Chapter 3

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Scene starts at Starbucks Coffee....

Vikram and Preethi were talking when suddenly Vikram's phone rang....

Preethi: Who is it?

Vikram: It's Prabhas....

Preethi: Answer the call!!

Vikram answered the call....

Vikram: Prabhas....

Prabhas: I'm ready for the meeting this evening.... Tell the Clients to come at 3pm....

Vikram: Okay, I'll arrange a meeting with them....

Prabhas: Bye....

Vikram cut the call and looked at Preethi....

Preethi: What did he say?

Vikram: We have a meeting today he told me to arrange it for 3pm....

Preethi: Mm, okay!!

Vikram: I have to go now.... I'll message you once I'm free!!

Preethi: Sure!! Bye!!

Vikram: Bye!!

Vikram got up from the chair and went.... Preethi was looking at him until she cannot see him.... Preethi's face went upset after he went....

Preethi(mindvoice): Why does this need to happen to us? What did we do wrong? I wish everything changes back to normal and be happy again....

Preethi was lost in her thoughts....

In the Evening....
At Nandhini and Preethi's House....

Nandhini and Preethi came home after a long hectic day.... Both of them went to the room and freshened up Nandhini went into the kitchen to prepare some food for herself and Preethi. Preethi was in her room lying down on the bed. Preethi was very happy to see Vikram today, and she was lost in her thoughts thinking about him. She was happy, and on the other side, she also felt scared if she will lose Vikram again....

After Nandhini has prepared the food, she called Preethi to come and eat her Dinner. Preethi came back to her senses and went to eat dinner with Nandhini. Preethi and Nandhini were eating in silence....

Preethi could sense that Nandhini is feeling down since the feeling she had that morning. She feels very upset about it.... Preethi wants to reunite Prabhas and Nandhini, but she does not know what to do....

After eating their dinner, both of them went to their room and fell asleep....

Scene Shifts to Prabhas and Vikram's House....

Prabhas and Vikram came to their house and went to their to freshen up. Vikram went to cook dinner for himself and Prabhas.... Prabhas was in his room sat on the sofa with his laptop working.

Whilst Prabhas was working and preparing an important file, Vikram called Prabhas, saying the dinner is ready.... Prabhas heard it and saved his work and closed everything to continue his work after his dinner.... When Prabhas closed a file from his laptop, the mouse clicked on something, but Prabhas did not notice it and went to have his dinner.

Whilst Vikram and Prabhas were having their dinner, and they were talking about the upcoming projects and meetings and discussing on what to do next. After their dinner, Vikram was working on the table, and Prabhas went to his room to finish his work. When Prabhas sat down on the sofa, Vikram came in and asked for a file. Prabhas got up and took the file out from a drawer and gave it to Vikram.

When he turned around to close the drawer, he saw something.... He took that in his hand and his eyes got moistened.... He went and sat down on the sofa, and he also saw his laptop screen.... There was a photo of Prabhas and Nandhini.... When he saw the picture, his blood boiled, and his face was full of anger.... He threw the gift and all of his files on the floor and also threw a flower vase, and it was broken into pieces....

Vikram heard a noise from Prabhas' room, and he immediately got up and went to his room.... He saw Prabhas knelt on the floor and crying....

Vikram got tensed and ran to Prabhas....

Vikram: Prabhas what happened?

Prabhas did not say anything and kept on looking at something.... Vikram saw it and knew why he was behaving like this.... It was a gift from Nandhini that she gave him 4 years ago.... Vikram just held Prabhas' shoulder....

Prabhas: Why?? Why can't I forget about her?

Vikram: It's because you still love her, Prabhas....

Prabhas looked at Vikram angrily....

Prabhas(angry): I still love her?? huh.... Never!! I hate her!! I totally hate her!! I do not love her at all😡😡😡😡

Vikram: I understand your pain Prabhas.... but Nandhini....

Prabhas(angry): Stop Vikram!! Please stop talking about her!! I don't want to hear a single thing about her!! I did not know she'll be this cruel!!

Vikram(mindvoice): I don't know how to convince you and reunite you with Nandhini.... But I'm sure time will heal everything and make you reunite with Nandhini....

Vikram consoled Prabhas and made him get up from the floor and told him to sleep.... After a while, Prabhas fell asleep....

Vikram went out of his room and sat on the dining table chair and was lost in his thoughts....

Vikram(mindvoice): I also don't know the reason why Nandhini did this.... But.... I'm sure that something happened when this incident occurred.... Preethi and Nandhini are hiding it from me.... I need to find the truth out....

Vikram was lost in his thoughts....

Scene Shifts to Nandhini's and Preethi's House....

Nandhini was sleeping in her room and she had a dream


Nandhini woke up in a sudden shock....

She was sweating, and her heart was beating very fast....

She put the lights on and drank some water....

Nandhini was thinking about the dream she had.... Her eyes were full of tears.... She was thinking about the beautiful memories of Prabhas and herself!! She started crying😭😭😭😭

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her head!! She held her head tightly.... She screamed in a low voice.... Tears were flowing from her eyes....

She slowly got up from the bed and went to get something....

Her vision became blurry....

She couldn't see anything....

She tried to hold onto the table but the pain in her head was getting worse.

She accidentally dropped a flower vase on the floor, and it broke into pieces....

Nandhini fell unconscious on the floor....

What Happened to Nandhini?

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To be Continued....

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