermione get exposed as a habit of speaking to snakes, a lot of muggle-borns petrified, the Heir of Slytherin is revealed, and more importantly, we meet a new friend at the first half of the movie. Let me give you a clue; He's a Hufflepuff. I'm really excited about this film, and I hope Emma is too! Anyways, I got out of bed at 0600, and the flight to New York leaves at 1000. Which is plenty of time for us to eat breakfast, pack our stuff, and head over to the airport to catch our flight. It's like every day, I wake up only to see bushy-brown hair covering my face, and I knew at once that it was Emma who's still sleeping with me. There's no other person in the world that I would tell my secrets to or even do something special with her. Emma's just perfect in every way, and I realize that after a few kisses, I start to notice that we should spread the dating rumours around the world so that everyone will know. Bollocks! What am I thinking?! I shouldn't spread the rumours! It said explicitly in the contract of the series that you cannot date anyone on or off the set! The only exception for us to tell the world that we're public dating is waiting for the next five years and see where this goes. If someone lays one finger on her, I swear this would not end well. A few minutes later, Emma gets up from her slumber and walks into the kitchen, eating her breakfast. Today, since Chris, Alex, and my dad will be ready to take us to the airport in a couple of minutes, we decided to make our own breakfast before they get back. Like in the films when Harry cooks the bacon and Hermione handles the coffee, I fire up the stove and crack four eggs in the pan and Emma's making freshly-brewed coffee for the both of us. After 10 minutes (or less), I placed the eggs on my and Emma's plates, and she poured the coffee in two different mugs for us to drink. Besides, we need to stay healthy because of what happened last night. We ate in silence but talked for a bit before Chris, Alex, and my dad entered the room.

''All right, you guys ready for New York?!'' said an excited Chris.

''Yeah!'' we both said.

''But, we just need to pack our stuff,'' I said honestly.

''No need to fret; I've already packed your stuff. It's right here,'' said Chris, holding a large suitcase in front of him. ''Well, if you guys are finished with your breakfast, we can go.''

''Okay,'' Emma said, finishing her eggs.

After breakfast, we got our shoes on and headed out the door to leave the room. Finally, we reached the hallway and went to the elevator that leads to the main lobby. Once we got to the main floor, Chris checked us out of the hotel and headed outside to Chris' car. I opened the trunk and put my and Emma's stuff inside, and hopped in the car with my dad driving us to the airport. He started the car, and we left the hotel, hoping to see it again in a couple of days. There was clear traffic from here to the airport as Chris, and my dad talked about something that would not be heard unless I asked him.

"Hey, Dad, what are you and Chris talking about?"

"Um...well... maybe this would answer your question, Daniel," he said, handing me a copy of the latest issue of The Sun Newspaper.

I looked at the front page, and to my horror, I gasped as I read the front title with a picture of us holding hands as we exited the theatre.

Harry Potter and Hermione Granger Dating In Real Life?!

"Oh no."

"What is it?" said Emma, taking me by surprise, and I handed her the newspaper. "Oh."

"I know. Maybe we shouldn't show any affection in public. Let's just say that you and I are brother and sister even though we're technically private dating. Does that sound good?"

"I-I think so. Wait, does this mean you want to break up?"

"What? No, silly. We're still dating, but we can't show our affectionate love to each other while in public. Does that make sense now?"

"Oh, I get it now. We're still dating but keep things private. Got it."

"Good. Now, um...what would you like to do while in New York besides the premiere and the interview with Mrs. O'Donnell herself?"

"Um...I would say fashion shopping and enjoy the cuisine that they offer. You know that this is our first time in America, and there's so much to explore, don't you know? What about you?"

"Well, I've got something planned with my dad, and like you said, the cuisine in America, our first time outside London, there's so much to discover in just a little amount of time."

After some minutes of talking about what will be in New York City, we've finally arrived at the London Heathrow Airport. We parked the car, got out our suitcases, and headed inside to be inspected. While we were inspected, a figure with Blonde-Hair and blue eyes approached us. It was none other than Draco Malfoy himself, Tom Felton. He had a crush on Emma for a little bit of time before I told him that I'm keeping this private so that no one, including the crew, will know about this so-called 'Teenage Drama' happening between us. After that, we started talking about the next film and how his friend Rupert Grint (Ronald Weasley) keeps nagging him in card games like Solitaire, War, Go Fish, or 21. We simply laughed at that and told him the best trick to win against him is to trash talk nicely or keep your head up at all times whenever it's your turn. He took that advice and will remember it the next time they meet again. Finally, we got past security, and we sat in the waiting room for our flight to New York. After waiting for 2 hours, we got on the plane and ensured our safety measures were taken before we took off in the air. After a few minutes, the plane is lifted high in the air, and suddenly, we're on our way to New York City!

After almost eight hours in the air, we touched down briefly on the ground at JFK International Airport. I knew at once that we landed not in America but New York City! I looked at the clock, and suddenly, it said 5:40 PM. We still haven't eaten dinner yet, and we've got to get ready for our interview with Rosie O'Donnell herself! What can we do in a little amount of time? I know! But Emma took what I was going to say.

"Hey, Alan? Is there any chance you could send Dan and me to the mall for something nice to wear for tomorrow and for the premiere?"

"Why, certainly. I wouldn't let anyone be dressed in poor old clothes." my dad said. "Besides, we still need to get you two something from your first trip to America!"

After an eventful evening, we got dinner at a fancy American Restaurant, shopped quickly for clothes, got Emma's gift, hopefully, Emma's got my gift, and journeyed around the city before checking in at a Sheraton Hotel for two separate rooms: One for Me and Emma and One for Alex, my dad, and Chris. Tomorrow's a big day because of the interview. We lay down on the far left bed to see the view from our room, and what a sight it was! After admiring for a few minutes, it's time for bed, and we stripped down to our undergarments, embarrassed as we're taking our clothes off. We gave each other one last kiss before Emma lays on top of me, falling asleep in my arms.

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