Season 8, Episode 3: Upon Further Review

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Agent Washington and Wade walk up to Doc.

Wade: "Doc. What did you find in your scan of the Meta?"

Doc: "Umm, it's hard to say. He's added so much non-standard equipment to his armor that I can't really get a good reading on him."

Washington: "We didn't ask you to run an intelligence report on him. We wanted a medical one."

Doc: "His power systems are stressed from trying to maintain it all. Is he missing some component that controls all this-"

Wade: "Physically. Is he fine, physically?"

Doc: "Yeah, I guess."

Washington: "Good. Next time answer the question I ask. I'm watching you two. Give me any trouble and you're dead. Don't believe me? Ask your buddy about his friend Donut."

Doc (to Simmons and Shadow): "Hey, they do realize that I'm the one who scanned Donut's dead body, right?"

Simmons: "I think they were just making a point. Hey! I have an idea! Give is your scanner."

Doc: "My scanner? Why? It can't be used as a weapon."

Shadow: "Maybe it can. If Simmons and I can overload the power-cell, you may be able it will be able to fire an over-charged burst. It could short out the Meta's systems, either that or..."

Doc: "Or what?"

Simmons: "Huh? What? Na na na na, No 'or', just that, forget the 'or'."

Doc: "You were going to say explode, weren't you?"

Shadow: "...nooooo."

Doc: "Were you guys thinking explode?"

Shadow: "Just give us the damn scanner."

Just then, everyone heard a voice, which made Doc, Shadow, and Simmons to stop talking. Everyone looked at each other before Wash went to go see. He took out his battle rifle, and looked through the scope. He noticed something on the eastern hillside near the large wall: A certain red-armored soldier.

Sarge: "Oh, Simmons... Simmons... Where are you? Yoo-hoo."

Washington: "Looks like just one of them."

Meta: (growls)?

Washington: "I don't know if he has it. I can't see from this far."

Meta: (growls)

Wade: "Want some help?"

Washington: "No I got it. You two stay here, guard these two. I'll go out there."

Meta growls in response.

Wade: "Damn."

Washington: "Don't worry if you won't have fun Wade. If he gives me any trouble, just kill the prisoners and come help me."

Doc: "I hope your friend doesn't give him any trouble."

Shadow: "Well..."

Simmons: "If its one of our friends, he won't stand a chance."

Meta growls at the three.

Wade: "If he is, his head will be on a platter in two seconds."

Cut to Sand Trap. Tucker was walking with C.T. to keep an eye on her and sees she makes her keep. They were looking for the reds as they noticed them, Dani, South, Alexis, and Ash were gone.

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