Chapter 7.

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I woke up on the cold ground, something that I did not expect. The sun shone brightly through the barred windows, making it difficult to see after being in the darkness for so long. I sat up, dusting the flecks of dirt off of my shirt. I looked around me, realizing with a gasp that I was in the Slammer. The events of the night before were all a blur. I remember nothing. What could I have possibly done to be put in jail? My heart lurched at all the possibilities, and I longed to see whether Newt or Minho were okay. Unharmed.
"And she's awake."
As if on cue, Minho appeared outside the Slammer. He knelt down so that he could look through the small barred window. His eyes were glazed over, as if he had barely slept the night before. Was it because of me?
"How are you feeling?"
"Good," I furrowed my eyebrows. "What happened to me?"
"You don't remember anything?" Minho asked. I shook my head. Minho shifted so that he was sitting cross-legged, a position that I learned was quite comfortable for him. I listened closely as he told me everything that happened the night before. Everything from Newt climbing into bed with me (Minho was awake and watching, even though Newt didn't know it), to me spazzing out. He told me about how I almost killed Newt, and my heart felt as if it had been ripped out of my chest.
"Is he okay now?" I asked. "Where is he?"
"Asleep," Minho answered glumly. "Clint ordered him to rest his voice. His throat is pretty bruised up. You had a damn strong grip on him."
I played with my fingers, staring down at the ground. I felt like a monster. Like I was no better than the people who put us in here. I almost killed Newt. With my bare hands. I almost choked him to death. What if he was angry at me?
"Is he mad at me?" My voice cracked as I spoke. I was afraid to know the answer, though I looked at Minho expectantly anyway.
"No," he said simply. "He was shucking defending you all night. He said it wasn't you."
"When can I see him?" I asked.
"I'll tell him you asked for him when he wakes up," Minho smiled slightly at me. "You'll be okay, Emily. Newt and I won't let them punish you too bad."
"I broke one of the rules, Minho," I pointed out, stepping towards the window. "I hurt him. I almost killed him. What if they decide to Banish me?"
"We won't let that happen," Minho assured me. He reached through the bars and grabbed my shoulder reassuringly. "Besides, we never actually Banished someone before. It's basically just to scare the Newbies into following the rules. But you never know with Nick..."
"How long am I staying in here?" I asked.
"Depends on your punishment," Minho shrugged. "Could only be a day, could be a month."
"That's not very reassuring," I muttered.
"I'm not gonna lie to you, Emily." Minho said. "Friends don't lie to each other."
A small smile found it's way onto my lips, "Thanks, Minho."
"I'll see you later, Newbie." Minho stood up, brushing his pants off in the process. "And I'll be sure to bring Newt with me."

