Part 27

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You awoke from your nap to feel nothing but emptiness besides you. There was a note on the bed.

"I ended up waking up early, and trust me I do feel a lot better. You don't have to scold me about sleeping since you made me sleep better. I'm refreshed and better. I'll be waiting for to challenge me." -Leon, the unbeatable "boyfriend" crossed with "champion" replacing boyfriend.

You got up from the hospital bed feeling awkward and uncomfortable. You took the Corviknight Cab all the way to Wyndon.

You walked into the league building being greeter by people cheering you on. You went inside the locker room and changed into your gym challenge uniform. Your journey was about to come to an end here.

"Inteleon, Umbreon, Corviknight, and , it's been a long journey... I've raised you all and you've all grown so strong and amazing so I just want to say... Do your best! We can do this!" You felt your pokeballs shake as if they seemed happy.

You walked into the stadium in which you heard an announcement and cheering fans. You saw your mum, Hop, Marnie and Raihan cheering on for you.

"Introducing the battle between Leon and trainer Y/N...!" The announcer yelled.

You saw Leon make his grand entrance with a quick pose. Leon smiled, putting his hand on his chest.

"Words can't say how proud of you I am... You've grown a lot. But I'm about to let you know that I won't go down that easily! I am the unbeatable champion and I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl..!" Leon began to take his cape off as it flew off.

Leon put his hands on his cheeks like Hop did in his battle, smacked then with a serious look on his face as he threw out his first pokemon, .

You decided to use Umbreon for this battle.

"I see you raised the Eevee I gave you... You're such a sweetheart...!" Leon squealed.

"Leon, take the battle seriously! Now's not the time for this..." You felt your face heat up, Leon was making you nervous.


You ended up defeating all of Leon's pokemon leaving him left with his one and only justice partner Charizard. Charizard was usually the pokemon everyone who challenged the league lost to.

Leon and Charizard had been training and been together since Leon was a kid. This was the big moment, you sent out Inteleon.

Leon looked at you with a smile.

"Once I'm through with you, you'll be the one running to me crying in my arms as I beat you!" You saw a joyous grin come out of Leon.

You both dynamaxed your pokemon, Leon's Charizard looked really cool to you. You felt a smile grow on your face as Inteleon used Max Geyser.

Inteleon left a big blow on Charizard leaving him weak. Your Inteleon was weak as well. It was a one on one showdown. This battle would determine if you're stronger than Leon and becoming the champion.

Inteleon luckily went first then you, defeating the opposing Charizard. Charizard fainted leaving Leon in shock. The crowd gasped as you defeated had defeated Leon.

Everyone began talking about how you just defeated the unbeatable champion. You felt a nervous tension rise upon you but suddenly you heard the crowd scream your name out.

You saw Leon take his hat off and hide his face. You heard sniffing sounds come out from him.

"Is he crying....??" You thought in your head.

Leon then lifted his hat away and threw up in the air with a smile on his face as he raised his hand high up in the air.

"My time as champion is over...! It's been fun! Thank you for the greatest battle I've ever had!" Leon yelled.

"Congratulations Y/N! You've beat the unbeatable champion, making you the new champion of the region! I offer you my heartfelt congratulations!" Leon pointed at you.

You saw your face broadcasting all over the TV's in the stadium. You saw that even you were smiling through this.

Leon walked up close to you.

"And now that you've grown so strong, perhaps it's time I started looking ahead of myself, mainly you in case you don't start any trouble." Leon put his hand on your shoulder.

"People of Galar! Here you have it! A new legend born right before your eyes! Your champion, Y/N! Bet you can't wait how Y/N will be like! Trust me even I already see so much in her!" You saw a faint blush on Leon's face.

"I sure can't wait! Let's see what she can do!" Leon reached in for you hand but before you knew it you had leaned in forwards Leon for a stolen kiss on the lips.

Leon had raised your arm but felt your lips pressed on his.

You heard the crowd cheer for the both of you. They seemed to think it was cute of what was happening. A fire works show began.

After that whole kiss thing you were brought into the locker room where a female receptionist brought you your very own exclusive champion outfit. It was exactly like Leon's.

"Oh and Leon asked me to bring you this." The woman handed you Leon's cape.

You took the cape and once the woman left you felt yourself snuggling with his cape, finally putting it on for yourself.

You then realized that you wanted to see Leon, you didn't care about being at your position as the champion but rather.. Spending time with Leon.

You walked out wearing the champion clothing they gave you and asked where Leon was.

"The last time I saw Leon, he said he was heading for Hammerlocke. The palace..." The female receptionist said.

You had a crowd of people approach you since you were now the new champion. Inteleon luckily helped you escape. You headed to Hammlerlocke quickly running up the stairs of the castle all the way to the rooftop.

You were breathless with Inteleon by your side. You saw Leon wearing ordinary clothes and standing by just looking at the sunset.

Inteleon gestured you to go and that he would wait for you to return soon. You did so walking up to Leon.

"I expected you to come." Leon said.

You paused for a bit in nervousness, Leon's tone in his voice seemed upset.

"Y-Yeah I did...!" You nodded in agreement.

Leon turned around and quickly embraced you in his arms, squeezing you tightly.

"You look so cute champion!" Leon laughed.

You laughed.

"How come you didn't stay behind? You were supposed to have your victory dinner celebration." Leon asked.

"I didn't want to... Truth is... I wanted to spend time with you Leon." You smiled.

"With me...?" Leon stuttered.

You nodded in agreement.

Leon picked you up from the ground carrying you bridal style.

"Of course I would...!" Leon laughed in hysterically.

Leon ended up taking you to a restaurant and you two ended up eating in your celebration of becoming champion.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now