Chapter 6- Flattered And Confused

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~Marinette's pov~

When got back to school I was so out of it and was only replaying what had happened at lunch with Adrien and Kyle. Ms. Bustier and some of my friends had to catch my attention multiple times. By the end of school I said goodbye to everyone and left, not even waiting for Kyle to catch up with me. I arrived home, greeted my parents and told them that I had homework so they wouldn't worry for me. And I quickly went upstairs to my room.

When I closed the door Tikki immediately flew out from my bag. "What's wrong Marinette?" She asked worried. "Tikki what happened at lunch!?" I asked with my face all red. I didn't even need to look in the mirror to know since I felt my entire face burning. "I think that they were both flirting with you. Well more like competing over you." She said as I flopped on my bed. I lifted my head confused "Wait it actually happened!? I thought you were going to say something like it was all in my head!" I yelled but not too loud where I would be heard. "Nope, it's all true. Two boys are fighting over you. And even better, one of them is your crush!" Tikki said. "Well we don't know that for sure." I responded. "You know what, I'm just going to do my homework and try to distract myself." I told her. And she nodded.

~Tikki's pov~

Marinette was so oblivious. It was clear that they were competing over her. But I was just going to let my holder do her thing. I just hope that Adrien hurries up and asks her out before anyone else does not just Kyle. Whether he notices or not there are plenty of guys going after her. Which is why I prey, LITERALLY PREY, that he ends up with her. Every Ladybug and Chat Noir have always ended up together and I don't want this time to be any different. Besides Marinette and Adrien are perfect for each other.

~Marinette's pov~

It took me a while to focus on my homework but I finally finished. I went to my bathroom and took a nice and refreshing shower. After I finished I put on some comfortable PJ's and brushed my teeth. When I was done I decided to watch a movie on my computer and sat on my chaise. And ate some snacks from my secret stash because I was not ready to possibly bump into Kyle just yet.

~Adrien's pov~

After what had happened at lunch Marinette was a bit off. Even Alya pointed it out after she left and Kyle said that she seemed fine. Ugh can you believe this guy, he wants to go out with her and yet he knew nothing about her. And NO I'm not being a hypocrite because unlike him I at least did know some things about her even before I started to visit her as Chat. Speaking of which, since she was acting a bit off I was kinda worried so I decided to visit her. And since she was going to talk to me about Adrien like how we always do at least once, she'll definitely let the cat out of the bag. (Hehe).

When I got there I knocked like usual and it didn't take long before she opened the door. "Hey Chat. I'm actually so glad you're here." She said. "Really? And why's that?" I asked her. "Come in, I'll explain inside." She told me as she was going into her room. And I followed. "So what happened?" I asked. "Well long story short, me and Adrien had a bet and I won so now he has to buy me lunch all week. And today we had takeout at park but Kyle wanted to tag along and I didn't want to be rude so I let him join us, even though I was kinda hoping it was just me and Adrien so it would be like a date." She explained blushing at the date part. "And it was going well until Adrien I guess you could say flirted with me or he was just helpimg but either way I didn't mind. But then Kyle started to do the same thing and it kinda felt weird on his end since I barley know him, so it felt awkward." She continued. I was so happy on the fact that she didn't like Kyle flirting with her. "Then they kept on going from there until we finished! And so afterwards I was flattered yet confused for the rest of the day!" She whisper yelled so her parents nor Kyle would hear. "Do you think they were both flirting with me? Do you think they both like me? Oh my gosh, do you think Adrien likes me!?" She asked me confused. So cute. "Well by the sound of it yes to them flirting, yes to them liking you, and definitely yes to Adrien liking you." I answered. "You really think that Adrien likes me the way I like him?" She asked blushing. "Well yeah, I mean we've been talking about him for a while now and it sounds like he's really into you." I told her.

~Marinette's pov~

Chat went home since he was going to detransform. And I still couldn't rap my head on the fact that Adrien likes me. And thinking about that didn't really let me sleep. So I quietly went downstairs to grab a glass of milk. I take out a glass cup out of the cupboard and place it on the counter top. Then I walk up to the fridge to get the milk out and as closed the door I hear someone say "Marinette?" and I froze in place.


Cliffhanger! Who do you think it is? What do you guys think will happen next? Keep reading to find out. So umm yeah that's all I have to say lmao. Anyways cya in the next chapter, bye guys!

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