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Hey everyone, I've decided to make this announcement on this book and I know it's been a long time ever since I finished this story completely but I wanted to announce something.

I've noticed people have been reading this book still to this day and I say thank you for the support you've given of this book, I appreciate it despite this book is kind of old lol.

But as what I wanted to say was, I'm not entirely sure if the hype of Pokemon Sword/Shield has died down or I hope not for the least bit I wanted to make some adjustments.

I've been thinking of re-writing this book.

I'm not going to take it down, I just want to rewrite it because of some minor mistakes I've made on this book like typos or storyline I've messed with a lot. My writing style has changed a little as well making me curious as to changing both the story and all.

I want to ask how you guys would feel about it, that's if you all still read this book that is. Let me know what you would think.

If you're okay with the original I can always write a Raihan x reader that I scrapped over a year ago. I was going to write a Raihan x reader but never got to it.

Let me know if you would prefer one, what do you guys feel about this?

(Ps: I won't be getting to it right away, it'll possibly take me a little time.)

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now