Part 4

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You finally caught up to Wedgehurst as you saw Hop in front of you.

"What took you so long mate?!" Hop asked.

"Sorry I was talking to Lee just now." You said.

Hop looked at you confused, you guessed because you called him Lee which only he calls Leon "Lee".

You and Hop entered the train station as you finally looked around.

"Wait a minute!" You heard two familiar voices call out to you and Hop.

You and Hop turned around to see both your mum's standing in front of you with a bag.

Hop and his mum began to talk while your mum and you began to talk as well.

"Y/N sweetie, I was informed by Leon that you're going on with Hop on a pokemon adventure! So I decided to bring you this.." Your mum said as she handed you the bag.

"What's this?" You asked.

"This is a camping equipment just for you... You'll need it on your long journey Y/N. Good luck and please stay safe." Your mum hugged you and kissed you on the cheek.

"Thanks mum.." You smiled.

You and Hop said your goodbyes to your mom as you borded the train. You eat in front of Hop as you began to use your Rotomphone.

"Hey Y/N, if it's okay... I'd like to know what you wished for back then." Hop asked as he looked at you.

"What I wished for? Aren't wishes meant to be kept to yourself? They say if you keep secrets to yourself it could possibly happen." You lied as you made an excuse to change the topic.

"But I already shared my wish with you, Lee, and Professor Magnolia so it's only natural that you-" You interrupted Hop as you made him look at your phone.

"Look! Lee's battling again!" You beamed with joy as you watched Leon defeat a trainer's pokemon.

"Wow really?!" Hop quickly got distracted off his own question and began watching with you.

You both kept cheering on for Leon until you arrived at the outskirts of pokemon wild life. You both hopped off the train as you looked at how beautiful the outskirts looked.

It was full of wild pokemon hiding around and playing with each other.

You saw Hop run ahead of you as he waved.

"Race you to Motostoke!" Hop laughed as he continued on ahead.

You sighed, Hop can always be in such a rush to get somewhere quickly. You were always slow and took your time looking at things before rushing into it so you walked around the outskirts observing the Pokemon wild life.

There was a lot pokemon out there which seemed to excite you a whole lot. You looked around as you tripped and fell dropping your bag and your stuff.

Some stuff falling out of your bag including your poke balls, you let your pokemon out. Both Sobble and Rookidee looked at you confused.

"Ah jeez! I'm so sorry!" You sighed as you got back up to put your stuff back in your bag.

You noticed Sobble went to go play in the lake and Rookidee following Sobble to play as well. They both seemed to be having fun.

You smiled as you decided you'd join them even though your clothes would probably get soaked from the water. You didn't care anyways and stepped in as you splashed them with water and had fun.

Sobble and Rookidee grew closer to you as you played around with them. After playing for almost five minutes, your clothes were soaked with water but you didn't really care. You then picked your stuff back and put it in your bag.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now