Chapter 2

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I watched through narrowed eyes as the black-haired boy from the elevator approached me. I had forgotten his name, so I had no choice but wait for him to address me.

"How're you doing?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Good as I'll ever be, I guess."

The boy clapped me on the back, "That's the spirit. You're already doing better than half of these idiots. Most of them were crying in the corner, messing their pants on their first day."

"Who are you?" I asked, itching to know this boy's name.

The boy smirked, "I never really got the chance to tell you since Alby made me be his little errand boy. But now, I am honored to tell you that my name, is Minho."

"Minho?" I repeated. "What type of name is that?"

"The type of name I was given," he retorted, his voice thick with sarcasm. "I'm so very sorry that I wasn't given a normal name like you, Emily."

"How do you know my name?" I asked. I didn't recall ever telling him my name, unless Alby went around telling everyone. Which I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

"Word travels fast around here, my friend," Minho chuckled.

"Friend?" a small smile spread across my face. "You already consider me a friend?"

"Yep," Minho said. "And I have a feeling me and you are gonna be pretty damn close, too."

My smile grew bigger. I liked this boy, even if I had only just properly met him.

"Unfortunely, however, I'm not going to be the one to help settle you in," he continued. "That honor was given to Newt."

"Newt?" I said. These boys sure did have some odd names.

Minho rolled his eyes, "Will you quit judging everyone by their odd names and just follow me?"

At first, I was startled, worried that I had made him angry. But then, I noticed the amusement that laced his voice, and relief flooded over me.


Newt was a rather tall boy, who looked to be around 16 or 17. He had sandy-blonde hair that slightly fell over his dark brown eyes. His arms were muscular, with veins appearing all over them as he crossed his arms. I couldn't help but find him extremely attractive.

He and Minho seemed extremely close, judging by the way they talked to each other.

Minho left us alone after only a quick introduction, and I immediately began to feel nervous once we were alone.

"So," Newt spoke, his voice thick with an accent. The same accent that I had, and it bothered me that I still couldn't pinpoint the origin of it. We sat side by side, beside the elevator that I had arrived in only hours before. "You must be extremely confused, and scared."

I shrugged. I was definitely confused, but I wasn't as scared as I expected myself to be. I focused on the giant stone walls that surrounded us, whereas Newt was busy staring at his fingernails.

He seemed nervous- I could basically feel it radiating off of him.
I stared out over the meadow in front of us. The sun was setting, casting golden rays of light across the tall grass, turning it a bright amber color. I found it beautiful, and I felt strangely comfortable here, even with Newt by my side.

"Welcome to the Glade," he said after a moment of silence.

"The Glade?" I repeated. "What is that?"

"This," Newt motioned around him. "It's our home. Has been for the past six bloody months."

"Why are we here? Who put us here?" I asked, itching to know the answers to my dozens of questions.

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