Part 12

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Back at by your room in the hotel, you opened the envelope while Hop wasn't around and saw pictures. You dug in deep to reveal pictures of Leon and Sonia.

Your eyes widened as you stared at them, you felt a faint gasp from out from your mouth as you saw some of Leon and Sonia hugging and smiling.

They seemed really happy and too close, almost like lovers.

"Was this really for me...?" You thought in your head.

You looked at more pictures and found one with writing behind it.

"To Sonia, I know we've been rivals for a long time now. We went from rivals to now good friends ever since I became the champion. I never got to fess up and explain what's been on my mind and heart." You read.

You felt upset to read the next part but continued on anyways.

"I doubt I'll ever give you these but I'm going to write how I feel, I... I have been in love with you ever since we were rivals. You were always the kind one looking after me and even being there for me. When Raihan and I would get into a fight, you'd always stop it. It was cute how you would always be the one to look after me." You continued on.

You didn't really believe it, a love letter for Sonia. They did seem awfully close and when Leon would be around her he'd at least smile or compliment her.

You looked upset putting the photos and the one with writing back inside the envelope. You hid it in your bag.

"What am I even doing anymore... It's going to happen like the dream I had.." You thought about Leon harshly rejecting you, maybe it was true.

Maybe your whole friendship or even friendly relationship had been a lie. Maybe your feelings for him had been a lie all this time.

Your Drizzile came out of it's pokeball, giving you a big hug.

"Thanks Drizzile..." You thought as you looked down.

You took a look at the balcony to your hotel and put your hand on the curtain.

"I don't want to be in love with someone who loves someone else but yet........ I can't stop. My feelings keep lingering on for him. I don't know what to do Drizzile." You sighed.

"The whole reason I fell in love with him is because......"


You were somewhat a little younger back then. You sat alone bored as usual, having your mum's Munchlax by your side.

"Hey, you seem lonely? Do you wanna play with us?" A boy's voice said.

Back then Leon would visit his parents during his journey to become champion. Chairman Rose was the champion before Leon.

In front of you stood a younger Leon, no beard or long hair yet. As well as Hop besides him.

"No thanks, I'm good." You looked down and sighed.

Leon reached towards your hand and pushed you slightly towards him, having you land on his chest.

"W-What are you doing...??" You asked.

"If you're not going to have fun with us then I suppose I'll have to drag you with us by no choice! I can't leave a cute girl out here!" Leon smiled.

You felt a faint blush on your face as he called you "cute".

You gave in and had Leon and Hop take you to their place where you would all play with Leon's Charmeleon.

"Lee! Your pokemon are always amazing!' Hop smiled.

"Haha, that's funny. I formed this team because this is the team I want to use when someone challenges me." Leon smiled.

You sat down looking at the corner of the room not facing the others.

"Come on Y/N! Don't feel left out!" Leon brought his Charmeleon close to you.

You put your soft tender hand on Charmeleon, giving him a slow pet. Charmeleon smiled appreciating you.

"He likes you! See what I mean!" Leon gave you a smile.

From then on out, Hop and Leon were you friends as you came to play with them and Charmeleon.

It wasn't until that day when you saw a pokemon enter the forbidden area your mum never told you to go to, Slumbering Weald forest.

You wanted to be a hero and thought maybe no one would notice you going in so you quickly ran in to chase after the pokemon.

It was a small lost and scared Eevee alone in a place like that.

You ran across the grass having pokemon chase you even though you didn't have pokemon back then.

You found the Eevee and embraced it into your warm arms as you held it and said

"Don't worry! I'll protect you!" It wasn't until an ominous fog prevented you from going back for you were blinded.

You looked around with an upset look on your face. You heard a howl that scared you.

A large dog pokemon's eyes glared at you with a look.

You began to tear up as you saw it, you were terrified and wanted to go home.

It wasn't until you heard someone yell out your name.

"Y/N!!!!" You heard a familiar voice despite not being able to see through the fog.

You felt a hand touch you and arms swoop you up from your feet as well as the Eevee. You saw from a closer perspective it was Leon.

"Leon what are you doing here? How did you know I was here?" You asked Leon.

Leon gave you a big smile and said

"Isn't it obvious? The hero always knows where the princess in distress is!" Leon ran with you in his arms and his Charmeleon by his side.

You felt a faint blush on your face as his words echoed in your head.

After getting you out of the forest Leon had put you down and closely reached towards your face.

"Are you alright? You're not hurt anywhere are you?" Leon asked you.

You can feel his hand on your hair as he ran his finger down your s/h l/h/h/c(Your short hair, long hair, hair color)

You blushed as you looked away.

"I-I'm okay...!" You stuttered to speak.

"Ah, good! I wouldn't want to see a cute girl get hurt anyways." Leon smirked.

"Q-Quit teasing me!" Your face turned red.

After that whole incident you began to feel something else to Leon, not only did you see him as a friend but you wanted to be loved by him.


You thought about how that's what caused you to have feelings for Leon. You doubt he'd have feelings for you back now that you saw that but it felt upsetting to remember that.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now