Chapter 2- He Has Arrived

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~Third pov~

It was the next day and Marinette woke up at a reasonable amount of time since she went sleep early. She got up went to the bathroom and while brushing her teeth she was deciding on whether she should try different clothes or wear the same clothes. After she finished brushing her teeth she headed to her closet and decided on a new style of clothes. She got a light grey long sleeved sweater with a white collar, a light pink skirt, and her white converse. And for her hair since she had the extra time she curled it and then put on a headband that matched the color of her skirt. She got her backpack with Tikki already in it and headed downstairs. Since she still had some time left she ate breakfast with her parents. When she finished she said goodbye got her skateboard and left.

When she arrived she went to get locker and saw that Alya was already there. "Hey girl! Nice outfit." She said. "Thanks." Marinette replied giggling. "Come on let's head to class so we can talk there and so we won't be late." She said as Marinette was closing her locker. "Oka-" Marinette didn't even get to finish her sentence before Alya grabbed her arm and headed to class.

They headed up to their seats and were greeted by Nino and Adrien. They talked about Marinette's outfit just like yesterday. "Did you hear that we're having a new kid? Tomorrow is his first day." Nino told the girls. "Really?" Alya said in disbelief. "Oh yeah he's staying at my house for a while." Marinette said. The three looked at her in shock while she was confused as to why. "What?" She asked. "What do you mean what? The new kid is staying with you!" Alya whisper yelled. "Yeah how is the new kid who still isn't here staying with you?" Adrien asked. "Well apparently parents and his parents are close friends and they're leaving on a business trip for awhile so he's staying with us." Marinette explained. "So what's he like?" Nino asked. "Well he hasn't arrived yet so I don't know. But my parents said that when I get home he should already be there." She replied. Then Ms. Bustier was starting to begin class.

~Time skip to the end of the day~

~Marinette's pov~

I skateboarded home after school ended wondering if Kyle and I are going to get along or not. I arrived home and as I turned around my mom was walking back from the bakery to upstairs. "Hey mom!" I said. "Hello sweetie! Come on I want you to meet Kyle!" Said said excitedly. We went upstairs to the house and she took me to the living were I assume is where he was. We stopped at the living room and there he was, Kyle. He had dark brown hair styled in a perm, hazel eyes, his skin was the same as Sabrina's, and was about the same height as Adrien. "Marinette this Kyle, Kyle this is Marinette." Said my mom introducing us to each other. "Umm hi Kyle." I said while I reached my hand out so he could shake it. "Hello Marinette." He said while shaking my hand. After I retrieved my hand I said "I'm going upstairs to do some homework." My mom nodded and I headed towards my room.

~Adrien's pov~

I was laying on my bed wandering in my own thoughts when Plagg ruined it for me. "Hey kid I'm hungry!" He said. "Pipe down Plagg you already had enough." I told him. "Oh what? You're just jealous that your girlfriend is going to live with another guy for a while." He said with an amused tone. "No I'm just thinking about... stuff." I said with a blush on my face. All he did was laugh. But he had a point I was jealous but I wasn't going to admit it and especially not to him. And just for that since I know he hates it I'm going to visit my princess tonight.

~Marinette's pov~

I finished dinner said goodnight to my parents and Kyle and went to my room. I changed into some pajamas it was a white tank top and some pink shorts. After changing I went up to my desk and started to continue working on my designs. After about an hour and a half I went to lay down on my bed and grabbed a book to help me fall asleep.

A few minutes pass by and I heard some knocking and I knew exactly who it was. I opened the door and there was the alley cat. Chat Noir. "Hey Chat." I greeted him. "Hey there princess." He greeted back. "Wanna come in?" I asked. And he gladly took the invite. And just like that we were in my room on my bed chatting. "Oh I have to warn you to be extra quiet." I told him. "And why is that?" He asked. "Because of Kyle." I said. "Who's Kyle?" He asked confused. "He's the son of my parents friend's and he's staying with us for a while." I explained. "I see." He replied.

~Chat's(Adrien) pov~

I was starting to get jealous of talking about him. So I decided to change the conversation. "So how are things going with you and loverboy?" Trying to bring up the fact that she loves me, well Adrien. A little narcissistic but whatever. "Well yesterday he complimented me and he was blushing while doing so! Is that a good thing?" She said and asked tilting her head. God was she cute. "It's a very good thing princess." I responded.

A while has passed by after hanging out. "Hey Chat I think it's time for you to go to bed besides I've been trying to go to sleep early so I can get to school on time." She said and I nodded in response. We said our goodbyes and I headed home.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I might post 2 or 3 chapters at a time it mostly depends on if I have time and if I'm not lazy😂. So yeah cya in the next chapter!

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