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Summary: When you leave a wedding party intending to go home and drown in loneliness, Bucky Barnes changes your plans.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Alternative Universe, Bucky is a Lawyer. Fluff. 

"And we're done." Joshua said, looking at the small group you were with, and you gave the newlywed couple a glance while cleaning your violin.

Even though you were invited, you didn't plan to stay for the party. It was too tiring.

Four years. Four years playing at weddings around the whole US with the same group of people, that was your life. A known violinist, the favourite of many, and so lonely.

At your side, Josh was eagerly talking to Danny and Erin. He played the Cello, like Josh himself, and Erin was a violinist. The two of them were a couple - a beautiful couple - and the two men were as close as brothers. You, on the other hand, was too shy to interrupt them, even after fours years together and wasn't that close. You were the black sheep of the group.

Weddings made you sad. It wasn't for mean reasons, but because of your love life - or the lack of it, actually. You were single. Honestly, you were the most single person in the whole world. In your mid to late twenties, you've never had more than some hookups. You've never been loved and was probably bound to be alone forever.

Maybe you should consider adopting a cat.

"You're going home already?" Erin looked at you.

Maybe two of them. Or three.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling that good." You dismissed her. "Do you have a ride back home?"

"Yeah, my brother brought my car." Danny affirmed. "Are you okay? I can drive you home if you're feeling too bad."

"I'm just tired." You lied.

He nodded, and you finished organising your stuff before walking to your car, putting them in the backseat just to realise you've forgotten your purse inside.

You sighed before walking back there, the high heels decorating your feet making every step a torture.

You were ready to go after doing it and were just a few steps from your car when your body crashed into another, much taller and stronger than yours, making a face when whatever drink he had in hand spilt all over you.

"Oh my God." The man exclaimed, surprised.

You looked up at him. Oh, he was strong. He was huge. With relatively long hair and blue eyes, he was also adorable and very handsome.

"I'm so sorry." He blushed. "I swear I didn't see you. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna have it cleaned for you, I swear."

You looked at your dress and took a breath, inhaling the smell of wine.

"At least it is white wine." You looked at him. "You'd own me a new dress is it was red wine."

The man opened a surprised smile, still embarrassed with what he had caused.

"Here." He pulled a card from his pocket. "Here is my number."

You looked down at his hand, taking it and reading the simple card.

"James Barnes." You looked at him. "Lawyer.."

"Yes.." He confirmed. "And you are the violinist."

"Y/N." You corrected him.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N." He smiled. "I must say, you are amazing."

You blushed. No one had ever approached you to say that.

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