Alpha, Please (F!R smut) (ABO)

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Summary: Bucky experiences his first heat after being held captive for so long. You help him, and you finally mate.
Warnings: Knotting. Fluff. ABO dynamic. Smut.

Bucky groaned as the heat ran through his body. The room was freezing, but he couldn't feel it.

He was an Omega. An unmated Omega. Back in the forties, he only had a few heats, all of them manageable, but this one was bad. Really bad.

There was a reason for it though. Hydra had kept him on suppressants for decades and now finally everything was coming together. His cock ached, pulsing, and his whole body was covered in sweat. His hair was completely damp, as well as his forehead. He had never felt his body hotter than it was now.

He wasn't completely alone in it, though. It's not that he didn't have an Alpha. You were together, but you hadn't mated yet - you just weren't there right now.

The whole room smelt like him, it didn't matter how many times he had showered or opened the windows when the heat came down after masturbating desperately. He lost count of how many times he had come but none of them were enough. He needed you, needed your cunt.

He needed your knot around him or he would die.

Bucky raised his head and the moment you opened the door your strong scent hit him and made his cock throb. You smelt like everything he loved. Coney Island's cotton candy, plums, and a strong touch of citrus only you had.

"Y/N," he groaned, and your eyes instantly fell on him.

Bucky looked like an Alpha. He was tall, strong, dominant. But you – significantly smaller than him – were the Alpha. People were always surprised when they felt you two in the room. Male omegas were rare, and female alphas too. A couple composed of those two was extremely rare. Still, there you were, together for a year or so.

You had felt his heat coming almost a week ago. His scent was strong, and his need for you was greater than anything you had even seen. Before his pre-heat, Bucky had never been that clingy with you. Sensing that, you had prepared everything: You got a lot of water and light food, and had gotten a week off of work for both of you. Everything you needed was prepared and you were ready to give him all the attention he needed now.

"Omega," you hissed.

His eyes widened at his natural title, and you licked your lips as his cock throbbed in response to you and sleek came out of his cockhead. He was ready to mate.

"Alpha, please," he moved on the bed, crawling in your direction. "I need you. Need to mate you, need to put my cock inside you. I need to feel your pussy knotting me, please. Please give it to me."

Your clit throbbed, and your mouth watered in tandem with your cunt.

"Fuck, Bucky," you moaned, feeling your nipples hardening. His scent was delicious.

You two had been waiting for this for months. His body was still getting used to being off of the suppressants, even though he had already experienced one of your ruts. He took care of you and now it was your turn to take care of him.

You undressed quickly, pulling him into a rough kiss and feeling as his large hand squeezed your waist tightly.

The moment you breathed deep close to him, you felt the smell of cum all over his body.

"Have you touched yourself for me?" You questioned, moving your lips to his neck and sucking on his skin, right where you would leave your mark. "Have you tried to soothe your ache while I was away?"

You weren't bonded, not yet. You were waiting for his heat to do it.

"Please, let me fuck you Y/N," he begged. "I need you."

Before you could answer, he moved your hand to cup your pussy and penetrated you with two fingers. You were already soaked.

"Wanna put my cock inside you so much," he closed his eyes when you grabbed his shaft, teasing him with your wet folds.

"Say please again," you moaned.

"Please," he put his hand on your neck, pulling softly on your hair. "Please, Alpha."

You groaned from inside your throat, and let his cock enter you all at once, both of you roaring in response.

"Yes," You both hissed together.

He was so good. God, he never felt so good as today.

Bucky pulled you tightly against his chest, moving his lips to your neck and rutting his hips against yours, his cock hitting all your sweet spots.

"So good," he moaned. "So warm and wet..."

You kissed him roughly, your hands tight around his shoulders as your breasts squeezed against his strong chest. You were as close as possible now, almost fusing into one.

"Fuck me, Omega," you moaned into his ear. "Such a good cock inside me."

Your walls tightened around him, and you felt as your knot threatened to form.

"Don't stop," you cried out, tugging on his hair.

"Gonna cum, Alpha," he squeezed you tighter, and you knew he would leave his handprint on your skin after this. "Gonna fill you with my cum."

"Do you want me to knot you?" you questioned.

You've never knotted him. Actually, no one had ever knotted Bucky before. You were the first Alpha to ever touch him, as he only had relationships with Betas back in the '40s.

"Can I have it?" he begged. "Please, Alpha. Please knot me. Wanna feel your knot around me. Need to feel you knotting me. Please, please."

You groaned hearing his begging.

"Cum for me, Omega," you said in his ear. "Cum for me."

He closed his eyes, and you pulled him by his hair, licking his neck.

"I won't mate you until you cum, babe," you affirmed. "Cum for me, let me feel your cum inside me."

His head fell back, and your knot formed just a second before he exploded inside you.

You bit him hard, breaking the skin and marking him as yours, moaning when he did the same with you. When your bodies stopped shaking, you looked at each other, panting hard.

"Fuck," he said hoarsely against the skin of your shoulder and chuckled. "Never knew it felt so good."

You licked where you had bitten him, protective, and kissed his cheek softly.

"How are you feeling?" you questioned, moving his hair out of his face to look at him.

"Feels good," he smiled softly up at you. "You feel so good. So warm. I'm..."

"You're knotted," you chuckled. "It will be okay to move in a few minutes."

He nodded, and you reached over to the nightstand, grabbing a water bottle.

"Here," you opened it. "Drink."

Bucky didn't protest, drinking like his life depended on it.

"Thank you," he whispered softly, and you felt how tired he was.

"Let's try to lay down, okay?" you said.

He nodded and held your waist as your two laid down tentatively, the knot making things a bit hard. You managed though and were soon resting on the bed, your body comfortably beside him.

"Rest," you whispered. "I'll bring you something to eat when you wake up."

He closed his eyes, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.

"Love you, Alpha," he professed quietly.

"I love you too, Omega."

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