Chapter 3.

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Images flashed in my vision- none that I could recognize, yet all of them seemed familiar. I knew I was dreaming, or else all of the events of the day before had only been a dream, and I was back to where I started. In the lift.

A woman's voice replayed in my head, saying the same thing over and over again: "WICKED is good". I didn't know what she meant by it, but it was starting to get rather annoying. I recognized the voice from somewhere, as if I knew it in my childhood, I just couldn't match it to a face.

My vision suddenly went black- the images of men in gas masks standing over me disappeared. Even the woman's voice stopped saying the words. I sat in silence, darkness. I wanted to wake up, I tried so hard, but I couldn't. Something was holding me back in the dream world.

Suddenly, it was as if I were being the gift of sight after being blind my whole life. I was in a room, watching as two people were deep in conversation. Two kids, who seemed to be around 8 and 9, watched as the adults spoke, their eyes wide with fear. There was a girl and a boy, both clutching on to each other as if their life depended on it. Maybe it did.

The girl had dark brown hair that went down to her shoulders, her eyes green. The boy beside her was almost a spitting image of her, but as a boy, of course. His dark brown eyes were filled with panic as he held the girl close to him. I almost immediately realized that they must've been brother and sister.

I listened, trying desperately to hear the adults'- who I assumed were the kids' parents- conversation. It was as if I were deaf. Their mouths moved, but no sound escaped them. Suddenly, the man lashed out and slapped his wife across the face. She fell to the ground, holding her cheek as the kids gaped in silent screams. The man's green eyes were burning with insanity as he backed away from his wife, his hand over his mouth as he realized what he had down. Without another word, he fled from the room, out the front door of the house.

Suddenly, my vision went black once more. I could hear myself breathing deeply- whether it was in the dream, or in reality, I didn't know. A low sound began ringing in my ears, gradually growing louder, making out a voice. A boy's voice. Saying the same thing over and over again.

"Run. Run, Emily. Run."

I was shaken awake, a gasp escaping my lips as my eyes shot open. I came face to face with Newt, whose face was only inches from my own, his brown eyes glowing with concern.

"Are you okay, love?" he asked. I swallowed, realizing how heavy I was breathing, and sat up.

"Yeah. Bad dream, is all," I said quietly. Newt pursed his lips and nodded, as if he understood.

"I would let you sleep some more, but Alby wouldn't be too happy," he said. "So it looks like you have to get up."

"That's fine," I shrugged, feeling my cheeks heat up as Newt showed no signs of moving away from me any time soon. "I'm fine."

"We'll get some breakfast before starting the Tour," the boy explained, finally backing away from me. "That fine with you?"

I smiled, "Sounds good."

I was itching to go on this "tour". I wanted to know more about the place I would now call my home. I quickly jumped out of bed, running my hair through my messy hair in attempt to tame it a little.

"You look fine," Newt's voice startled me, making me turn to face him. "You don't need to fix your bloody hair."

"I'm a girl, Newt," I retorted. "It's natural."

"You look beautiful. Now c'mon, Alby'll get on our asses if we don't hurry."

I felt my cheeks heat up from his words, though he seemed to take no notice of it, as he was already halfway out the door. I didn't know why, but a compliment from Newt made me feel a hundred times better about myself. I then realized that I had no idea what I looked like.

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