Part 6

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You walked into the Galar cave with Sobble and Rookidee by your side. Having them by your side felt comfortable and better than being alone in a cave.

You battled trainers and won battles, but walking around the cave felt never ending to you. It wasn't until you finally noticed the exit.

"Finally...!" You sighed in relief.

You heard footsteps from a distance, hearing them from the cave echoing as you turned around you noticed the guy behind you. The same one who shoved you.

"Well if it isn't Y/N L/N, I'm not surprised to see you walk through here for every trainer I've come across here was a gym challenger. They've all lost to me." The boy smirked.

"Who are you and why are you so rude??" You asked as you tried to step back a little.

"Who am I? Pfft, do you not know who I am? You must be clearly stupid not to know who I am. I am Bede, I was endorsed by the chairman himself. I was put on a quest to collect wishing stars off trainers which I already have but I'll be taking yours!" Bede said.

"No!" You yelled as your voice echoed in the cave.

"No? Hahaha don't be stupid, that's what every trainer has said to me and eventually lost to me." Bede grabbed a pokeball out of his pocket and sent out his pokemon.

You were now either to fight him or you'd lose the wishing star you have in your bracelet.

"I won't lose..! Not to him! I can't end my journey now!" You thought in your head as you sent out Rookidee.

"Rookidee use peck!" You yelled as Rookidee listened to what you said.

Rookidee managed to get a critical hit on Bede's Solosis managing to beat it.

"You're very smart for knowing your type match ups even at this timing. Here I thought you'd be struggling out on this battle." Bede smirked.

Bede sent out his Gothia.

You decided since you knew this tactic and weakness for pokemon you'd keep Rookidee out.

You used another peck on Gothia but Gothia was still standing just weakened.

"I bet you don't even realize what you're getting yourself into." Bede said.

Solosis used physic on your Rookidee but you made sure to cheer on for the little fellow. You even sprayed potions so it wouldn't faint.

Rookidee then defeated Solosis leaving Bede with Hatenna.

Bede smirked as he said "Well, you're not bad of a trainer. Just because I'm on my last pokemon it doesn't mean this battle will be through...!"

You switched out Rookidee and sent out Sobble who then was able to defeat Bede's Hatenna.

Bede looked angry as he said "You only managed to beat me because I was going easy on you...!" While crossing his arms and looking away.

You sent your pokemon back into your pokeballs as you looked at Bede.

"You... You idiot! No one defeats the chairman's assistant and gets away with it! Mark my words Y/N I will..!" Bede was furious that he couldn't even finish his own sentence.

"Yeah okay, whatever." You walked away with your hands in your pockets proceeding to find your way all the way to Turrfield.

After arriving to Turrfield you stopped by the pokemon center to heal up your small team and let them out of their pokeballs for some fresh air and to eat along with you sitting down.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now