Chapter 9.

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I sat on my bed, tying my shoe. Sighing as I felt Newt's eyes on me. He seemed to be taking this whole escort thing seriously, which was quite funny to me. I didn't think Nick or Alby had expect it to be taken this seriously. But, when it came to Newt, of course it was going to be taken seriously.
"It's not gonna be for that long, you know," his voice pulled me from my thoughts as I finished tying my boot. "Just until you get your job, then I'll be out of your bloody way. If you don't wanna be around me after that, then just say so."
I desperately searched for the right words to say. Something that would make him feel better. Convince him that that wasn't the case. But my silence must've been a bad answer, as he only sighed and leaned against the wall. I pursed my lips, drowning in my own guilt as I headed out the door. Minho was in the Map Room, doing whatever they did in there, and I longed for his company. I hadn't seen him at all that day, and it was odd not hearing a sarcastic remark after everything you said.
I headed out of the Homestead, Newt following close behind. I had no idea what I was going to do, or where I was going, but I couldn't stand to be stuck in the room any longer. At least, out here, Newt and I weren't alone. Sitting in an awkward silence.
A sudden wave of guilt seemed to push me over the edge, and I turned to face him. I hadn't realized he was so close behind me, and almost crashed into him as I turned around. We were inches away from each other, and I felt myself go red under his dark brown gaze.
"I'm sorry," I murmured, forcing myself to look him in the eye. "I was acting like a jerk and overreacting."
Newt smiled at me, though something told me it was forced, "I'm sorry, too. I wasn't really considering how you felt about the idea when I suggested it."
I rolled my eyes, thankful that the mood was somehow growing less awkward, "What is this, marriage counseling now?"
"It could be," Newt smirked, bringing his bottom lip in between his teeth. I smiled as I stared at his lips. It was odd, but I liked it when he bit his lip. I couldn't help but find it extremely attractrive.
"I'll leave you alone, alright?" Newt said, bringing me out of my daydream. His brought his hand up to my face and placed it on my cheek. "I'll see you later, Emily."
I wanted to scream out for him, begging him to stay with me, as he walked off, though I kept silent. Deciding against making a fool of myself. I found it extremely odd. Not even ten minutes ago, I wanted to get as far away from him as I possibly could, but now, I was longing for his company.
I shook my head, attempting to clear the jumble of thoughts, as I headed towards the kitchen.


I pushed through the undergrowth, hissing as a briar scraped against my leg. I was searching for Newt. I felt like a clingy girlfriend, but I hadn't seen him all day. Zart had told me he had seen him going into the Deadheads, though that was probably around an hour ago. It was worth the try, though. I've been lonely all day, with Minho being busy in the Map Room and all, and I longed for his company.
I found him near the South Door. He was leaning against a tree, his back towards me. Being the child I was, I attempted to sneak up behind him to scare him. I would've been successful, if only I hadn't stepped on a twig, causing it to snap. Newt turned around quickly, his eyes wide, though relaxed once he realized it was me.
"Hey," he said quietly, a small, though forced, smile on his face.
"What're you doing out here?" I asked as I approached him. "Zart said you've been out here for over an hour."
Newt shrugged, his gaze focused on the stone walls not 20 feet in front of him, "I always come out here. To think. It's peaceful. Away from everyone else." He turned to me. "How'd you find me?"
"I'll always find you," I said softly. Without thinking, or even realizing it, I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
Newt stared at me for a moment, shock evident on his face, though a small smile slowly formed on the corners on his mouth. I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized what I just did. I just kissed Newt.
His eyes darted all over my face, recognization filled his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at him. Why was he staring at me like that?
His eyes then landed on mine, and it took almost everything I had in me not to fall into yet another daydream as I stared into them.
"I'm glad you did," he said quietly, his voice barely more than a whisper. Something told me that he wasn't just talking about what had just happened. He was talking about something else as well. Something deeper. Something that I had yet to understand.
"Can I stay with you?" I asked after a moment of staring into each other's eyes in silence. "Or do you want to be left alone?"
"I'd rather you stay with me." Newt smiled slightly and nodded. I sat down on the ground, my back leaning against the tree. Newt slid down next to me, our shoulders brushing against each other. He let a long, dramatic sigh, which only made me roll my eyes.
"You wouldn't be so bored if you were actually out in the Maze, doing your job."
"Well, my job is being your escort now, so you're gonna have to get used to it." He retorted.
"I'm so excited," I said with forced sarcasm. Unable to hide the slight smile on my face, I focused on the ground, hoping that he wouldn't notice.
"I'm not that bad, am I?" he asked, seemed oblivious to my smile.
"Oh, you are," I said. "I can barely stand to be around you."
"Shuck." Newt rolled his eyes. "Are all bloody girls like this?"
I smiled and batted my eyelashes, "I don't know what you're talking about."
Newt placed his hand on my cheek and pushed me away from him, "You're annoying."
I opened my mouth to say someting , but i was cut off as a booming sound echoed throughout the Glade. A loud siren buzzing for a few seconds before cutting off completely.
"What was that?" I asked.
"The alarm for the Box," Newt said. "It's bringin' up supplies. Comes once a week. It'll be here in about half an hour."
He suddenly stood up, reaching out a hand for me to do the same. He led me out of the Deadheads and towards the middle of the Glade, where I had arrived only a week ago. I couldn't believe that it had only been a week. It felt as if I had been here much longer. A familiar feeling washed over me- similar to the one I had in the pit of my stomach the first time I was lifted out of the pit- as we approached the Box. A couple of boys crowded around it, though most of them were still busy at work.
Newt and I stayed away from the two boys. I shifted my weight, growing impatient for the lift to arrive. I had million questions swarming through my mind. Questions that I wanted to be answered.
"What type of supplies does the Box usually bring up?" I asked.
"Usually only the essentials. Food, supplies, livestock. But you can also request things. Send a note back down with the Box, and the Creators may send it back up the next week," Newt replied.
We grew into silence once more. After what seemes like lifetimes of waiting, a familiar sound of metal scraping against metal filled my ears. I remembered hearing it when I first woke up in the darkness of the lift, and I knew it had almost arrived.
The two boys who were waiting by the Box suddenly moved on either sides of the metal doors, sliding them open as another screech came from the hole. One of them jumped down, the top of his head barely visible as he began to hand a box to the other. The box was labeled with the same word I heard in my dreams. The same word that I had read when I first arrived. WICKED.

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