Part 24

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You took a long break after all your battles you've had. You took the time to process your thoughts and even have a food break with Hop. Leon wouldn't show up, that's how you knew he was serious about his whole challenge.

You finally got back into the finals, wearing your gym uniform. You headed through the door of the stadium breathing in and out. You felt a frown on your face as you continued to walk. You saw Leon who had that huge smile across his face.

You felt a smile from out of nowhere form on your face. You knew this was going to be great.

"Now for the final battle before it's decided whether Y/N becomes the champion...!" Leon yelled.

He was about to take out his pokeball when suddenly he was interrupted. The TV switched to an unknown place.

"Hello Leon, I see you have rejected my proposal. Of course you would, you would do anything for her and for everyone. I plan on bringing back the darkest day again so that everyone will see it..." The voice of Chairman Rose was heard.

You looked over at the TV and so did Leon, both shocked at what was going on.

You saw Leon look over at you.

"Y/N, stay behind...! I'm sure I'll be able to deal with this! I believe Chairman Rose can still change...!" Leon ran off.

But you weren't going to listen to him, you decided to start following him even if he said no.

You arrived at Hammerlocke in which you saw an old rusty shield on the ground. You picked it up wondering where this was from when...

You remembered your mum telling you about these old stories about a sword and shield hero who once saved people from the darkest day.

"Leon... Could it be that he was carrying this with him...??" You headed into the Hammerlocke palace and looked to the side to see a weak Raihan on the ground.

"Raihan....!" You yelled as you ran up to him holding him.

Raihan coughed and smiled as he looked at you.

"Didn't think you'd be worried about me." Raihan continued to cough.

"Raihan... What happened to you! You look hurt...!" You saw injuries and bruises on Raihan.

"I'll be fine, don't worry kid. You should worry about Leon, he went up there to challenge Chairman Rose and so did his little brother. You should check on them better." Raihan laughed.

"But what about you... I can't leave you here." You held Raihan in your arms.

"I'll be fine, I'm not a kid after all." Raihan laughed and closed his eyes. It turns out he just passed out from how exhausted he was.

You took the elevator to the top floor of the palace, you arrived in a room you didn't know of and searched around. There you saw Chairman Rose with a smile on his face, Leon leaning on the ground, looking like he was going to surrender himself to Chairman Rose and Hop who had fainted on the ground.

"L-Leon....!!" You ran up to them and quickly grabbed ahold of Leon before he would drop down to the ground out of exhaustion.

"What did you do to them...!!" You yelled at Chairman Rose.

He didn't say a word but looked at you with an upset look on his face.

"I tried to convince Champion Leon to join me, none of this would've happened if he joined but all he kept saying was how much he cared about people, Hop, and you. Especially you." Chairman Rose faced you.

"You're evil....!!" You yelled at Chairman Rose with anger in your face.

"Well now, endorsed trainer... If you will be the one who joins me instead I'd be rather happy about it. Will you agree with me? How about it? I'll let Hop and Leon off in exchange for your help to revive the darkest day." Chairman Rose looked at you with a serious look in his face.

You took out your pokeballs in anger.

"I'm assuming that's a no, what a shame... I guess I have to prove to you that you are weak like these two." Chairman Rose took out his pokeballs.

You can feel a cold breeze and fear rise up to you. Seeing the true Chairman Rose was very twisted...

After a long and fierce battle between you and the Chairman, he sent out his last remaining pokemon.

"Not bad, if only you didn't let your talent go to waste and used it by my side. I could've made you my secretary instead." You saw Chairman Rose's wishing star glow.

You were only left with Inteleon since your team fought off the other pokemon and fainted in the course of it. You weren't going to lose to Chairman Rose.

You dynamaxed Inteleon feeling a huge adrenaline in you. You felt sweat pour down your forehead as you stared at Chairman Rose and his pokemon.

"What's the matter? Scared are we? Didn't expect such a thing from you." Chairman Rose let out a small laugh.

He seemed awfully scary for such a bad person.

Inteleon and Chairman Rose's pokemon continued on fighting on and on, both weak while struggling to battle.

"Chairman...! Why do you want to do this...?!" You yelled.

He didn't answer you but stared at you with that serious look in his face with a smile. He wasn't willing to speak about anything.

"I'm going to wipe that stupid grin off your face you hear me!" You yelled in anger.

You kept on healing your Inteleon while Chairman Rose did the same. You came up with a strategy to defeat Chairman Rose for good in which you ended up defeating Chairman Rose.

He looked at you with a smile and said

"You're a very strong trainer..."

You quickly went back to Leon and held him in your arms. He wouldn't wake up from when he was passed out after this whole thing. You hoped Leon would be okay.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now