Chapter 16

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I thanked Frypan for my plate of bacon with a smile before heading over to my usual table. I still wasn't used to waking up so early even after being here for over two weeks, and I stifled a yawn as I sat down. The kitchen was flooded with boys, all talkative. I longed for someone to talk to- anyone, really. Newt and Minho were both in the Maze;they left before the sun even rose and, despite the fact that I was still angry with Newt, I missed them both.
I glanced up as someone took a seat beside me, groaned when I realized that it was George.
"What do you want, George?" My voice shook as I spoke. Whether it was with fear or anger towards the boy, I didn't know. Memories of the day I worked in the gardens came rushing back to me like a tidal wave. The day Newt stuck up for me. Once again, he thought it was okay for him to stick his nose into my business. But, then again, he only cared about me.
My mind seemed to be having an internal battle with itself, my head buzzed. I barely heard George as he spoke. If it weren't for one single word, I would've ignored him completely.
"Are you sad because your little boyfriend is gone?"
I stared at him for a moment, felt anger slowly boiling up in the bit of my stomach. I suddenly longed for Newt to be here, beside me. So that he could take care of George for me. But it looked as if I had to deal with him on my own. Though I found no words. Not one sharp comment to shoot back at him. I just stared at him dumbly in silence.
He scoffed, "You're a whole different person without him. Without Minho, as well. You can't even talk to me."
I realized that he was somewhat right. I was a whole different person without Newt or Minho. Perhaps I was the person I was before my memory was wiped, though I had no idea. Newt and Minho were the ones who made me the person I was now. I basically hung out with either one of them every day ever since I came up in the lift. They pretty much shaped the person I was. At least, in this life.
"I asked what you wanted," I said. "You never answered my question."
George shrugged. "Am I not allowed to talk to you?"
"Well, last time we spoke, you kind of went a little insane. And ever since then, I've kind of been avoiding you."
"I wanted to apologize for that. I was being a slinthead." Though his voice was sincere, I just couldn't find myself to believe him.
"Yeah, you were," I muttered, picked at the left over bits of bacon on my plate. My stomach still growled with hunger, though I knew Frypan would never give me extra, despite us being pretty close friends.
"Well, I'm sorry."
I looked up at George through narrowed eyes. I thought for a moment- whether I should forgive him or not. His voice was sincere, as if he really did mean the apology. But there was something about him that told me not to forgive him. I opened my mouth to say something, yet I had no idea what, when Clint approached me.
"Ready for your first day of work?"
I was thankful that Clint had come at that time, and I quickly nodded. I stood up from the table, grabbed my empty plate, and quickly followed him towards the Homestead. Leaving a very angry looking George behind.


I spent the first day of work basically listening to Clint as he went over the different types of medication, saying something about refreshing my memory. Yet I barely listened to him as he spoke. I was too busy listening to another voice. The voice in the back of my mind.
"You shouldn't be here, Emily. This isn't your job. You were meant to be a Runner."
Though I enjoyed being a Med-Jack somewhat- helping people- I still longed to be a Runner. To run the winding paths of the Maze and find a way out of this hell-hole. I wanted to run alongside Newt and Minho as they taught me the paths of the Maze. Every cycle, every section. Everything. I wanted to run the Maze until I knew it like the back of my hand.
Newt. My heart ached when I thought about him, feeling as if it were being stabbed with a dozen daggers, and yet I had no idea why. I felt horrible for yelling at him the day before, and I wanted to apologize. I realized that he only cared about me- my safety. And yet I treated him like absolute crap.
"Don't think like that, Emily. He stopped you from being a Runner. It's his fault you're stuck in here, treating the wounded. You're meant to be out in the Maze."
I felt a fresh surge of anger towards Newt as the voice spoke in my mind. Though I quickly pushed the feeling back down. This man, whoever he was, didn't know what he was talking about. He was only trying to provoke me. To mess with my head to the point where I went insane. I had to do my best to ignore him, and then maybe he would stop.
I snapped out of my daze, realizing that Clint was staring at me. I felt my cheeks flush, "Sorry."
"Are you okay? You seem a little out of it today." Clint's voice was full of worry. Genuine worry. It made me feel guilty. He was so excited to tell me that I was chosen as the Glade's second Med-Jack, but I was here, despising the job. I made a promise to myself that I would put all my effort into my new job, to make Clint proud. To forget about being a Runner. I was a Med-Jack now, and that's all that mattered.
"I'm fine." I assured him with a smile. "I'm perfectly fine."

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