Chapter 17- The Dance

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~Marinette's pov~

When we arrived, there was already students dancing and having fun. And the place was well decorated. Nino went to go take his turn as being DJ, since he was taking turns with this other DJ. "Do any of you want punch?" Luka asked. And we say yes. "Okay, hey Adrien, can you come and help me?" He asked Adrien. "Sure." Adrien responded. And they left to go get punch.

Then we all noticed Sabrina upset again. But she started to get a phone call from her dad and went to the bathroom to hear well. "So, is he almost here?" Alya asked excited. "No not- yes! He's here! I'll go get him. You two text me when Sabrina gets back to surprise her." Chloe said as she left. "I can't wait to see Sabrina's face!" I exclaimed. "Me too!" Alya exclaimed back. "Oh she's coming! I'll text Chloe." Alya said. Sabrina made her way back to her chair and sat down. "Hey Sabrina, look behind you!" Both Alya and I exclaimed in sync. She turned around to find Chloe and her boyfriend (I don't know his name) standing there smiling at her. She squealed while she ran up to him and hugged him. "I can't believe you're actually here!" She exclaimed. "Well since spring break is next week I was planning on visiting you, and with the help of your friends here I am." He explained. "No way! Thank you so much girls!" She exclaimed. "No problem!" Chloe said. "Wanna go dance?" He asked. "Of course!" She responded. And with that they were off to the dance floor. "No way! Sabrina's boyfriend is here?" Adrien asked as him and Luka were handing out our drinks. "Yep, all thanks to us!" Chloe said confidently. And we laughed.

We were all having fun at the dance. Alya was helping Nino DJ, Sabrina and her boyfriend were at the chocolate fountain, Chloe and Luka were dancing, and I was chatting with Adrien at the table while we ate fruit. "I find it funny how you can bake so many delicious pastries that no one can top, but you can't go an entire day without falling." Adrien says while laughing. "I don't know wether to be mad at you for the insult or thank you for the compliment." I said as I playfully rolled my eyes. And we kept on making jokes and laughing.

Then we had nothing else to do anymore and sat in silence. That's when he stood up and reached his hand to me and said "Wanna dance?" with a blush on his face. "O-oh Adrien  I'd love to, but I can't dance. Remember, we were just talking about my clumsiness?" I replied. "Then I'll help you, and besides we've danced before and you were great" He said smiling. I smiled back and took his hand. "Okay." I said and we headed to the dance floor. We started to dance. At first I was a bit anxious but then I started to let lose and have fun.

When the song we were just dancing to finished, I went to back to the table to drink some punch since I was getting a bit tired. When I was done I made my way back to Adrien. "All refreshed now?" He asked chuckling. "Yeah." I answered giggling. Then before the next song started Nino made an announcement "Alright ladies and gentle men, grab your dates and head to the dance floor because the slow dance is about to begin." as the slow song started to play and people made their way to dance. Adrien pulled me closer and my body stiffened. He started to dance as he smiled. I started to relax and danced with him.

After a while we pulled away but kept on dancing. We stared into each others eyes while blushing. We suddenly stopped dancing and started to lean in. I had no idea what I was doing, it was like if I had lost control over my body. We close our eyes as we kept leaning in. Then our lips met, I was surprisingly able to keep my composure. It soon after turned into a passionate kiss. And I heard people cheering and pictures being taken of us, even though my eyes were closed I was still able to see flashlights. We pulled away for air and kept staring at each other lovingly with wild blushes on our faces. People started chanting "Adrienette! Adrienette! Adrienette!" in the background.

We were all finally heading home. Alya was being dropped off by Nino, Chloe by Luka, Sabrina was going home with her boyfriend since he was staying for spring break, and I was being dropped off by Adrien. We were holding hands and talking as we walked to my house. Then we finally got infront of my house. "Well, this is my stop." I said giggling. Adrien chuckled. "Looks like it. By the way, tonight was amazing." He said as he blushed. "Yeah it really was." I said as my cheeks burned. "Well I think we should head to bed after all of that dancing." I said giggling again. "Yeah, I think so too, my legs are going to give in sooner or later." He replied. But before he could leave I cupped his face and gave him a peck on the lips. "Goodnight!" I said while heading inside.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I loved the Adrienette moment, though it wasn't too romantic. I'm still not used to writing that type of stuff. But I'm a sucker for Adrienette. So I'll try and get better😅. But anyways cya in the next chapter, bye guys!

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