Chapter 16

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Next Day....

Vikram and Preethi were hugging each other and they were sleeping peacefully.

Then after few minutes Preethi slightly woke up. She rubbed her eyes and opened them. She saw she was sleeping next to Vikram.

Preethi got shocked😳😳

Preethi immediately got up and started to think what happened yesterday.

Preethi(mindvoice): Ohh noo! What did i do? How did I come here? What happened yesterday? I remember going to the club with Nandhini, Priya and Keerthi and getting drunk and dancing on the dance floor. Then what happened??

Preethi thinked for awhile..!!

Preethi(mindvoice): Then.. Then..

Preethi saw Vikram and remembered something..

Preethi(mindvoice): Ha!! We were talking.. and we kissed..

When Preethi remembered that she kissed Vikram she started to blush as it was her first ever kiss. Then she tried to recollect what happened afterwards she couldn't.

Preethi(mindvoice): Ohh noo what happened afterwards? Ha let me wake Vikram up!!

Preethi: Vikram!! Vikram!!

As Vikram was in a deep sleep he didn't hear Preethi calling him.

Preethi shook Vikram

Preethi: Vikram!! Vikram!!

Vikram woke up and saw Preethi. He smiled and got up.

Vikram: Hi Darling! Good Morning!

Preethi didnt say anything!

Preethi: What happened yesterday?

Vikram: Ermm

Preethi: Please Vikram! Tell me what happened?

Vikram thought of something....

Vikram went near Preethi.

He nuzzled into her neck and kissed it.

Preethi felt that moment.

Vikram went near her ears

Vikram: Everything happened between us. It was such a beautiful night.

Preethi got shocked.

Preethi: You.. You mean we had..

Vikram: Yes we had a beautiful sex last night. You couldn't control yourself from it.

Preethi was so shocked for what she did.

She put her hands on her forehead and tears welled up in her eyes and slowly started to cry.

Vikram saw that and got panicked.

Vikram: Hey! What happened? Why are you crying?

Preethi started to cry!

Vikram: Hey!! I was just teasing you. Nothing happened between us.

Preethi looked at Vikram.

Preethi: What..??

Vikram: Yes! You were drunk yesterday. We just kissed. Nothing else happened.

Preethi: But.. Then how did i end here? In your room?

Vikram: After our kiss you passed out. I tried looking for your friends but I couldnt find them. And I didn't know where you lived too so I brought you to my room. Seriously believe me nothing happened.

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