Part 2

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You eventually went home taking a small break with your Sobble.

Sobble looked at you with a sad look.

"Awww... What's wrong Sobble?" You asked Sobble.

Sobble pointed at it's belly telling you it's hungry.

You quickly thought of something as you grabbed berries from your kitchen and fed them to Sobble.

Sobble felt much satisfied and smiled.

You couldn't help but think how cute your Sobble looked.

You heard an unexpected knock on your door as you went to go get it. Hop was in front of you.

"Hey mate! We should go to Wedgehurst! I hear the professor will be giving us a pokedex!" Hop smiled.

You agreed as you grabbed your stuff and your pokeball with Sobble in it as you walked out your door and noticed Leon outside as well.

"Leon...! What are you doing here?" You asked as your happiness increased.

"Well I wanted to show you all the lab at Wedgehurst so follow me!" Leon said as he proceeded to run ahead of you and Hop.

Hop walked as you ran to catch up with Leon.

You smiled as you said "I'm going to get you Lee...!"

Leon laughed.

"Well now! Try to catch up at my pace! If you do maybe I'll consider giving you the championship!" Leon jokingly said.

You nodded, anything for Leon as you began to run faster eventually at Wedgehurst. You sighed as Leon beat you at the race.

"Good job Y/N, that was a nice workout!" Leon said as he gave you a headpat.

Your face turned red as Leon gave you another headpat. Although getting head patted by Leon you wanted more than a head pat. You wanted a hug from Leon.

"Um Leon..." You asked nervously.

Leon looked at you with a straight normal face and asked

"What's the matter Y/N." Leon asked you looking into your eyes.

"I'm here...! I finally arrived!" Hop said with a smile.

"Hop...! Try to keep up with us next time!" Leon laughed as he then turned towards you.

"What were you going to say now Y/N?" Leon asked.

"I just wanna say you're an amazing champion..!" You smiled and nodded.

Leon smiled giving you a thumbs up.

You quickly tried to snap a photo of that with your Rotomphone, luckily being able to snap a photo.

You quickly put your Rotomphone away and coughed as you entered inside the pokemon lab with Leon and Hop.

You looked around and saw how well organized the place was until a woman with orange hair walked towards you all. She was beautiful.

"Leon! Hop! It's been a while!" The woman smiled and then looked at you.

"Do we have a newcomer? What's her name?" Sonia asked as she looked over at you.

"Sonia this is Y/N, sorry to surprise you but she and Hop are new trainers. I'd love for you to give them their own pokedex." Leon said.

"Alright fine. Hop, Y/N, you know your Rotomphones right? Take them out while I boot up your brand new pokedex on them." Sonia said.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now