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That day at lunch, I was sitting with Addison and Bree in the cafeteria. They had standard school lunches, whereas I had bought my own from home. "What are you eating?" Addison asked as I pulled my sandwich from its bag,

"Steak sandwich." I replied. "My family eats a lot of meat." I took a bite of my sandwich as the PA system crackled.

"Hello Students, this is Principal Lee." I rolled my eyes. Who else would it be? The Janitor? "As you may have heard, the Zombie students are now allowed to eat in the cafeteria." I smiled, turning to the doors as they opened to reveal Zed, Eliza, Bonzo and the other Zombies. They entered with large grins and wide eyes. I hurriedly packed up my lunch.

"Human Cafeteria..." Eliza trailed off. "Wow, Zed, you really delivered." The Zombies went to sit at a table at the back after getting their food.

"I'll see you guys in class." I called behind me as I ran up to the Zombie's table, sliding into an empty seat. "Hello." I greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Eliza asked as I pulled my lunch out of my bag again.

"Well, you're getting integrated more into society, right? Might as well eat with humans." I took a bite out of my sandwich, grinning at the Zombies. Bonzo said something in Zombie. I frowned my eyebrows, "Dude, you're a great hugger and all, but I can't understand you."

"He asked why your lunch is different from everyone else's, and ours." Zed translated.

"My family eat a lot of meat." I explained with a shrug. I laughed with Zed as Bonzo started to juggle apples. I snatched one out of the air and took a bite out of it, smirking at the taller boy.

"Addison!" Zed called, and the cafeteria went silent. I turned and watched as Addison made her way to our table.

"Hi." Addison greeted. "Um... as they say in old zombie tongue..." Addison then proceeded to say something in Zombie. "I looked it up on the internet."

"Um, you just thanked me for rubbing peanut butter on your umbrella."

"Addison, hon, you gotta make sure you're saying the right thing." I snorted, "Otherwise you're always gonna be ending up in these situations."

"Oh, um..." Addison trailed off, "I meant...welcome to the cafeteria."

"Thanks." Eliza and I shared a look over the table, we could see where this was going. Bonzo offered his hands to Addison. I peeked over his shoulder and saw that he had made a flower out of the peeled apple skins. Addison took it gently.

"Thank you."

"Ok, why is Perky Von Cheerstick her?" Eliza demanded. "The point of having our own table is to avoid people like her."

"And me?" I wondered, taking a bite out of the apple still in my hand,

"You're not a cheerleader." I shrugged.

"Oh, no, I just wanted to thank Zed for rescuing me from the-" Addison was then grabbed by she elbows and dragged away, dropping the flower Bonzo had made. Bonzo looked heartbroken. I pat his shoulder.

"Sorry, buddy." I muttered. Zed then grabbed the flower and raced out of the room, following Addison. "Ah, young love." I sighed. "What bliss."

"How would you know what love is like?" Eliza questioned. I just gave her a coy smile, taking a bite of my sandwich.

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