Part 26

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It's been 5 days ever since that incident happened. Chairman Rose had been arrested, no longer being Chairman but just regular Rose instead. Leon had been asleep and barely regained counsicious on the 5th day.

You on the other hand wanted to visit Leon after hearing the good news that he was awake again. You held flowers in your hand and had the pokemon,    with you. You also had Charizard and Inteleon by your side who wanted to see Leon as much as you did.

You headed to the hospital and walked up to the receptionist who told you where Leon was being hospitalized at. You quickly charged to his room but as you did you saw Raihan walking by with bandages in his arms and head.

"Is that for me? Oh you! You didn't have to!" Raihan picked you up and hugged you tightly.

"These aren't for-" You were interrupted.

"For me, yeah I know. I was just teasing you. I'm actually glad Leo has regained counsicious again, the fool doesn't often sleep because of his champion duties. I hope when you become champion you won't do the same." Raihan laughed.

"Leon hardly sleeps...?" You asked Raihan.

"Mhmm, he's always wide awake and I'd appreciate it if you give him a hit on the head and tell him to sleep for me." Raihan was going to walk off when you grabbed his hand.

"Raihan here, take this." You handed Raihan one of the flowers in the bouquet of flowers you held in your arms.

"For me...? Wow huh.. I don't really know what to say." You saw Raihan had a slight smile on his face.

"Of course, get better soon idiot." You laughed.

Raihan laughed too, you saw a slight blush across his face.

"Good luck with Leon." Raihan walked off.

You said goodbye to Raihan, opening the door to Leon's room only to see he wasn't there.

"What the heck...? Where is he? He's not hiding is he??" You checked around to make sure, even the bathroom door was wide open so there was no way he was in there.

You looked over at Charizard who seemed to be going at a certain direction outside of the hospital room.

"You know where he is Charizard??" You asked.

Charizard nodded and began to fly somewhere.

"Lead the way!" You said, following Charizard alongside Inteleon.

Charizard kept going a lot of stairs, it tired you yet you continued to follow Charizard. Charizard led you to the roof top where you saw Leon's long purple hair shine in the sunlight.

You saw Leon doing his pose.

"Leon, what are you doing up here...?! You should be getting some rest!" You scolded Leon.

Leon turned around to see you, he ran up to you and embraced you in his arms. He picked you up and swung you around.

"How I've missed you so much...!" Leon put you back down and kissed you not the forehead.

"Leon...?! Are you even okay to start doing that?!" Your face turned red.

"You are my cure." Leon hugged you tightly not letting you go.

"I had no clue you missed me that much.." You laughed.

"I really did, I spent my days asleep just thinking about you. I've wanted you to hold my hand or even..." You interrupted Leon.

You reached for his hand, holding it.

"Are you okay though?" You asked Leon.

"I really am, I should be released by tomorrow we then can continue or battle. Plus I had a great amount of sleep so I should be fine." Leon smiled.

You decided now was an opportunity and hit Leon on the head with your hand.

"Ow, hey! What was that for??" Leon asked.

"You should be getting more sleep! Please do Leon, I care about you and I don't want you to always be so tired." You sighed.

Leon put his hand on your head.

"If that's what you want, I'll do it for you." Leon said.

"Thank you..." You smiled.


You held on to Leon for right about 2 hours.

"Leon, I think it's about time you-" You heard snoring. You looked down at Leon and saw him fast asleep. He really did listen to you when you asked him to get some sleep.

"Oh Leon, what am I going to do with you..." You sighed.

You looked over at Charizard and asked for help. Charizard helped you carry Leon back to his hospital room. You layed him down on the bed.

"I guess I should be taking my leave now..." You let go of Leon but felt something grab you.

You saw Leon's hand holding on to your hand. You tried to pull your hand away but he wouldn't let go. His grip was strong.

"Leon... I have to go, you need to rest." You whispered.

You felt a tug as you fell on top of Leon.

"Oh Arceus, this is so weird..." Your face turned red. You positioned yourself to laying down by his side.

"Leon, let go of me..." You said.

He still wouldn't listen, you guessed he was doing it on purpose but..

"I want to eat as much once I get out of here..." You heard Leon mumble.

You looked over him and saw a smile on his face with his eyes closed. Someone seemed to be having a good dream.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay the night..." You sighed.

You looked over at Charizard who seemed to be talking to your Inteleon. They both seemed to be laughing about something.

"Hey, what are you two laughing about...?" You looked over at Inteleon and Charizard.

They didn't say a word but you saw Inteleon lay down in a comfortable position on the ground, Charizard also accompanied Inteleon.

"This feels awkward... To think I'd be sleeping with Leon..." You felt Leon wrap his arms around you.

Your face turned red as you looked at Leon.

"Guess I'll have to deal with this..." You began to slowly close to close your eyes and give in to this.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now