Moonstone Hunt

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The next day, after waking up, I noticed that...more of my hair had turned white, a strip of it on the other side of my original had lost all pigmentation. the pack had acquired a map of the decommissioned plant, and we were going over it in an empty hallway. "Alright, we don't have much time." Wyatt said. "This is how we sabotage the demolition and stop them."

"It's my responsibility to make sure we're all safe." Willa stated. "We follow my lead."

"This isn't just on you, Willa." I said softly, setting my hand on her arm, my claws gently scratching the silver mark on her shoulder. "I'm here with you too, you're not alone."

"It's a good plan, Willa." Wyatt argued.

"What plan?" Addison asked as she approached.

"We're going after the Moonstone." Wynter told her. "Top secret. You can't tell anyone." Her eyes then widened when she realised what she had done. "Bad wolf! Bad wolf!" Wynter hit the sides of her head with her hands."

"You're going after the Moonstone now?"

"It won't survive the detonation." Wyatt told her.

"Then let me join you. I'm ready to become a wolf."

"If you really are one." Willa countered. Addison grabbed the moonstone case and opened it, only to pause.

"It's gone." She said softly.

"You lost the Moonstone?" I breathed. "Addison..." I stepped closer to her, "Addison, there were only two of those Moonstones saved for outsiders to enter the Pack." I jabbed my finger into her shoulder, "You lost the one that was supposed to be for the Great Alpha."

"Well then give me the other Moonstone." Addison said, holding her hand out. I stepped back, my eyes turning Gold gripping my Moonstone.

"No." I growled at her. Addison sucked in a breath,

"Ok, sorry."

"If you were the Great Alpha, you wouldn't have been so careless." Willa almost snarled.

"No, I don't know know how!" Addison protested.

"Stay out of our amazing hair."

"What's going on here?" A voice demanded. Looking behind Addison, I saw my mother standing stall with a small scowl. "Waverly, come here, I need to talk with you."

"She's not going anywhere with you!" Wynter snarled, causing a collective growl to echo from the pack.

"Ignore her." I said, turning my back on my birth mother. "Let's go, we have to find the Moonstone." I started to lead my pack away from my mother and pushed open the doors of the school, leading us off the ground.

" I started to lead my pack away from my mother and pushed open the doors of the school, leading us off the ground

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We soon found ourselves running through the demolition sight, alarms blaring in our ears. My bones were thrumming with power, the more we wove through the Power Plant, the more I could feel. We soon had lights glaring down on us from all angles and the Z-Patroll surrounding us. "Wolves, freeze where you are!" Dale ordered as he got out of the car. The pack let out a snarl, glaring at the Z-Patrol, creating a loose circle. "You're trespassing Werewolves!" Zed's dad stepped up next to Dale.

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