Chapter 1- Receiving The News

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~Third pov~

Adrien Agreste son of Gabriel Agreste is a famous model who is very calm and collective. Nothing like his close friends who he is grateful to have. But it's not by choice, his father has forced him into fame and has also forced him into being this perfect image. But when he's Chat Noir he can be free let lose and do whatever he wants. He gets to let the side that he has to hide as Adrien, show as Chat (But that is slowly changing after him and Ladybug defeated Hawkmoth). And after the Evilustrator incident he has started to visit a blue-eyed girl with midnight hair to make sure she's okay, that girl being Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The daughter of the baker who owns the best bakery in Paris. Whenever Chat visits they have late night chats, make jokes, and play games and because of that he has found himself catching feelings for her which started to cause him being unsure of his feelings. But after awhile realized he loved Marinette not Ladybug. He has even told Ladybug but he didn't tell who but either way she was so proud and happy for her partner. The only problem was that Adrien was sure Marinette was uncomfortable around him but in one of his visits she admitted her love for him, well for Adrien. On the outside he was acting cool but on the inside he was over the moon. Chat suggested that she confessed but she immediately turned that suggestion down saying that she couldn't even get a sentence without stuttering much less confess. Adrien knew that he could be with her as Chat but he would have to keep their relationship a secret and he didn't want that he wanted to show her off to the world. So then he suggested to help her act "normal" around Adrien and luckily she agreed. And since then Marinette had gotten more comfortable and confident around Adrien but not fully.

~Marinette's pov~

I was so exhausted from last night's akuma that happened at 3am. And all of a sudden I felt something calling my name telling me to wake up and I felt my hair being tugged. "Five more minutes..." I said half asleep. "Marinette you're going to be late for school, you only have 25 minutes left!" Tikki said urgently. "What!?" I yelped up almost falling. I got up stormed to my bathroom brushing my teeth and hair not even getting the chance to put my hair in my pig tails. Got out and started search for clothes in my closet I got some jean shorts, a white crop top, a dark red jacket, and some white converse. Got my backpack and Tikki got in. I rushed downstairs got a croissant for me and a cookie for Tikki and said by to my parents grabbed my skateboard, rushed out the door and skateboarded to school while eating. I decided to learn how to skateboard so whenever I'm late I can get there quick.

I sighed in relief as I arrived on time. Meanwhile Alya, Chloe, and Sabrina were waiting for me at the entrance. I walked up to them and they made a few jokes on me almost being late I playfully rolled my eyes and we started to walk to our lockers. As soon we got there they noticed the new look I was wearing. "Girl, why haven't you changed your style sooner? You look amazing!" Alya said excitedly. "I didn't pay much attention to what I changed into as I was running late." I told her. "Either way you're totally pulling this look off!" Chloe said as Alya and Sabrina agreed. "You really think so?" I said unsure if it was true or not as we started to head to class. "Totally!" replied Sabrina.

When we got to class we headed to our assigned seats. We were greeted by Nino and I noticed that Adrien wasn't here yet. "So where is Adrien?" Alya asked Nino. "Not sure" he replied. "Woah dudette nice new style you got going on there." "Right!" said Ayla. And then a few minutes later Adrien entered the classroom and sat in his seat and turned around to the three of us having a conversation. "Hey guys!" He said. "What's up bro!" "Hey Adrien!" Nino and Alya replied and I smile and waved at him as he look my way. His lips parted and started for a bit meanwhile Alya and Nino snickered. Then Alya said "Hey goldilocks are you gonna keep staring at Mari or pay attention the teacher, she just walked in." as she pointed towards Ms. Bustier who just walked in. A blush quickly appeared on both our faces and stared to pay attention to Ms. Bustier.

~Lunch time~

Alya, Chloe, Sabrina and I went to one of the tables outside along with the boys.
Of course everyone took all of the seats leaving me sitting next to Adrien which I didn't mind much since I wasn't a stuttering mess like I used to thanks to Chat. We started to have little conversions and joking around. Until Luka pointed out the new look I was wearing and then the attention was all on me I blushed a bit and spoke about what happened. "Well I was running late this morning so I didn't really pay much attention to what I decided to wear." I explained. "Well you look amazing especially with your hair down." Alya said. Then smirked "Right Adrien?" She said amused. And then everyone's eyes were all on Adrien as they smirked. "Y-yeah it looks amazing." he said blushing. I felt my face burn after what he said and everyone just laughed.

~Time skip to the end of the day~

"Bye!" I said the my friends and with that I skated back home. When I entered I was greeted by my parents and I greeted them back and headed to my room tired. Typical. Tikki flew out of my bag. "You know Marinette they're not wrong you look more amazing than usual!" She said coming up to me. "Aww thanks Tikki! You know I'm actually starting to dig it." I said looking in the mirror. "You should try new styles more often!" She giggled.

A few hours pass by and I had finished my homework and was heading downstairs for dinner. I helped my parents with dinner and setting up the table. While we were eating they told me that they had some news to tell me about. "So our close friends are going out on a business trip for awhile and they asked if their son could stay with us for awhile and we said yes." My mom explained. "When is he arriving?" I asked curiously. "Tomorrow in the afternoon, you'll probably still be in school so you'll meet him when you come back." She said. "Oh okay, what's his name?" I asked. My dad replied to my question this time by saying "Kyle." They also said that he's enrolling in my school and will help us out at the bakery.

After dinner I went to my room and changed into my pajamas then I headed to my desk and started to work on some new designs, before I headed to bed since I had some extra time.

~Adrien's pov~

I was running a bit late for school since I barely had any sleep after the akuma attack that occurred last night. Good thing my father wasn't here to scold me liked he used to. Don't get me wrong I did miss him but there wasn't a lot to miss when I would barley get to see him when he was around.

When I got there I noticed even Marinette was already there but it wasn't too late so that meant she got here early. I sat down in my seat greeting them but when I turned my way to look at Marinette I was amazed. I felt my lips part and just stared I'm pretty sure I creeped her out. After Alya and Nino were done snickering Alya said "Hey goldilocks are you gonna keep staring at Mari or pay attention the teacher, she just walked in." And point towards Ms. Bustier who had just arrived. I felt my cheeks burn and quickly turned around in my seat and turning my attention to Ms. Bustier who was starting class.

At lunch Marinette sat next to me and to say the least I was happy. Luka then asked Marinette on why the sudden change of her style. We all turned our attention to her she then explained on why. And Alya complimented her and then she said "Right Adrien?" With a smirk on her face. I answered nervously and blushing and they all started to laugh.

At the end of the day Marinette said her goodbye's and skateboarded home while I just stared in awe at how she looked so cool riding a skateboard. And of course I was caught by the others and they started to tease me. Not long after my limo arrived, I headed towards it while waving to my friends and got in and drove off.

I arrived home and headed towards my room. When I closed the door Plagg immediately flew to my face and started to whine for cheese. "Where's my camembert? I'm starving!" I rolled my eyes as I tossed him some cheese. He got it and started to munch on it. After he finished he of course he wanted more. "Hey loverboy I want more cheese!" He exclaimed. "No Plagg." I simply said. "Why not? Is it because you're thinking about your girlfriend?" He asked. I blushed and turned my head the opposite direction from him and said "Shut up." Plagg just laughed at me knowing the answer to that.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you have any ideas or feedback please comment it because I write stories as I go along so I myself don't know what is exactly going to happen yet😅. This is my first book so it might not be that good. And sorry if there are any typos. And yes I know it's kinda weird that Chloe is nice I'm weirded out at bit too😂. But anyways I hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned for more!

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