Part 22

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After that whole incident, it got you thinking how Leon would be. Leon was busy again with signing autographs from fans again when Raihan showed up out of nowhere.

"Hey Y/N, it's been days since we've seen each other!" Raihan sat down next to you. You noticed in height comparison he was a lot taller than Leon.

"Guess so." You smiled.

"So how's Leo?" Raihan teased you, elbowing you softly on your arm.

"W-Well uhm, he's doing okay!" You nodded.

You noticed from a distance that Leon kept his eyes on you. Whenever you looked at him he'd look away.

"What's up with Leo? He looks awful now. I mean with that sort of fashion he does look anyways." Raihan laughed.

"Raihan..! Don't be mean!" You frowned.

Raihan put his arm around you and smirked.

"Hey Y/N, you remember how you promised to invite me to food next time?" Raihan raised his voice.

You looked over at Leon and saw him frown. He seemed mad but... over what?

"Sure, I guess? I mean I don't recall owing you food but... Maybe?" You answered.

You felt Raihan hug you tightly.

"Thanks so much! You're amazing!" Raihan laughed.

Raihan picked you up from the ground as if you were just a doll and swung you around.

"Ms. Opal was right when she said you should be the fairy type gym leader! You really do feel like a doll!" Raihan chuckled swinging you around.

"You can let go of her now." A familiar  voice said.

Raihan put you down only to see an angry looking Leon. You've never seen this side of him before since he's usually calm or happy but never really angry.

Leon took your hand and walked outside with you. He you close to him

"Sorry about that... Being a champion sure is tiring..." Leon shrugged it off with a smile.

"Hey Lee, what are you going to do once you're no longer champion? When I beat you." You said.

Leon looked over at you.

"Beat me? Bah! Never! You must be joking, I am the unbeatable champion for a reason." Leon laughed.

You frowned.

"Don't be so cocky unbeatable champion." You laughed.

Leon looked over at you and pinched your cheeks.

"Hey don't get me mad now." Leon frowned.

You held on to Leon's hand as he took you to the restaurant he promised you would eat at. This time Hop was there.

"Hey! I was just waiting for you two!" Hop smiled.

You both sat down besides each other. Hop stared at both of you.

"I still can't believe you two are dating, for real it's like... Confusing!" Hop looked over at you two.

Leon pinched Hop's cheeks.

"You're so adorable Hop, you look like a mini me." Leon laughed.

"I am not you!" Hop frowned.

You all eventually ate your food in peace.

Hop waved goodbye because he still wanted to continue his training while you and Leon stayed alone.

You and Leon walked out of the restaurant together hand in hand when Leon looked at your face.

"We're alone now, at least we have time to our selves now." Leon sighed.

Leon brought you to the water fountain that was in Circhester near the hotels and sat alongside you.

"Hey Y/N, even if you did beat me... What would you do as the champion?" Leon asked.

"What would I do as the champion?" You asked.

"You know, if I gave up my title 'The Unbeatable Champion' and even 'Champion Leon' just because you beat me... You'll be put through all these responsibilities just like me." Leon looked at you seriously.

"Well, I don't mind. Even if I'm put through responsibilities I'll still take my time to love you!" You laughed.

You felt Leon embrace you in his arms as you heard him sniff.

"I know I've said this before and I'll say it again but... You're the best thing that's ever happened to me..." Leon held you close to him.

"I also.. I want to wear your kind of fashion when I become champion." You laughed.

"You don't think I look ridiculous in this?" Leon looked at you.

"No, you've always looked like the one and only cool Leon to me. Sure it may be wacky fashion and all but... You're my Lee!" You smiled.

You saw Leon look at you in disappointment since you said his fashion was wacky.

"I-I'm not saying you don't know how to dress or anything..!" Your eyes widened as you felt Leon's lips pressed against yours.

He quickly pulled away looking away from you.

"Sorry, you just looked cute." Leon laughed.

"Leon, you know what I was thinking. Maybe you should wear a suit. It won't hurt to change would it?" You asked.

Leon looked at you.

"Yeah right, I'm not going to wear something else other then the champion uniform. I have to represent!" Leon smiled.

You heard Leon's Rotomphone buzz.

He sighed in complete sadness.

"If only there was time to spend with you.. . Well.. The next place I expect you to be soon is the pokemon league." Leon stood up.

Leon did his pose and ran off with his Charizard.

You sighed deeply as Leon left.

"So... My journey is finally coming to an end." You looked down at your hands.

Inteleon came out of it's pokeball and hugged you.

"Inteleon... To think you were my first pokemon ever who'd stand side by side with me soon to be the champion.." You pet Inteleon.

Inteleon smiled.

"Well, what are we waiting for..? Let's head to Wyndon! I'm sure there's clothes, food and even more items awaiting for us plus.. We don't want to keep Lee waiting." You laughed.

You ended up taking the Corviknight cab to Wyndon. Wydon sure was a big place full of all kinds of stores and who can forget the pokemon center.

You ran around with Inteleon who seemed to be enjoying himself at Wyndon. So would come the pokemon league.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now