Part: Valentine's Special(Late)

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(Apologies if I'm late for this one here, I was awfully busy yesterday and I didn't have time to write. But please enjoy this Valentine Special!)

Ever since you became the champion, chores and even business meetings have been taking over for you. You found yourself either stressed or tired at points until you heard from your mum.

Your mum called you saying today was Valentine's Day and that surely you'd have to take a break off your duties as champion.

You sighed deeply.

"Valentine's Day huh..." You checked your messages with Leon or even phone calls. Surprisingly there was nothing up for you.

"Ms.Y/N." You heard one of the female receptionist say.

You looked over at the receptionist.

"I have a letter here directed to you. It's for you only to read and personal." The receptionist said.

"Thank you." You smiled and waved goodbye to her.

"You're so kind champion..." The lady walked off mumbling.

You saw the letter had the shape of a heart sticker on it. You opened the letter and to your surprise it was a letter from Leon himself.

"Why couldn't he just text me instead of taking the time to write a letter for me...?" You thought in your head as you read the letter.

It said Leon was bailing out on Valentine's Day.

"Are you kidding me...?!" This angered you a little. You decided you'd go out and look for Leon out of curiousity and anger.

You went to Hammerlocke and noticed Raihan not wearing his usual clothes but wearing a suit and holding flowers.

"Wow, to think I'd see you like this again? Who are those for?" You asked Raihan.

"Someone, not telling." Raihan laughed.

"Oh and if you're looking for Leon he's hiding on the rooftop.. That little chicken." Raihan said and walked off.

You decided to run up to the rooftop of the palace and saw Leon up there. He was just standing there, the wind breeze blowing his long purple hair. He was wearing a suit and tie.

"Leon... I..." You tried to walk up to walk up close to him but quickly he ran up to you embracing you in his arms.

"I'm so sorry! I just thought you were busy today, ever since you became the champion I didn't want to bother you-"

"Leon, I don't care if you bother me. In fact I ditched my champion duties just to be here with you!" You smiled.

You saw a slight blush on Leon's face.

"Why do you have to be so cute..." Leon mumbled.

"So you said you wanted to spend Valentine's with me?" Leon asked.

"Gladly! Cross my heart and everything! Anything to be with you!" Your face heated up.

Leon pulled your hand as he walked behind and stood on the rear part of the rooftop.

"Do you trust me Y/N?" Leon asked.

"Leon, what are you doing??! You're on the rear of the roof! You'll fall off!" You yelled.

"Do you trust me Y/N?" Leon asked again.

"I... Of course I do...! You're my boyfriend!" You agreed.

"That's all I needed to hear." Leon pulled you close to him and picked you up bridal style only to jump off.

"LEON?! ARE YOU INSANE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!! YOU DO REALIZE WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" You yelled, your hair blew in the wind.

Leon kept laughing hysterically.

You held on to Leon clenching your hand to his shirt. You closed your eyes and screamed as you hoped you would land safely with Leon.

It was then that you didn't feel like you were falling anymore.

"You can open your eyes again." Leon laughed again.

You opened your eyes and saw you were on the Corviknight cab. You frowned and punched Leon on the chest softly.

"D-Do you have any idea how much you scared me after this?!" You yelled at Leon.

Leon hugged you and held you close to him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have scared you like that. I thought it was pretty fun.. And the way you clinged on to me was adorable." Leon squealed.

You sighed as you looked over at Leon.

Leon wrapped his arms around you.

"Hey Y/N, I've wondered why have you chosen to fall for a guy like me.. I mean out of me Raihan and Milo maybe even Piers why me?" Leon asked.

You looked at Leon and said

"It's too complicated to answer." You laughed a bit.

"I want to know, I want to know your true feelings about me and how you felt this way towards me... I'll be honest with mine, I felt devastated because I had feelings for Sonia and realized she wasn't in love with me but rather Raihan.." Leon said.

"It wasn't until you showed up in my life, I saw you as a mere little friend of Hop and I but until you started showing this kind side of you and not just that but you're very cute, I found myself slowly falling for you until those feelings grew strong. I tried not to be obvious otherwise it would've made things awkward." Leon smiled.

"All I ask of you is that you remain with me even if you're the champion and you're busy. I love you Y/N, truly." Leon looked away with a smile on his face.

"I've actually always loved you too Leon, from the begging where I first met you and heard about you from Hop. I thought you were quite charming but ever since that Slumbering Weald incident I got into I've deeply fallen in love with you too." You nodded.

"W-What?! Why didn't you say so?! You could've made me happy here!" Leon sighed.

"Well you didn't seem to catch on or know. You truly are oblivious." You laughed.

"Am I now? You were more oblivious than me, you couldn't tell how I felt towards you." Leon teased.

You felt Leon pull you in close for a kiss.

"I love you, Y/N." Leon said.

"I... I love you too Leon." You smiled.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now