Chapter 6.

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I jumped slightly, snapping out of my daze, as Newt placed a plate of eggs in front of me. The fresh aroma of the cooked food filled my nose, causing my mouth to water. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was until I took a bite. Whether it was only because I was hungry or not, I didn't know, but I sure did envy Frypan's cooking skills at that moment.
"Damn, Newbie, you eat like a pig," Minho said. He sat in his usual spot across from me, chewing on his own bite of eggs.
"I'm hungry," I shrugged it off as if it weren't a big of deal. "Are you two even Runners anymore? I mean, you never seem to actually do your job. Which was running, in case you've forgotten."
"I'm injured, in case you've forgotten," Minho retorted.
"We get special treatment, anyway," Newt added with a slight chuckle from beside me. "We don't have to go out in that bloody maze everyday."
"Well, I'm glad. Otherwise I would be one lonely shank." I surprised myself by using a Glader term. It rolled off my tongue so naturally, I almost did notice it. Minho and Newt exchanged amused glancing, which only made me roll my eyes.
"Well, if you would actually socialize and talk to some other people, you wouldn't be as lonely," Minho said with a shrug. I opened my mouth to say something, but Newt cut me off.
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Newt, I love you and all, but stop being that over-protective girlfriend, alright?" Minho rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his drink. "We all know you love the Newbie, but there's no need to go that far."
"Hey, Minho," Newt leaned forward, a smirk plastered on his lips. "Slim it, alright? Save your whining for your Griever girlfriend."
"Don't talk about Katherine that way," Minho slammed his hands on the table, sticking out his bottom lip. "You know I don't like it when you talk crap about her."
"You guys are idiots." I let out an over-dramatic sigh as I rubbed my temples.
"But you love us though, right?" Minho asked. Reaching out and kicking me from beneath the table.
I pursed my lips and shook my head, "Nah."
"Yes, you do," Newt leaned into me slightly, batting his eyelashes. "Don't bloody lie."
"I'm not lying." I reached over and ruffled his hair. "I hate you both. A lot, actually. I can't stand being around you."
Minho let out a gasp, covering his mouth with one hand while he mockingly held the other to his forehead. I laughed slightly as I brought my cup to my lips. But, as I was about to take a sip, Newt reached out and tapped the cup, causing more water than I planned to leak into my mouth and on to my pants.
"Newt!" I screamed, water leaking down my throat in the process, causing me to start coughing. Minho and Newt were both in tears from laughing, holding their sides as they hunched over the table.
"That's what you get for saying you hate us," Newt managed to choke out between breaths. I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.
"I was joking before, in case you didn't notice," I said. "But now, I mean it when I say I hate you."
Minho managed to get over his laughing fit, though his face was still red and his shoulders were shaking slightly as he chuckled, "Aw, man. That was great."
He reached for his cup and brought it up to his lips. I quickly reached over the table and hit his cup, causing the whole thing to spill on to his face and lap. Once again, the three of us were in a laughing fit, earning a bunch of confused and concerned looks from the other boys. I held my sides as I fought to control my laughter.
"Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt the fun," an unfamiliar voice broke through our laughter, causing the three of us to grow silent. I turned to look at a boy who I had yet to see before. He seemed to be no more than 17 years old, with brown hair and peircing blue eyes.
"I just haven't gotten the chance to meet the Newbie, yet." His voice was soft, laced with a slight accent. One different from Newt and I's, though it was an accent all the same. I immediately realized that he must've been the famous Nick I've heard about so many times. The leader of the Glade.
Beside me, Newt bit his lip to stop himself from laughing, while Minho's shoulders shook, his face buried in his hands as he laughed silently to himself.
"Is something going on here?" Nick asked.
"No, they're just being stupid," I told him and laughed nervously.
Nick smirked, "That sounds normal for these two. More Minho than Newt, however. I don't know what's gotten into him lately."
I heard Newt groan beside me, and I rolled my eyes.
Nick held out a hand to me, which I gratefully shook, "I'm Nick. Apparently, these shanks see me as their leader, though I don't exactly see why."
"I'm Emily."
"Oh, I know. I've heard lots about you," the leader smiled at me. "I'll leave you three alone. I'll be looking forward to seeing you around, Emily."
I watched as the older boy walked off with a small smile on my face.
"He's so full of himself," Newt muttered from beside me.
"He was nice," I shrugged and turned back to my friends.
"Yeah, as nice as a Griever," Minho retorted. "But he's out leader, and we have to respect him."

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