Zombie Safe Room? Not So Safe

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Everything was going fine, I had packed everything in my locker and I was going to find Addison and Bree. Suddenly, the Z-Alert went off, and I raced around trying to find my friends. I soon found them. "You guy's alright?" I asked.

"We're fine." Addison assured before turning to Bree, "Look, there's a Zombie Safe Room right there. It's gonna be ok." Bree then screamed and ran away. I rolled my eyes, I seem to be doing that a lot today.

"Addison, come on." I gently took Addison's arm and lead her to the safe room. I opened it and she slipped in. I followed after. The lights were dark, the security lights casting a red glow over the room. I frowned, there was a distinct smell of rotting flesh.

"Zombie safe room secure." An Automated voice said. There was a scuffling of feet, and I glared at the noise.

"Hello?" Addison called.

"Hello?" A male voice responded.


"Why hello!"

"Don't get any ideas buster." Addison threatened, "The only thing more deadly than my high kick, is my low kick."

"And I'm a pretty scrappy fighter." I added, "So I play dirty."

"Sorry." The person apologised. "This just isn't how I was expecting my first day at a new school to go." Addison approached the voice, the other one getting closer as well. I stayed behind Addison, but still ready to throw down for my new friend.

"You weren't expecting to be trapped in a Zombie Safe Room?"

"Oh, no, that I expected. That happens to me all the time, it's sort of my thang." Addison giggled. "So...I'm not gonna get low kicked?"

"You're safe."

"From her, maybe, I'm still not comfortable with you yet." I stated.

"Good. 'Cause today's a big day. I'm trying out for the Football team." The boy said.

"Oh, we're both having big days, I'm trying out for the Cheer Squad." Addison admitted.

"That's a tough gig to get."

"Yeah, but I love it. My parents have had me in Cheer Camp since forever."

"Cheer Camp?" I repeated, "That's a thing?" Addison turned to me and nodded.

"My dad doesn't even think I'm gonna make the team." The boy spoke up.

"What?" Addison questioned, "No, sure you will. You just need someone to cheer for you. And soon, fingers crossed, it'll be like my job. So..."

"I'm Zed. What's your name?"

"Addison. And that's Waverly." Addison and the boy, Zed, sounded really close. I waved to where I heard the voices from my spot near the door. "Nice to meet you." The lights then flicked on, "Ah! Zombie!" I raced forward, ready to throw down, but Addison had already decked the boy across the nose. I stepped protectively in front of my friend. "I am so sorry." Addison apologised, "My parents have always taught me that Zombies are disgusting, dead-eyed freaks but...you're not hideous at all."

"Thanks...I'll take it."

"My parents have always hated Zombies since one bit my grandpa's ear off."

"But now we'll just talk your ear off." Addison chuckled. There was a bang, and the door to the Safe Room opened. I turned as Bucky and three of his minions rushed forward.

"There you are!" Bucky called, pulling Addison back from Zed and I.

"Eww!" One of the minions cried,

"Nasty!" Another added.

"Zombie germs!" The last stated.

"If you ever touch my cousin again, it won't be pretty." Bucky threatened, "Which as you can see, is off-brand for me." Bucky stuck his hand out and one of his cronies squeezed some hand sanitiser onto it. Bucky rubbed his hands together. "To the Cheer Tryouts. Seabrook awaits." Bucky pulled Addison close and herded her out of the room, following his possie. I snorted, watching them leave.

"Humans." I muttered, "They're all so predictable."

"What, you not human?" Zed asked, looking down at me. I smirked up at him,

"You'll just have to find out Z." I started to walk out of the room, "See you tomorrow."

"Wait? Wha-" I didn't hear the rest of what Zed was saying as the door closed behind me.

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