Chapter 23.

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"They'll be okay." Alby's voice drew me from my daze. He walked up to me, put his hand on my shoulder. "There's no use in worrying about them."
I realized that he was right. It wouldn't do anyone any good to just sit here and worry about them. Newt and Minho were both skilled Runners, the best we've got. They knew the Maze like the back of their hand. They'd find Gally and bring him back, unharmed. Though no matter how much I told myself that, part of me just couldn't seem to believe it.
I turned around to see Alby heading back towards the Homestead, head lowered. I felt a stab of sympathy towards him. Gally was one of the first Gladers to arrive in the Glade, alongside Alby. He already lost one person who was important to him, I couldn't even imagine how he felt if he lost yet another friend.
I quickly caught up to him, nudging his shoulder gently as he sighed, "Don't worry about them. Like you said, it's no use."
Alby looked at me and smiled slightly. Though it disappeared as soon as I noticed, the usual frown replacing it. "We're awake, so we might as well make ourselves useful."
Alby and I went our separate ways as we neared the Homestead. I noticed Jeff sitting at a table alone, staring out over the Glade. I quickly went to join him, sitting next to him at the table.
"What're you doing up?" I asked.
"I think everyone's awake after hearing Gally's screams," Jeff said, his eyes drooped with tiredness. "I just couldn't go back to sleep."
"Are you excited about finding out your new job today?" I tried to change the subject, at least try and make the kid feel better.
It must've worked, because his eyes lightened up at the mention of the job selection. He nodded eagerly, "Yeah. I can't wait to know what job I have."
"What job do you want?" I asked.
"Anything but a Runner." Jeff shuddered as he spoke. "Minho and Newt and the other Runners must be super brave to risk their life out there every day."
"They are," I agreed and smiled. "They're probably the bravest people here."
"You're pretty brave, too," Jeff said.
I couldn't help the laugh that fell from my mouth at this, "And how is that?"
"You're the only girl here," Jeff said matter-of-factly. "And yet you walk around like you own the place. That takes a lot of gut, especially in a place surrounded by a dozen hormonal guys."
I realized that he did have a good point. I never actually thought about what these guys would do if they caught me alone somewhere. I shrugged, "They know not to try anything."
"Yeah, that's because Newt would beat the klunk out of them if they did," Jeff said. I stifled a laugh, though failed miserably. He looked over at me, eyebrow raised, "What?"
"Klunk?" I repeated, fighting back yet another laugh.
Jeff shrugged, "You guys have an odd vocabulary, so why not me?"
"But why klunk?" I asked.
Once again, another shrug. "Well, poop makes a klunk sound when-"
"Alright," I held up my hand, closing my eyes. "You've said enough. I get it."
"Wow," Jeff laughed. "After spending over a month here, I would assume you were used to topics like this."
I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped as motion in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked over to the West Door to see someone stepping into the Glade- Minho. Though he wasn't alone. He was dragging someone behind him, and relief washed over me when I recognized Gally. But something was wrong with him. I quickly turned to Jeff.
"Go get Alby," I ordered. "Tell him that Minho found Gally."
The kid nodded, standing up and rushing towards the Homestead. I began running towards Minho, a fresh surge of panic ran through me as I neared them. There was definitely something wrong with Gally. His eyes were closed, bloody dripping from a wound in his forehead. His skin was ghostly pain, dark, unnatural veins popping out of his skin.
"What happened to him?" I asked Minho as I approached him.
"He's been stung," The Runner replied, breathing heavily. "At least three times."
"In the middle of the day?" Fear shot through me at the thought of Newt running the Maze alone, only to run into a griever. What if he was stung, too? "Where's Newt?"
"Probably still looking for Gally. I'll go find him after I get him to the Homestead," Minho said. "Will you give me a hand?"
I nodded, draped Gally's other arm across my shoulder, taking half his weight from Minho. We began carrying him towards the Homestead just as Alby appeared from inside. Jeff was behind him, eyes wide as he stared at the injured boy between Minho and I.
"What happened?" Alby gasped as he ran up to us.
"Stung," Minho replied.
"By a griever?" Alby stared at him in disbelief. Minho rolled his eyes.
"No, shuck face, by a cute little kitten," he said. "Yes, by a griever. Now will you please help me?"
"Watch out, Emily," Alby stepped up, signalling for me to step away. I obeyed gratefully; my shoulders were beginning to hurt from carrying him. I stood by Jeff, watching as the two boys carried Gally towards the Homestead.
"What's a griever?" Jeff asked. I forgot that the kid has probably never heard of one, as we didn't talk about them unless we needed to.
"Creatures that live in the Maze," I answered. "Always come out at night, sometimes come out during the day. They're the reason no one has ever survived a night in the Maze."
"What do they look like?"
"You don't wanna know, kid," I shook my head, turned to look at him. "Trust me. It'll scar you for life."
Thankfully, Jeff didn't say another word, only nodded. I wasn't in the mood to talk, especially after seeing Gally. He was so pale... so lifeless. I could've sworn he was dead, if only it wasn't for the faint rise and fall of his chest.
Though what really scared me was the thought of Newt, alone in the Maze. I imagined him turning a corner, only to come face to face with a griever. I closed my eyes, forcing the thought to the back of my mind. I kept on telling myself over and over that he was okay. That he was only unaware that Gally was found, and he was still out looking for him. But that also meant that he was unaware of the grievers lurking the Maze. No matter how hard I tried to think otherwise, I had a feeling that something was going to happen to him.


