Chapter 2

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PD Group of Companies...
Prabhas was looking at the scenery and is lost in his thoughts. He wanted to share his emotions with someone, but he couldn't. He didn't want to make anyone upset because of him. After a while, someone came to his room.

Person: Prabhas....

Prabhas came back to reality, and he quickly wiped his tears and turned around. It was no one other than his twin brother Vikram.

Prabhas: Hi Vikram!!

Vikram: Hi bro!! What are you doing? One of the staff told me that you don't want anyone to disturb you. Is everything alright?

Prabhas: Yeah!! Everything is fine!!

Then Prabhas looked at the floor....

Vikram: No, there is something that is bothering you. What is it?

Prabhas: Nothing, Vikram....

Vikram: No, you are lying to me!! I'm your brother!! I know you since we were born!! You never get upset that quickly!! What happened? Please share your feeling with me!! You know I'm always with you?

Prabhas didn't say anything....

Vikram: Come and sit on the sofa with me!!

Prabhas and Vikram sat on the sofa with Vikram....

Vikram: Now tell me what happened?

Prabhas narrated what happened that morning and what he thought about the feeling he had that morning too!! Vikram was slightly happy inside but didn't show it outside.

Vikram: Do you know where that person is? Have you contacted that person?

Prabhas got a little angry....

Prabhas: You know I didn't contact that person after what happened!! You know everything, and you're still asking me if I contacted that person? How can you think like that??

Vikram: Bro, I understand!! Can I tell you something?

Prabhas looked at Vikram....

Vikram: I know you are angry and hurt for what happened, but you still love that person!!

Prabhas: No, I don't!! And I will never like that person again!!😡😡

Prabhas got angrier when talking about that person. Vikram was trying to convince him, but Prabhas didn't listen.... Vikram couldn't do anything....

Vikram: I know now you won't understand me, but one day you will realise it, bro!! Don't worry, I won't bring this topic again, and I will always be by your side.

Vikram got up, and before he left from there, he turned around....

Vikram: Just to let you know, we have a meeting today. Let me know what time you want it. I can arrange it.

Vikram went out from there. Prabhas did not say anything to Vikram about the meeting. He looked out the window

Scene Shifts to Starbucks Coffee....
After the meeting, Preethi ordered some coffee and sat at a table and drinking her coffee. Whilst she was drinking her someone came into Starbucks. That person saw Preethi and came towards her. That person stood in front of Preethi.

Person: Hii Preethi!!

Preethi looked up to see who it was. She was surprised to see that person. She had a big smile on her face and got up from her chair.

Her eyes welled up in happiness....

Preethi: Vikram....

Preethi hugged Vikram, and he hugged her back. After a while, they broke the hug.

Vikram & Preethi: How come you are here?

Preethi: I just came to get a coffee. What about you?

Vikram: Same!!

Preethi: Sit Down!!

Vikram sat on the opposite side of Preethi.

Vikram: So how are you, darling?

Preethi: Didn't you ask this via text message this morning?🙄🙄

Vikram: Yes, I do!! But still.... we meet after a while!!

Preethi: Mmmm, that's truee!!

Vikram: How's Nandhini?

Preethi: She's fine!! How's Prabhas?

Vikram: Not bad!! But....

Preethi: But what?

Vikram became silent!!

Preethi: What happened, Vikram?

Vikram told Preethi what Prabhas told Vikram. Preethi was shocked!!

Preethi: Are you serious?

Vikram: Yes, why?

Preethi also narrated what Nandhini told her. Vikram was speechless. He didn't know what to say....

Preethi: Why are you silent?

Vikram: I don't know what to say. I'm just surprised the same thing, and thoughts came for both of them.

Preethi: Yeah!! I was surprised when you told me. What shall we do? We have to do something!!

Vikram: I would say we don't do anything now!!

Preethi: But how can we leave them like this?

Vikram: I'm saying let us wait for the right time!! Both of them are upset and angry at the same time!! We don't want to make things worst, which can affect our relationship!!

Preethi didn't say anything!!

Vikram sat next to Preethi and held her hand!!

Vikram: Preethi, look at me!!

Preethi looked at Vikram!!

Vikram: Everything will be alright soon!!

Preethi: Will you leave me as you did before?🥺🥺

Vikram: I will not leave you at all!! I will always Love You!!

Preethi: I love you too, Vikram!!

Preethi put her head on Vikram's shoulder and hugged him sideways!!

What happened in Prabhas' and Nandhini's life? Why did they get separated? Will Vikram and Preethi be able to unite Prabhas and Nandhini?

Wait and read in the upcoming Chapters!!

Let me know in the comments about this chapter!!

To be Continued....

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