Chapter 12- The Fight

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~Adrien's pov~

It was a free period so I decided to walk around the field. Then I heard some footsteps but I didn't think nothing of it, since like I said it was a free period, so I thought it was someone going somewhere around school. "Hey Adrien!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I turn around and saw Kyle walking towards me not too happy. When he got in front of me he punched my jaw. "What the hell!?" I yelled. "I didn't come here to talk Agreste. I came her to fight." He said. "I'm not going to fight you." I told him. "I deserve Marinette! She belongs to me!" He yelled. "SHE'S NOT AN OBJECT!!!" I yelled as I punched him in the nose and it started to bleed. "You don't know who you're messing with." He said as he tried to punch me but I dodged it. He doesn't know who he's messing with. I literally fight people with powers all the time. And from there the fight started and people started to crowd around us. Not long after my friends and the teacher showed up to stop us.

"I'm very disappointed in you boys." Ms. Bustier said. We were in the principles office. "You may leave now." She said and we left. I walked home and tried to hide from everyone or else the paparazzi would go crazy. I got home, gave Plagg some cheese and just laid on my bed. We got after school detention for a week. But at least I won since he had more bruises and everyone was saying it when we were walking to the nurse. And it felt nice when everyone was cheering for me too. I just hope Marinette isn't mad at me though.

~Third pov~

Marinette got home before Kyle since he was in the principles office. When she got home she explained to her parents what happened. She was in her room when Kyle arrived. "Kyle we heard what happened." Sabine said. "You know we have to inform your parents what happened right." Tom spoke up. "Please don't." Kyle plead. "Sorry but it's not just that. Marinette also told us what happened a few days ago." Sabine told him. "Oh..." Kyle said as he looked to the ground. "But we'll only tell them about the fight." She said. "Okay. I'll be in my room." He replied.

~Marinette's pov~

"Why do you think they were fighting about Tikki?" I asked my kwami. "Well if I had to guess it was probably over you. And no doubt it was Kyle who stared it because Adrien doesn't seem like he would do something like that." She said. "Yeah and especially after he got exposed." I replied. "I just hope Adrien is okay." I said worried. "I bet he'll be fine, I mean have you seen the bruises he gave Kyle." She told me. "Yeah he gave Kyle more than Kyle gave him. And you're right I'm probably over thinking it." I said. "But just to make sure he's alright I'm going to text him." I said. "Okay I'm going to take a nap." She said. I nodded and grabbed my phone and going through my contacts.

~Adrien's pov~

"Wow, that Kyle character gave you some noticeable bruises." Plagg said as I looked in the mirror. "Pshh, oh please did you see the ones I gave him?" I asked a bit jealous. "Yeah, but that's what he gets for messing with a hero." He said laughing. "You got that right. And especially when he disrespects my princess." I said. "Here we go again." He said while roiling his eyes. "Whatever I'm going to shower so leave." I said.

When I was done showering I ordered some dinner since I don't really know how to cook. I was watching tv and eating my dinner when I heard my phone ding. It was a message from... MARINETTE! Oh no what if she's mad at me! I clicked on the message to see what she said.


M: Hey Adrien. Just wanted to make sure if you're okay.

A: Hey Mari. Yeah I'm alright.

M: So how bad are the bruises😶?

A: They aren't even bad, unlike
his though😅.

M: Yeah I saw his when we ate dinner.
You didn't hold back huh?

A: Nope, not one bit.
Why was he still shaking in fear😎?

M: Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves,
okay mister model?

A: Why not? I mean I did win,
so why can't I have bragging rights?

M: Yeah clearly you're fine, so on that note,

A: Okay fine I'll stop.

M: Nope too late! Bye!

A: No Mari! I was just joking around!

M: Calm down I'm just messing with you silly!
I know you're joking. But I sadly I have to go to bed,
or else I'll be late for school and lately I've been on a roll.

A: But you wouldn't mind being late for me, right😌?

M: Goodnight Adrien!

A: Alight, alright😂. Goodnight Mari!

I love seeing this side of her. It's just so sassy, so funny, so confident, so her. It also made me really happy and feel all warm inside on the fact that she cares about me. I mean she made it out of her way to check up on me. I didn't think that she could get any better. Okay that's a lie because she never fails to amaze me over and over again. She's just too pure for this world and no one would be able to compare or be as perfect. Which is probably why I've been such a coward when it comes to confessing my feelings towards her. But I'm getting there little by little, and I'm so close.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I think it was predictable that Kyle would pick a fight and Adrien would protect his princess. Also I have to go to school because we're testing this week so I might not update that quick but I'll try. Yes I've been doing school online and I'm not use to going back. Anyways cya in the next chapter, bye guys!

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