Unexpected Visitors

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I was nervous as hell the next day. I could smell my pack in the vents and was worried they'd blow their cover. I was nervously tapping my claws against my thighs, moving through the day on auto-pilot when I felt a hand on my arm. I let out a very dog-like yelp when I turned to the person. "Are you ok Waverly?" Bree asked, pinching her eyebrows together.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine." I said quickly, giving her a grin.

"You don't look fine."

"I promise, I'm ok." I assured. I wrapped my arm around Bree's. "Now come on, let's head to the assembly." Bree nodded and together, we walked into the assembly hall. After a little bit of nonsense, Principal Lee got into what I believe the school thought was a life or death situation. Student Council President.

"Ok, are there any more nominees for President?" She asked. "Just a reminder that being part of Student Council means that we get to hang." I cringed, that was not the right thing to say. "Anybody...anybody wanna hang? Anybody want to...hang out? Anyone? Oh, we could come up with our own very complicated high five. That'd be fun! Like..." Principal Lee was thankfully cut off by the band starting to play, and the students starting to chant. I watched as a massive banner fell over the railing to reveal Bucky's face with the lines 'Bucky for Presdient' printed next to it. Students started to cheer as Bucky did a couple cartwheels to get to the podium. He practically pushed Principal Lee aside as he stood in her place.

"Great news." He announced. "We have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year. Me!" Bucky did his jazz hands. The students started to chant 'Bucky'. I then watched as Zed of all creatures fell down the bleachers, did a flip, and then landed beside Bucky, pushing him away and into the principal as he took the stand.

"Zombie Strong!" Zed cheered. "Hello everyone. My name is Zed and I am running for president." I clapped alongside the student body, I was glad he was stepping up to the plate.

"Zed can't steal my spotlight!" Bucky complained. "What about the whole 'Anti-Monster Thingy'!"

"Anyone can run for President, Bucky." Addison retorted.

"She actually has a point, Mister Bucky." Principal Lee said before scurrying away.

"What!?" Bucky demanded, following her.

"A Zombie for President?" Lacey exclaimed.

"Eww!" She and the Acey's complained. The Zombies started to cheer for their candidate.

"Ok, if you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" Zed declared. The students started to cheer for Zed. "As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces Humans, and-"

"Werewolves!" Bree cried out, pointing behind her.

"Um, no, why would we want..." Zed looked behind us, causing me to turn my head. "Werewolves!" A grin grew on my face as my Pack burst through the doors. Everyone ran. I tried to push through the crowd, but I couldn't due to the bodies running the other way.

"There she is!" Willa stated, pushing forward.

"Football team! Defence! Z-Twenty-Four Right!" The Football team formed a barrier around Addison.

"Where's the Moonstone, White-Hair!" Willa demanded.

"I think you've got the wrong person." Addison stated. I was dimly aware of Eliza trying to break her Z-Band and Zed trying to stop her.

"Our razor-sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood!" Wynter declared. Everyone gasped. Willa gave her a look. "Too much?"

"Wolves!" Willa barked, her necklace glowing and her eyes turning gold, "On my command!" Our Packmates followed her lead.

"Willa!" I yelped, pushing through the bodies in front of me to stand in front of Willa. "Babe, hi, yeah, I don't think it's a good idea to go up against the entire town." I dropped my voice to a whisper. "Remember, I've built up trust with them, they could help us find the Moonstone. We won't be able to find it on our own with them breathing down our hides. Ok?" Willa looked into my eyes, her own fading back to brown. She nodded after a second.

"I hate it when your right." Willa muttered.

"Eh, you love me anyway." I turned to my classmates and smiled, showing off my fangs, "Everything's ok guys!" I looked back to our Pack who's eyes were still gold, "Guys, drop it!" The Wolves' eyes turned back to their natural colours.

"Sorry." Willa apologised, stepping up beside me. "We Werewolves so admire your town and we just came here to...join your school!"

"What!" Bucky protested, shoving the Acey's out of the way. "They can't join our school!"

"Technically the Forbidden Forest is within the school district." Coach admitted.

"That's where I've been living the last couple of years." I spoke up.

"So...welcome to Seabrook!" Addison greeted, pushing her way through the Football team. I felt a hand slip into mine, and I looked over to Willa, giving her a gentle smile.

"Uh..." Principal Lee trailed off. "Well, with that out of the way, I would like to introduce our new staff and a new student." We all turned back to her. "First, I would like to introduce our new school nurse, Doctor Dorothy Howlman." I froze, staring wide-eyed as my mother walked onstage.

"Wait, isn't your last name Howlman?" Wynter asked.

"Shh!" I hissed at her.

"Our new biology teacher Doctor Thomas Howlman." Principal Lee continued. "And their son, Miles Howlman." My eyes narrowed when the two others walked onstage. My father, and then a new person I had never seen before. "I hope you can all welcome then with open arms." The crowd started to disperse, but the Wolves stayed close.

"Waves?" Willa questioned softly. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I said, starting to turn. "Let's get you all to the office, we have to get your schedules." We started to walk away when a call made me paused.

"Waverly!" Mum cried, her heels clicking against the linoleum as she hurried towards me. "Waverly, oh my sweet girl." She turned me around and then cupped my cheeks. "You're here, oh my god your here." I was stiff as she hugged me. My thoughts were racing. Get off, get off, get off, get off, get off. She eventually pulled away, inspecting me. "What happened to you? Who did this?" Mum glared at the wolves. "These...Monsters, did they do this to you?" There was a snarl from behind me and I lifted my hands, causing it to fade.

"Hello Mother." My gaze shifted to Dad. "Father. I didn't know you were coming to Seabrook."

"We didn't either." Dad admitted. "We got offered a good job here, and we decided to take it. And, now that you're here, we wanted to introduce you to someone." Dad gestured to the boy beside him. "This is Miles, your brother." I looked Miles up and down.

"He's not my brother." I turned to them. "So your children are just replaceable, are they?"

"That's not-"

"No, do you even remember Wanda?" My parents shared a confused look. I scoffed. "Yeah, thought as much, you didn't even name her." I stepped back from Mum's hands. "You're the worst parents ever, experimenting on a pup so young? She couldn't speak before I took her from you. You are no family of mine." I took a couple more steps back to be closer to the pack. "This is my family."

"Those Monsters aren't your family." Mum told me. "They turned you into whatever this is."

"No, this wasn't them. This was all you. Our family has dormant Wearwolf genes. Wanda was lucky, she was born on a full moon which activated them. I chose to change, I chose a new family, separate from the horrible people you are!" The last part I roared, my Moonstone glowing and my eyes turning gold. "Now, if you don't mind my family and I are going to class." I turned on my heel, and stalked away, snarling angrily as the pack trailed after me.

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