Season 8, Episode 10: This One Goes To Eleven

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F.I.L.S.S: (voice over) "Alarm, security breach, level Alpha. All personnel report for duty. This is not a drill."

Fade in to the Reds in fear running, and the Legends tactically retreating, from Tex. Meanwhile, Caboose, Ash, South, and Alexis were in a control room overlooking it.

Nevada: "Run!"

Rhode: "Everyone move!"

Grif: "Oh, crap! Where is she?"

Simmons: "I don't wanna die!"

Caboose: (frightened) "Sheila, we have to help them!"

F.I.L.S.S: "Help who?"

Caboose: "Our friends! Tex is attacking them, we have to stop her!"

F.I.L.S.S: "Stop Agent Texas? Oh no, absolutely not. We should never interfere with an ongoing battlefield simulation test. Our job is to observe and document."

Caboose: (desperately) "But she'll kill them!"

F.I.L.S.S: (cheerfully) "Oh, that would be wonderful! What a successful test!"

South: "What is wrong with you?!"

Cut to the Reds and legends, who are panting.

Sarge: "We need to keep moving, everyone. Come on, double-time. Hell, I'd settle for single-time!"

C.T. soon comes running in her new armor after hearing the alarms. No voice filter.

C.T.: "The hell is going on?"

Rhode: (panting) "Connie?!"

C.T.: "Rhode?!"

Simmons: (nervously) "Guys, have a reunion later. We should just fight. I'm afraid she's gonna start picking us off one by-"

Suddenly Tex punches right through the wall and grabs him by his throat.

Simmons: "-one!"

Tex then pulls him forward, slamming his face into the wall, then steps back and kicks it away, sandwiching Simmons and Shadow between the wall and a pile of crates.

Shadow/Simmons: "Ow!"

C.T.: "Oh shit."

Quickly, Sarge raises his shotgun and Alabama raises her sniper rifle. They point their at Tex, but she darts forward, lifts Sarge's shotgun up just before he fires. She kicked Alabama's sniper out her hands then sent a kick to the side of her head. Tex then punches Sarge in the stomach and flings him towards Grif. Sarge stumbles forward as he is thrown and his helmet rams right into Grif's crotch, causing him to scream in pain. Suddenly, Tex barrels straight into them, ramming the two of them into Nevada and Arizona, crashing through a crate before flinging them into a pile of barrels, sending them scattering across the floor. Rhode takes out his gravity hammer and attacks Tex. Tex dodges and grabbed the hammer's handle, hiring Rhode in the face and making him let go, before hitting him with it baseball style into a crate. Meanwhile C.T. tried fighting Tex with her knives and hologram.

Simmons and Shadow emerge from the sandwich.

Simmons: "Oh man, forget this. I need to get a bigger weapon."

Shadow: (takes out and unfolds her bow) "I'll go help them."

Simmons: (nods) "Alright."

Simmons runs off to the control room where Ash, Caboose, Alexis, and South are.

Simmons: "Guys, help us!"

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