The Result and The London Premiere

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Dateline: August 24th, 2001 in Emma's Room

Ever since Chris and Alan talked to Marcia, she swore on the bottom of her heart that she'll never sign Dan up for another movie, and it's his choice to choose which movie is more interesting for him to act in. Filming for The Philosopher's Stone was finished in Mid-March, and it's safe to say that both Emma and Daniel had a fantastic time on and off the set. The little private kisses that they had offset when the castmates and crew aren't looking, the amazing jokes that they laugh about, and most importantly, all those bone-crushing hugs they gave to one another even when they were hurt.

The premiere for The Philosopher's Stone is in a couple of months, but Right now, both Daniel and Emma were chilling around on Emma's bed whilst re-reading The Philosopher's Stone out loud for the first time with Dan and Emma taking turns by reading one chapter at a time. After reading just one chapter, they start to recite their lines from the movie even though they were done filming. They were eager to begin filming The Chamber of Secrets in a couple of days after the worldwide release on November 16th, which is not much time in their own opinion. So, after they re-read The Philosopher's Stone for the Tenth time in the past Ten Weeks, they began to read The Chamber of Secrets in honour of the forthcoming film.

They began to spend much time together reading books in the upcoming films that they're going to do for Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, read some stories like Flowers for Algernon, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, and Lord of the Flies, and more importantly, neither the Watsons nor the Radcliffes never found out about their relationship yet because they're so sneaky of keeping it private.

Dateline: November 4th, 2001 in Dan's House

Time: 5:30 PM

It was a fine morning over at the Radcliffe household as it was time for the London Premiere of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger: The Philosophers Stone at Odeon Leicester Square in West End. The Watsons will meet The Radcliffes at the premiere as Jacqueline will be the Usher at the premiere. Emma, wearing a purple dress with a fuzzy black scarf, and Dan, wearing a normal men's attire with no tie. They were just getting ready to leave to go to West End until an unexpected guest arrived at the door, ringing the bell.

''Emma?'' Dan said in shock ''I thought your parents would be at the square along with you.''

''I think I know what happened.'' Emma said, leaning into Dan's ear in a whisper ''I think both our parents know what's going on. I've asked my dad as we were getting back into the car after we've dropped off my mom, 'What's going on? Why are we getting in the car?' to which my dad responded with 'I think you would like to pick someone up before we all go to the premiere.' I was in shock when my dad said that. I knew that it was you who is more important to me than books and cleverness, but I thought we would show our feelings towards our parents in a couple of years so that we wouldn't do anything serious.''

''What? Anything Serious? Emma, trust me, we're not ready for that yet. I'll give you as much time as you need to think that over. We'll handle this together. I had that same thing with my Parents earlier this morning. I was getting my dress attire from my closet until my dad came in to check on me. The first thing he asked was, 'Excited to see her?' I responded with, 'What do you mean?' 'I've noticed that you spend a great deal of time with Miss Watson. Is there something going on between the two of you?' he asked me, and I said, 'No, she's brilliant, but no, nothing is going on between me and Emma' 'Are you sure? You seem a bit worried about her.' 'No! Nothing is going on between Emma and me, and yes, I might be worried for her, but she's my friend! Not Girlfriend' 'All right, all right,' he said, chuckling at me. 'If something goes on between the two of you, let me know.' he said as he exited my closet.

I sat there on the edge of my bed, silently crying so that my parents wouldn't knock on my door thinking about you. I should've done this a long time ago, but here it goes. Miss Emma Watson, how's it like for us to tell our parents that we're together now that our fathers know about this? I know it's not much, but D-OH!'' Emma gave him a bone-crushing hug, to which Dan hugged her back.

''Of course, I would like to tell our Dads about this! Now that our Dads know about this situation between you and me, we just need to stay away from our Moms because they would most likely want to keep us away.'' Emma said

''Tell me about it.'' Dan scoffed ''Now, why don't we tell our Dads right now before we go?''

''That would be appropriate. We just need to-''

''Get our Dads and get them away from our Moms like you said. I think I get it now.'' reminded Dan as he gave her a kiss on the lips.

Little did they know that the Dads were standing behind them looking on to their future son and daughter-in-law.

''Ahem!'' said the two Dads pulling Dan and Emma from the kiss

''Blimey Father!'' exclaimed the two

''I'm really happy for you two! I hope that in the future I'll get to see my future son and daughter-in-law!'' said Chris making Dan and Emma blush

''Dad!'' Emma said lightly, pushing her dad from his side

''It's true! You look like my wife and me when we were young!'' said Chris in emotion. ''Oh, how I miss those days.''

''Um... Should we get going?'' said Dan as Emma and the Fathers nodded. ''Hold Up! You have to promise us that you'll try to keep this a secret from our moms. They'll try to separate us apart, leaving me with no one to talk to except for bullies and bystanders.''

Dan was in tears when he mentioned Bullies and Bystanders to the Fathers, and it made Emma cry on his shoulder, leaving some tear marks on his blazer. Both of the fathers said yes, and off they went.

Dateline: 7:30 PM at Odeon Leicester Square

They finally arrived in West End, London, with Dan and Emma exiting the car heading inside the theatre while being pulled aside for interviews by the press. After the questions from the press are done, they meet an elderly woman with blonde hair standing next to the doorway of the entrance. This is J.K. Rowling, the very known creator of the franchise. They went on to meet J.K., and the paparazzi are taking photos with them on either side. After the pictures, they both went inside the theatre, where they met fellow castmates Rupert Grint, Matthew Lewis, Devon Murray, and Maggie Smith. After an entire 15 minutes of talking and laughing, It's time for the premiere to go full swing as every cast member and crew, along with Dan and Emma, get to their seats. When Dan and Emma both get into the theatre, they've noticed that they don't see their names. So immediately after they didn't see their names, they've asked an usher, ''Where are our seats?'' to which the Usher responded with ''Follow me.'' and they followed him to the upstairs balcony where they had everything you could imagine for a premiere. Popcorn, Nachos, Soft Drinks, and Two Ice Cream Sundaes for the two of them with their seats next to each other. They sat down and waited for the premiere to start as director Chris Columbus went to the front of the room.

''First off, I want to thank everyone from day one for your hard work and dedication to this film. In my tenure of directing films, all of you are truly are the best cast and crewmates I have ever seen,'' he said as the castmates applauded. ''Secondly, for anyone who hasn't heard, three days after the U.S. premiere, We shift our focus to Book Number Two!'' This time the parents and non-crew, and cast in attendance applauds. ''Finally, I just have one thing to say,'' he said as there was a silent pause that filled the theatre. ''Enjoy the movie!'' he walked off to his seat as the lights were dimmed down to their lowest point as the movie began.

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