Season 8, Epsiode 4: Recovering One

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Fade in to Church entering the giant hole Grif and the jeep blew in canyon wall.

Church: "Whoa. Guess they came this way. Just hope they aren't in trouble or anything."

Back to Simmons, Shadow and Doc.

Simmons: "Ok, now's our chance Doc! Hit him with an overcharge. It should overload at least one of his systems."

Doc: "Um, you do it."

Simmons: "What? Me? I don't even know how to fire that thing"

Doc: "Just pull the trigger and let go. It's super easy."

Shadow: "No, no, no. You're trained with it. You do it. Go!"

Doc: "What if I miss, what if it doesn't do anything but make him mad. I aready made him mad once and that really didn't work out really well."

Shadow: "We...Well, then we'll improvise."

Doc: "Yeah, I don't feel very comfortable with that answer."

Doc squeaked in fear and stood behind the Meta. The latter was currently looking for Wash. Suddenly, an explosion was seen in the distance by everyone.

Doc: "What the heck was that?"

Shadow: "Uh Oh. I just have a bad feeling someone just caused him trouble."

The Meta and Wade face the three as Doc charges the overcharge. Wade and Meta smirk under their helmets.

Simmons: "Oh no, improvise, improvise!!"

Wade: "KILL THEM!"

As the Meta and Wade charges towards them, Doc raises his scanner and pulls the trigger. Suddenly a blast of green energy shoots out from the scanner and hits the Meta square on the chest, sending him and Wade and the brute shot flying backwards against the wall. Meta squishing Wade against the wall, knocking him out. With an angry growl, the Meta gets to his feet, his armor sparking with green electricity, and charges at Doc again while Shadow and Simmons grab their weapons.

Doc: "Uh- whng-"

Doc puts his arms in front f him to brace for impact as he looks away and the Meta slows down almost to nothing.

Doc: "Am I dead? Am I dead?"

Shadow: "Doc, you did it!"

Doc uncovers his arms and looks at the Meta as his eyes widened.

Doc: "He's frozen."

Simmons: "No, it looks like you overloaded his time distortion unit. You must have caused some kind of inversion. Instead of making everything else slow, it made him slow."

Doc: "Huh huh, yeah! Score one for the pacifist. How you like me now, Meta?"

Simmons: "Um, Doc? I wouldn't get too close to him if I were you."

Doc: "Why, what's he gonna do? Beat me up over the course of the next two weeks?"

Shadow: "I think what Simmons is trying to say, is that technically he's not actually moving slower, he's moving at the same speed just over a longer period of time."

Simmons looks at her surprised.

Shadow: "I know stuff."

Doc: "Huh?"

Simmons: "It's relativistic. His fist still travels at the same velocity, we just view it from a faster timeframe. Therefore, it looks slowed down, but theoretically, it should still carry the same force."

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