The sound of stone on stone echoed throughout the Glade- telling me the Doors were closing for the night. Minho visited me as the sun was setting, and sure enough, Newt was trailing behind him. When he saw me, his face seemed to light up, and his pace quickened.
"How was your day?" Minho asked as he approached me.
"Boring as hell," I shrugged, my eyes were glued to Newt's as he knelt down outside the cell. His neck had several purples bruises on it, and it sounded as if he were having trouble breathing. Tears formed in my eyes as I saw what I did to him.
"I'm sorry," I murmured, breaking my gaze away from his.
"It's okay," Newt said softly, his voice hoarse. "Hey, Emily. Look at me." I looked up, surprised at how sympathetic he sounded. "It's okay."
I bit my lip and nodded, staring at the ground once more. Minho took a seat beside Newt and slipped a plate of food through the small window.
"Dinner is served."
I grabbed the plate gratefully, "Thanks, Minho."
"I managed to convince Frypan to put some extra on there, just for you," the Runner added with a smirk. I gobbled down the dinner quickly- which consisted of mashed potatoes and chicken- while Minho and Newt watched carefully. I felt awkward under their gazes. It was as if something changed between us. I had a feeling that they were mad at me, even if they weren't admitting it. I knew that they thought, deep down, that I had wanted to kill Newt. Even though I didn't. I could never do such a thing. Not to him.
"You were hungry," Minho commented as I set the now empty plate on the ground beside me.
"You try not eating all day," I retorted with a shrug.
"I thought they were supposed to bring her all three meals," Newt's voice sounded almost angry as he exchanged a glare with Minho.
Minho shrugged, "Guess they didn't."
"Bloody hell-"
"Newt, it's okay," I cut him off before he could finish his usual rant of curse words. Newt's eyes locked with mine, and they seemed to soften. He nodded and scratched the back of his neck.
"There's a Gathering tomorrow," Minho said, coughing awkwardly. "And you're the only thing on the schedule."
"You sure are making me feel a whole lot better," I muttered as I picked at my fingernails.
"Remember what I said earlier, Newbie," Minho chuckled lightly. "I just thought I should fill you in on the news. Ya know, since you'll be attending."
My heart seemed to skip a beat at the thought of facing all of the Gladers.
"They're gonna be deciding your punishment," Newt added with a scowl.
"You should get to bed early," Minho said suddenly, his voice filled with sympathy. "You have an uncomfortable night ahead of you." He stood up to leave, flashing me a small smile. "Coming, Newt?"
"I wanna stay here for a few," Newt avoided Minho's gaze, staring at me as if he were asking permission. I nodded, thankful for the company.
"Alright, don't stay out too late now," Minho laughed lightly, ruffling Newt's blonde hair. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Minho," I called after him. I turned to Newt, suddenly feeling slightly awkward. The blonde boy stared at me with some emotion in his eyes that I did not recognize.
"You should get some sleep," he said softly. "I'll be right out here in you need anything."
"Won't you be cold?" I fretted as he began to settle down on the dirt outside the cell.
He shrugged, "I'll be okay. Don't worry about me."
I sighed, deciding that it was best not to argue, and laid down on the cold floor. I shifted, trying to find a somewhat comfortable position, and let out a sigh.
"Shuck it," Newt muttered. I lifted my head to see him standing up. The sound of his keys jangled as he unlocked the door. I furrowed my eyebrows as he stepped into the cell with me, closing the door behind him.
"What're you doing?"
"You're not spending a bloody night in here alone," Newt settled down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me, though I pushed him away.
"Stop. You're not staying here," I said, trying to sound as serious as possible. "If I freak out again tonight, I don't want you being in here with me. I don't want to hurt you again."
"You're not going to hurt me," Newt soothed, though I shook my head.
"I almost killed you, Newt," I hissed. "I don't wanna take that chance."
"Yeah?" Newt leaned closer to me, his face inches from mine. "You don't have a choice."
I felt his arms wrap around me once more, pulling me into his body. The heat that radiated off of him immediately warmed me, and I found myself resting my head on his chest, snuggling into his side.
"See?" he chuckled warmly, his chest vibrating under me. "It's not so bad, is it?"
"Shut up before I change my mind," I laughed lightly, scooting closer to him, if that were even possible.
"I knew that wasn't you last night, Emily," Newt's voice was soft as he spoke. "You were being controlled by the Creators somehow. I know you wouldn't hurt me like that. I know you."
I raised my head, confused my his words. What did he mean by "he knows me"?
"What do you mean?"
Newt shook his head and pulled my head gently back down to his chest, running his fingers through my hair, "Don't worry about it now. Just go to sleep."
"I can't," I murmured, stifling a yawn. "I don't wanna hurt you."
"You're tired, love," his voice was stern, though I knew he was smiling, even in the darkness. "Sleep."
"I hate you, I hope you know that," I muttered as I wrapped my arm around his chest.
"Sure you do," Newt chuckled softly. "Goodnight, Emily."
"Goodnight, Newt."


Yeah, this isn't the most eventful chapter but... it has a lot of cute NewtxEmily moments in iittttt :)))))
Okay, the ship is finally getting ready to sail. Not yet, but soon ;) I don't exactly want this to be one of those stories where they get together right away. They'll act like they're together and stuff like that, but it's not gonna be official for a while yet bc why not.
They need a ship name!
Nemily or Newtily... Idk guys comment which one you think is better :3

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