Chapter 5- The Competing Begins

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~Marinette's pov~

I had a great time at the carnival on Saturday. And mostly because I spent almost all my time there with Adrien. I mean how could I not? We played games together, we went on different rides together, and he held my hand TWICE!!! I'm pretty sure that I talked Tikki's ears off with all my ranting I did all day on Sunday. Since woke up really late. No seriously by the time I woke up it was 2pm. So Sunday went by quite fast. There was an akuma attack but Chat and I defeated it pretty quick.

Then Monday rolled around. Great. I didn't feel like going to school to learn but I was looking forward to spend time with my friends. I was especially looking forward to having lunch with Adrien. For an entire week! I got up and started getting ready. I decided to wear a white long-sleeved turtle neck with a red skinny dress with thin straps on top, some white air forces, and I let my hair down. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and for the first time Kyle wasn't there. A few minutes passed by and he finally came to eat with us. After we finished we said goodbye to my parents and with that we left for school. On our way there we were talking and making jokes. And if I'm being honest Kyle is pretty hilarious, I could definitely see him being a comedian.

~Adrien's pov~

Alya, Nino, and I were waiting for Marinette and Kyle. When they arrived they were laughing and I was raging with jealously. I was trying to hide it but I guess I wasn't good at it because when Kyle looked at me he smirked. Oh how I wanted to wipe that stupid smirk on his dumb face. But the jokes on him because since I lost the bet at the carnival I was taking Marinette out for lunch. We then greeted each other and headed to class.

We finished our school work early so Ms. Bustier let us talk quietly. "Hey Adrien can we switch? I want to talk to Nino." Alya said with the face she makes when she's planning something. No doubt it was for me and Marinette to sit together. Mari told me in one of our late night chats about how Alya is always planning stuff to get her and me as Adrien closer. "Sure." I said. We both got up and switched places. "Hey Mari so I was wondering, where do you want to go for lunch?" I asked her. "Umm well I was thinking about getting some food from I'm not sure where yet, and then eating at the park." She replied. Time passed by and we agreed to get some takeout and eat in the park you know like a picnic. And it's almost like a date. Which kinda made me happy.

We got out of the class room since it was lunchtime. I was trying to leave quick with Marinette so we could have lunch alone. And of course someone had to ruin it. "Hey, where are you guys going?" Kyle asked us. "Oh me and Adrien are just leaving campus for lunch." She answered him. "Really can I join?" He asked practically inviting himself. "Well actually I lost a bet with Mari at the carnival and I'm the one buying lunch for the both of us." I told him trying to give him a hint that he isn't invited. "That's okay I'll pay for my own lunch, don't worry." He said. "Well then sure why not." Marinette told him. "Great!" He said in excitement.

~Kyle's pov~

I knew what Adrien was doing, trying to make Marinette only spend time with him. Well no way I was letting him do that. I was going to try everything to get to be with Marinette. "So where are we going?" I asked. "We're getting takeout and then we're going to take it to the park and eat it there." Marinette explained. I nodded showing that I understood.

After we got takeout we headed towards the park to eat. We found a good spot and sat down to eat. "Mmm this delicious!" Marinette said. Both Adrien and I laughed. "Hey Mari you have some food, here let me clean it up." Adrien said. He grabbed a napkin and whipped her cheek. "T-thanks A-adrien." She stuttered blushing. Oh no maybe Adrien is going to be harder competition than I thought. "Oh will you look at that, Mari your hands have too much sauce on your hands here let me help you eat." (Kyle's a weird dude😶) And that's how the rest of lunch went, both me and Adrien were hitting on Marinette. But for us, it was competing.

~Adrien's pov~

Kyle was getting on my nerves more and more by the second. He was trying to get with Marinette but I wasn't going to give up that easy. But the more I try something like physical touch and he tries to step it up a notch. But that will soon end when I ask Marinette on a date next Saturday. That's right this smooth black cat has an idea.


Hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! What do you guys think Adrien is planning on doing to beat Kyle? Will he actually beat him up? Nah I don't think so, he's too soft. Or is he😂🤔? Anyways I'll cya in the next chapter, bye guys!

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