I barely slept that night. Gally's pain-filled screams echoed throughout the Homestead. No one was used to the sounds, since he was the first person to be stung and survive. I guess he was just extremely lucky, though I was thankful for that. Gally was my friend, and I couldn't bare to loose yet another so soon after Nick's death. He was given the Grief Serum, and ever since then, he's been screaming like a mad man. Clint said it was probably normal, but it still hurt me to know that Gally was going through such pain.
Newt returned shortly after Minho did- sweating and scared, but unharmed. Turns out, he did have a run in with a griever, though he was lucky enough to not get stung. He ran away from the hideous thing, loosing it in the winding passages of the Maze. The thought terrified me- being so close to loosing him. I don't think I would've been able to handle it, especially after the dreams- or memories- that I've been having.
I eventually fell into a light sleep, though part of me wished I hadn't. Gally's screams still haunted me in my dreams, loud and clear as if I were still awake. But then, all of a sudden, they stopped. Shut off like a recording being paused. I was thankful for the silence ringing in my ear, though it didn't last long.
I was in a courtyard- the same one from my previous dream, except this time, it wasn't covered in a thick layer of snow. The five kids sat around a tree, notepads in their laps, pencils in their hands. They all seemed to be in deep thought, as if thinking of some master plan to save the world. Which they probably thought they were doing.
Emily was busy scribbling on her paper, drawing different lines and designs off the top of her head. Newt looked over on to her paper and smiled, though said nothing. My heart twisted at the sight of him. This was obviously before he was put into the Maze, as the kids only looked to be around 11. He had no idea what was to come. He had no idea what they were going to do to him, only that he wouldn't remember a thing.
Emily's face lit up, and she began scribbling again. The four kids looked at her, their eyebrows raised as she smiled.
"Have you thought of something?" Jackson (I had yet to learn his new name) asked, his accent thicker than usual.
"It's brilliant, Oliver," Emily said. "It's the perfect way to test people's killzones. It requires a lot of skill and thinking."
"Then what is it?" Thomas asked.
"A Maze," Emily smiled, turning her notepad around to show the kids. There, drawn on the paper, was a circular maze. Winding paths and everything, it was in complete detail. In the middle, there was a little square box leading off into the maze.
"What is that?" Teresa asked, pointing to the square section of the maze.
"It's where they would have to start from," Emily replied. "Find a way out from there."
A man in a lab coat approached them, arms crossed, a smirk plastered on his face.
"Have my little geniuses thought of anything yet?" His voice was low, menacing. Familiar. Emily held up her notepad, which the man took. "What do we have here?"
He studied the piece of paper, a look of approval evident on his face.
"A maze?"
"Yes, Mr. Janson," Emily nodded. "It's brilliant, isn't it?"
"Yes. Brilliant, indeed." the man replied. He stuffed the notepad in his lab coat pocket, reached down and patted Emily on the shoulder. "Very good, Emily."

Suddenly, my vision shifted. I was now in a small, white room. In the middle of the room, there was a white table. Sitting at the table, were Janson and Emily. They were staring down at the very same piece of paper he took from her earlier.
"You just gave us the best idea we've heard in over a year, Emily, and you're asking to take it back?" Janson spoke. His voice was calm, but it sounded forced. His eye twitched as the girl nodded.
"I don't want to hurt anyone." She said.
"You won't be hurting anyone. You'll be saving so many people," Janson said. "Emily, you're the smartest kid we have. You're basically a genius. We need you and your ideas. Think of what your dad would want."
"My dad wouldn't want anyone to get hurt," Emily said matter-of-factly, staring at the man bravely.
"No one will get hurt," Janson told her.
"Promise," The man smiled. The most wicked smile I have ever seen. It almost scared me. "Remember, Emily: WICKED is good."


Only 3 more chapters left in this book ohnooooo ;)
A lot of things can happen in three chapters...
A lot of terrible, horrible, heart breaking things.... >:)
Who is going to read the sequel?? ^~^

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