Chapter 19

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My mind was elsewhere at work the next day. I mean, it wasn't like I was doing anything important. Clint took the day off, something that I knew he really deserved, so I was stuck working alone. The only thing there really was to do was sort the stock of medications sent up with the Box the day before.
The Box. Once again, for what seemed like the millionth time since I've woken up, my mind wandered back to the events of the day before. My stomach quenched, my heart twisted, as I thought of Nick. The top half of his body, mangled and bloody yet sliced clean, not six inches away from me. His blue eyes staring sightlessly up at the sky, blood dripping from his open mouth. It was not something that I could forget about easily. Perhaps something that would haunt me for the rest of my life.
Blinking the fresh tears from my eyes, I focused on something more happy. Like the Greenie. The word stuck like glue ever since I first called Jeff that yesterday. I hadn't meant for it to, it slipped out without me thinking, but I did like the sound of it.
I honestly felt bad for the kid. He was barely here for ten minutes, and already witnessed probably the worst thing ever to happen in the Glade. He probably thought that this place was unsafe- full of death. But it really wasn't.
Newt was giving Jeff the Tour today; apparently it was his new job since Nick wasn't... around to do it anymore. I would've loved to see the whole thing, especially with Newt's bad temper and Jeff's curiosity. But, of course, I was stuck in the Homestead on a very nice, warm day, sorting medications.
I focused back on my work, grabbing yet another bottle of medication out of the crate that sat in front of me. The Box didn't provide much, only the essentials. Antibiotics, peroxide, ibuprofen, penicillin. All of these names I recognized. I remembered learning about them, but not who taught me, nor their usage. I guess these boys had to learn what they were used for by trial and error.
Newt told me about those days, when the first few boys arrived in the Glade. Those were days full of terror, horror. They knew nothing. Had to learn things all by themselves, with no one to help them. They had to learn how to plant crops, how to build, how to do something as simple as cook. It was horrible to think about. The Glade was still like that now; we were still learning things. But, thanks to Nick, we've established order. Created a place where we could live without being afraid. I just hoped that it would stay like that.
I moved on to the next crate, which contained dressings and bandages for minor wounds. I began sorting them on the bed, suddenly feeling extremely OCD, barely noticed the creak of the door opening. Only when I heard Newt's familiar, accented voice did I turn around.
"Look at her working."
I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the smile that was threatning to creep on to my face as Newt smirked.
"What do you want, Newtie?" I tried to make my voice sound flat, annoyed, though I knew I failed miserably.
"I have nothing else to do, so I thought I should come and bother you." Newt took a step closer to me. I did my best to ignore him, focused on the dressings instead.
"You're doing a very good job at it," I muttered with a smirk. I froze as Newt's arm snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"Am I?" His breath hit my ear as he spoke, sending shivers up my spine. I pushed him away, though made sure to flash him a smile to tell him I was only joking before heading over to the dressing cabinent. I began packing the dressings into the cabinent, keenly aware of Newt following close behind me.
"Why won't you talk to me?" He raised his voice to make it sound like a little girl's, which only made me scoff and push on his chest.
"Because I'm doing something, in case you haven't noticed," I said. "Can't you go bother Minho or something?"
"The shank's out in the Maze," he responded.
"And why aren't you?"
"Because I had to give the bloody Greenie the Tour, remember?" Once again, he slipped his arm around my waist. I ignored the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, though I couldn't help but wonder why he was being so touchy.
"Then why are you bothering me and not giving him the Tour then?" I asked and laughed lightly.
"Because bothering you is fun," Newt chuckled. "And I finished."
"If you're gonna stay here, can you at least go sit on the bed?" I turned to him, pushed on his chest once more. He stumbled back a bit, rolled his eyes, a smile creeping on to his lips. He then wrapped both of his arms around my waist, picking me up and flinging me over his shoulder. I let out a yelp of surprise, beating on his back with my fists.
"Newt! Put me down!" I kicked and flailed in his arms, but I knew that it was no use.
"Sorry, love, no can do." He said, his accent thick as he laughed. Soon enough, I found myself laughing along with him as he spun me around the room. I gave up fighting, resting my head in my hand, which was resting on his shoulder.
"Will you please put me down?" I asked boringly. Newt's shoulders rose as he took in a deep breath, as if thinking of a life-threatening decision, but then he nodded. He brought me over to the bed and laid me down, though his hands didn't leave my waist. He stared down at me, a mischievous smirk spread across his lips. He then began tickling me; I let out yet another yelp of surprise, squirming in his arms.
"Newt!" I screamed through my fit of laughter, not even caring if the whole Glade heard me. There was one thing I was absolute certain about my past life, I hated being tickled.
"Emily!" Newt smiled sheepishly as he continued tickling me. I attempted to kick up at him, but it was no use. His legs pinned mine down, making it almost impossible to move them. I fought to process words, but only laughter escaped my mouth. Tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall, and I was sure my face was as red as a tomato.
"You're cute when you laugh," Newt commented with a chuckle.
"So are you," I managed to choke out between something that sounded like a mixture between a laugh and a choking sound. "But you won't be after I get done with you if you don't stop tickling me right now!"
Newt suddenly stopped, though his hands still rested on my waist. He leaned down and pecked me on the nose, and I immediately felt heat rush to my cheeks. His face was inches from my own, his brown eyes staring into mine as he spoke.
"You're lucky I like you, princess."


