Part 23

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You entered the pokemon league stadium, the last place you'd be in to battle and become the champion. This would also mean you'd have to battle Marnie and Hop all competing for the same objective, becoming the champion.

You looked around and saw people cheering on for you.

"Go Y/N! You can do it Y/N!" You had fans of you cheer.

"Wow... I didn't know I have fans.." You looked at the people and waved at them with a smile.

You heard a familiar voice call out to you.

You turned and saw Leon walking up to you, hand on his hip and a wide smile on his face. He looked over at you in excitement.

Leon was about to hug you when he stopped himself.

"No wait, let's make this a challenge. If you beat me in the battle, I'll give you the biggest hug and kiss you'll ever receive." Leon smirked.

"T-This is no fair...!" You devastatingly said.

Leon laughed.

"I knew you won't be able to stand without that." Leon crossed his arms.

Leon did his pose and before he left he said

"Oh and, I wish you luck! I'll be waiting Y/N." Leon walked off.

You sighed as you looked down at the ground, suddenly hearing another familiar voice.

"Y/N...! Huh, oh I finally made it...!" You heard a breathless Hop say.

You looked over at him, taking out a fresh water. You handed it towards him.

"You seem tired, want some water?" You asked Hop.

"Sure, thanks Y/N." Hop took the water from you, drinking it.

"So Y/N, are you ready?! Our battle is about to come to an end! Only one of us will remain champion." Hop smiled, brushing off dust from his jacket.

"Mhmm, ready then ever!" You nodded in agreement.

"Just letting you know... I will win against you! And I will become the champion!" Hop yelled.

"Don't forget about me too!" You heard another voice.

Marnie came up to both of you with a cheerful smile.

"Although, even if I'll become the next dark type gym leader... I want to prove I'm strong and my love for Hop." Marnie blushed.

Hop looked over at Marnie and gave her a hug.

You sighed as you thought of Leon, but Leon was challenging you so there was no way you were going to lose his challenge.

You walked into the dressing room and changed into your uniform. Feeling a confident smirk on your face.

After defeating all the gym leaders you were left with Hop and Marnie. To face against them was going to be a challenge since they've trained hard but it's worth it.

You walked in with Marnie staring at you.

"I won't lose... I'll become the next champion.. !" Marnie yelled.

Soon after that you defeated Marnie, now being left with Hop. To think you'd face your rival here and now. You were on a role.

You took a small break before heading to the next challenge which was Hop.

"Y/N, are you ready? Just because you're my old rival doesn't mean I won't go easy on ya.. !" Hop smirked.

"Neither will I, rival." You smiled.

You battled with Hop, low on pokemon until your team won. It was quite impressive. You saw Hop smack his cheeks in disappointment as he sighed.

You both were put on break, Hop came walked towards you with Cinderace by his side.

"I can't believe you beat me... I knew you were always strong but I didn't expect you to be this strong." Hop stretched his arms.

"That's me for you." You laughed.

"You know, ever since you defeated me I finally have come to a conclusion... I want to grow and train as hard as you so that I can defeat you one of these days! I will!" Hop smiled.

You gave Hop a thumbs up.

"Give my mum a hug for me." You smiled.

"Oh and Y/N, good luck on battling Lee.. Lee is the unbeatable champion after all." Hop walked off.

You couldn't believe you were about the champion. The time was going to come anyways but you still couldn't believe it.

You took a small break with Inteleon by your side and eventually headed to the stadium. You looked around and waved at the people watching.

"Hold up!" A familiar voice yelled out.

You turned the other way, hearing the audience gasp in suspense. In front of you was Bede wearing pink and blue, he seemed different then how you last saw him.

"I want a rematch..! You may have beaten me but I am not giving up! Even if I'm not an endorsed trainer by Chairman Rose anymore I will not give up!" Bede pulled out his pokeballs.

"You, me...! Battle now!" Bede yelled.

Everyone began to question of Leon was okay with it.

Leon yelled

"I'm okay with it! As long as it's a fair battle!" His voice echoed.

You saw Leon watch from a distance, standing by idle.

You listened to what Leon said and decided to battle Bede because he would force it on you either way.


You eventually defeated Bede, Bede looked angry after his battle. He took the time to breathe in and out and looked at you.

"Very well, you may have defeated me but even at this loss I won't give up! Let's rematch one more tim-" You saw Leon cover his mouth.

"Yeah yeah, enough of that." Leon dragged Bede out while he kept yelling.

You went to the backstage room where you were being visited by both Piers and Raihan.

"Yo, it's been a while." Raihan laughed.

"Rock it hard Y/N!" Piers said.

"Now that I think of it, Leo will be devastated once you beat him. You'll be taking his responsibility and business as well as his champion title. Can't wait to see him cry like a baby. " Raihan laughed.

"I don't want to make Leon cry now..." You looked upset.

But little did you know, the battle would change everything.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now