Chapter 15- Shopping

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~Marinette's pov~

Both Alya and I were chatting and walking to class. "Hey girls!" Sabrina exclaimed walking up to us with Chloe. "Oh hey, what's up?" I said. "We were thinking about going shopping after school, and we wanted to ask if you two want to tag along?" Chloe spoke up. "I would love to! But I don't know about Mari, since she might make her own dress." Alya said nudging me. I playfully rolled my eyes. "But I still need shoes, and maybe get some accessories as well, Alya." I responded. We laughed as we arrived at the classroom.

~Time skip to the mall~

"So where should we go to first?" Sabrina asked. "We should go dress shopping so we have an idea of what shoes and accessories to get, obviously." Chloe answered. They all agreed. "You girls go ahead I'm going to the food court, and I'll wait for you until y'all go shoe shopping." I said. "Okay girl, bye!" Alya said as they left. And I started to make my way to the food court.

I got in line to get some food when a familiar voice called my name. I turn around and to my surprise it was Adrien. "Oh hey Adrien! What are you doing here?" I said. "Just shopping for the dance. I assume you are too." He replied. "Yeah, but I'm making my own dress so I'm just waiting on the girls until we go shopping for shoes." I explained. He nodded in response. "Oh I was also wondering, what is the color of your dress going to be? So we can match since we're going together." He said slightly blushing. I also felt a small blush creep up on my face. "I was thinking about red and and gold." I said. "Sounds good. Wanna eat together?" He asked. "Sure." I answered.

After we finished eating we kept talking until Alya called and said they were ready. We said our goodbyes and parted ways, then I met up with the girls and headed towards the shoe store. Since I already designed my dress, I had an idea of what shoes to get. Even though it took a while, I found the perfect pair of shoes and purchased them (I'm not telling you guys yet, you'll just have to see in the collage that I'll insert in the chapter of the dance😈). Then we went to other stores to get more things to go along with our dresses.

I was heading home alone with my things, and I noticed that it was getting a bit dark. Good thing that I was close to my house. I heard some footsteps behind me and started to pick up my pace. Then a pair of arms picked me up and they yelled 'Boo'. "Ahhh!" I screamed and elbowed them in the ribs. "Oww princess." They said. And I realized who it was. "Chat, you scared me!" I yelled at him. He bursted out laughing. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "Princess!" He yelled. But since I was close to my house I ran for the rest of the way and went inside.

~Chat's pov~

"Oh I see how it is princess." I said to myself. I headed towards her balcony and taped on the window. But no one opened up and I didn't hear anything, so I tried to open it and it worked. I quietly went inside and noticed that she wasn't there so I just sat on her bed and waited. She climbed back in with a plate of cookies which made my mouth watery. I was about to try and scare her again but then she spoke up. "I knew you'd come." She said and turned to me. "You knew I was here?" I asked. "Yep, and I left the window unlocked on purpose to let you think that you were gonna scare me again." She explain while giggling. We started to spend some time together until I had to go home.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Kinda rushed so you guys could have something to read🤗. I don't know how many more chapters I'll write, but what I do know is that the story is coming towards it's end. But hopefully I'll come up with more stories for you guys! Anyways cya in the next chapter, bye guys!

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