Part 3

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You followed Hop all the way to Professor Magnolia's house as you sighed finally reaching there.

Leon and Professor Magnolia were standing in front of you with a smile on their faces.

"Well now, it seems we have guests." Professor Magnolia said.

"Hop! Y/N! Good seeing you two again..!" Leon smiled.

"You too Lee!" Hop also smiled.

You smiled and nodded.

Professor Magnolia's husband brought over some tea in a tray as he handed them over to you.

You declined on tea but we're still offered some so you drank a little bit of tea.

"This flavor isn't bad..." Your eyes sparkled a little bit.

"This is one of my favorite tea's...! Good old Leon pays me a visit and brings some whenever he isn't busy!" Professor Magnolia said.

Leon shrugged and smiled.

"Lee we need to talk about this... You see I want to endorse in the gym challenge and so does Y/N...! Please allow me Lee!" Hop asked.

Leon spit his tea he was sipping as he stared at you both with widened eyes.

"You two barely became pokemon trainers and now you want to take the gym challenge? Shouldn't you both take it slow instead??" Leon asked.

"Leon, surely these two can show potential..! I think you should let these two have a battle to show how devoted they are to take the gym challenge." Professor Magnolia said.

"At least that can prove that they're strong and worth taking the challenge." Professor Magnolia added.

"... Fine, if you both prove to me that you are strong then I will let you take the gym challenge.. Endorsed by me of course!" Leon nodded.

You looked at Hop determined to prove your strength to Leon by sending out your Rookidee that you remembered your mum said to take with you.

"Woah! You caught a second pokemon??" Hop asked as he sent out his Wooloo.

"Talk to me after battle... Alright Rookidee you can do this! Use peck!" Your Rookidee listened to you as it attacked Wooloo.

"To think you would get a critical hit on me... Impressive!" Hop smiled as he made Wooloo attack again.

You finished his Wooloo off with another peck and won against his Wooloo.

"Not bad...! Try to focus on this..!" Hop sent out his Scorbunny.

You thought it would be a good tactic and idea to send out Sobble as you did.

"Sobble quickly! Use water gun!" You pointed and yelled as Sobble obeyed and attacked Scorbunny.

"Type advantages again?! You surprised me at that one Y/N!" Hop laughed.

You looked over at Leon who seemed to be enjoying this battle. His eyes sparkling with joy as he didn't take his eyes off you and Hop at all. He was smiling.

"Sobble...! Water gun again now!" You smiled feeling motivated that Leon was enjoying this battle.

You took down Hop's Scorbunny as he sent out his last pokemon, Rookidee.

"You don't fail to amaze me Y/N..! Just because I'm on my last pokemon it doesn't mean you'll beat me easily...! I've got a clever trick up my sleeve..!" Hop said with a smile.

Before you knew it Hop's Rookidee had attacked your Sobble causing your Sobble to feel a little weak.

You can't lose Sobble in this battle, you have to prove you can use an amazing tactic to beat Hop especially since Leon was watching.

~Burning Love~(Leon; Pokémon Sword/Shield x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now