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Welcome back to Seabrook, where being you is the best thing you can do. Our community is tight-knit and strong, but it wasn't always this way. Since the wall between Seabrook and Zombietown was demolished, both species have had a blast living, working and laughing together. I was a little bit of an outcast in Seabrook, you know...being the only Wolf in town. But, I had my pack, and that's all that mattered. Life was amazing! That was...until were found out

"Ah!" Addison complained as her jacket got snagged on a branch. She glanced at it before she heard a twig snap. Her head swivelled from side to side, trying to find the origin of the noise. "Who's there?" She demanded. "Zed? Who's there?" The sound of rapid footsteps drew near. "Can anyone hear me? Zed?" A low growl echoed through the trees as a group of people surrounded Addison. Each had messy hair with a white streak, fangs, and dressed in purple. They all seemed similar to Addison for some reason, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Addison turned when a bushy-haired girl perched on a rock.

"AWOOOOO!" The girl cried, tilting her head to the sky. There were more footsteps as another figure appeared next to the bushy-haired girl. This girl had darker skin, and a familiar silver mark on her shoulder that matched the girl next to her.

"Alpha, what's-" The girl cut herself off when she saw the white-haired cheerleader in the middle of the field. She sucked in a breath through her fangs.

"Waverly?" Addison breathed. Waverly gripped Willa's arm.

"Let's go." Waverly hissed tugging her friend back. Waverly threw her head back and howled, the call being echoed by the rest of the pack, and as if they weren't there, the wolves disappeared into the dark.


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Whelp. I thought we had more time to prepare, but apparently, because the mayor's daughter was in danger, a town meeting was called. I was getting scornful looks from almost everyone in the room. I was nervously chewing on my claw, waiting for the meeting to start. I could hear Addison's dad claiming that my Pack was circling, waiting for the right moment to attack, and Bucky declaring that someone had to do something. Missy shoved her purse into Dale's stomach as she approached the podium. She slammed the gavel a couple of times to get everyone's attention. I sat up a little straighter. "By order of City Council, effective immediately, all Anti-Monster laws are reinstated." Missy stated, slamming the gavel down. That caused cheers to erupt from most of the humans.

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, getting to my feet. I saw a couple people lean away from me. I felt the pang of sadness and flash of anger at people I've known for ages be afraid of me. "That is unfair and unjust! You saw a couple other Wearwolfs, that haven't attacked you in decades, may I add, and you suddenly think we're trying to kill you?"

"My word is final, Waverly." Missy stated. I growled at her, my eyes flashing gold. I heard a couple screams from the people around me. And you know what? I felt proud. I wasn't gonna roll over and show my belly to them.

"Good luck trying to cage us." I snarled. I stormed out of City Hall, Humans and Zombies alike scrambling to clear me a path. 

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