After the little... incident between Newt and I, I finally managed to finish storing the dressings, though not without Newt bothering me the whole time. By the time I was done, it was almost lunch time. My stomach growled with hunger so loud, that I was sure Minho could hear it, all the way out in the Maze. I was still breathing heavily, my sides still hurt from Newt tickling me. I had no idea why he decided it was a good idea to tickle me, but I did know that he was going to pay for it. I just had to think of the perfect punishment, though I knew Minho was going to help me out on it.
The sun shone high in the sky, and within moments of stepping out of the Homestead, a thin layer of sweat dappled my forehead. I was thankful that I was at least partially out of the heat inside the Homestead.
Newt and I each grabbed a sandwich from Frypan before heading off to our usual table. I noticed Jeff sitting alone not far from us, nibbling off his sandwich like a mouse. I felt bad for the kid; I knew what it was like to be an outsider.
I looked at Newt and motioned towards the Greenie, "I'm gonna ask him to come over here."
"You're too bloody nice sometimes, Em," Newt chuckled, though I ignored him, already slipping off of the bench. I headed over to Jeff, smiled warmly as I got his attention.
"Wanna come sit with us?"
The boy looked hesitant at first, though he nodded anyway. I smiled and grabbed his free hand, practically dragging him over to Newt before he had the chance to change his mind. I took a seat next to Newt, Jeff sitting across from us in Minho's empty seat. He looked between us, as if debating whether to speak or not.
"Having a good day, Greenie?" I asked him. He only shrugged, which made me roll my eyes. "You don't talk much, do you?"
"What do you expect me to say? 'Oh, it's going great! I watched a boy get sliced in half as soon as I got here. I'm loving it!'?"Jeff retorted. I couldn't help but laugh at this. I liked this kid already, even though he was a bit of a smart ass.
"That's the spirit." I reached across the table and patted him on the shoulder. He smiled at me, which made me feel warm inside. At least I made him a little happier. Though his smile disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared. He glanced at Newt, almost looking frightened.
"What's up between you two?" I asked, elbowing Newt in the ribs as he narrowed his eyes at the Greenie.
Jeff coughed awkwardly, dragging his gaze away from Newt's, "He's just not my most favorite person here."
Honest, too. This boy keeps getting better and better.
"And who is?" I asked and laughed.
Jeff looked at me, a smirk on his lips, "Well, you are probably the nicest person I've met so far. So, I'd say it's you."
Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Newt's jaw clench. Before he could say anything, however, I reached down and grabbed his hand, quickly entwining our fingers.
"What'd he do to you?" I asked.
"He just gets really pissed off easily," Jeff shrugged. "Oh, and every time I'd ask a question, he'd threaten to throw me off the Cliff. Whatever that is."
I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips at his words. I glanced over at Newt, who was doing his best to hide his smile. His jaw muscles tensed, as if he were forcing himself to do a straight face. I knew he was only trying to provoke the kid, and that he didn't really mean it.
"Because the questions you asked were stupid," he retorted, then turned to me. "He asked me what makes the bloody Doors close every night. Like I'm supposed to know the answer to that!"
"I asked you the same thing when I first arrived," I pointed out. Newt's face fell for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitching with a smile.
"You're different."
Newt looked up at me and laughed, "Why are you being so mean?"
"Payback for the tickling, Newtie." I reached up and ruffled his hair. "It's only going to get worse."
"You two are adorable, you know that?"
We turned to Jeff, who was staring at us, smiling dumbly.
"I totally ship you two," he said and laughed.
Newt and I both exchanged a confused look, obviously not getting what he meant by "ship".
"Ship?" I repeated.
Jeff shrugged, "I don't even know what it means. Just something I remember from before."
When Newt and I only stared at him, he coughed awkwardly and returned to nibbling on his sandwich.
"I better get back to work," I said and began to stand up. Newt went to follow me, but I pushed him back down with a laugh. "You're not bothering me anymore."
"I won't bother you," he said. I ignored him, turned to head towards the Homestead. The shuffling of feet behind me told me he was following. He caught up to me, nudging my shoulder gently.
"That's bothering," I muttered, glanced at him and smiled.
Newt wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me against him as we walked, "Sorry, princess."
Though I barely heard him. Another voice spoke to me, in my head. His words were almost enough to have me passing out cold.
"It's your fault he's dead, Emily. You could've saved him. If only you had ran."


I have a feeling I wrote this chapter sucky :(
But it has cute Nemily moments in it so that's okay :3
Crystal Reed is now casted as Emily! I have a sudden obsession with her and Teen Wolf all over again, and I really wanted her to play Emily because I feel as if her character Allison is a lot like Emily in a way :)

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