A Birthday Gift (Part 1 of 2)

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Synopsis: When your birthday arrives, Bucky prepares you a breakfast surprise, but you have different ideas for what you want as a gift this year.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader.
WC: 1.2k words
Series warnings: Spanking (ass spanking, pussy spanking), possessive Bucky, praising kink, breeding kink, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, choking, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics.

2k wordsSeries warnings: Spanking (ass spanking, pussy spanking), possessive Bucky, praising kink, breeding kink, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, choking, daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics

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You spread your arms lazily, breathing in deep and hiding your face in your pillow, searching for Bucky, though half-knowing already he wouldn't be home or by your side. You were proven right when you were met by an empty and cold bed, glancing at the clock that'd always be by your bedside and knowing for sure that she, yes, he had already left for his morning workout with Sam.

That was what retirement looked for your partner apparently, and you never said a thing about it – it made him happy to have a routine, after all. You brushed your teeth while humming a random song, stepping out of your room to get coffee with your hair still in a mess, but frowning in confusion when the strong smell of several different breakfast foods hit you as you walked out to the corridor instead of the usual and simple beverage your boyfriend would leave for you.

"Bucky?" you called, confused.

He wasn't supposed to be home right now, and still, when you stepped into the kitchen, there he was.

"Good morning," your boyfriend spoke over his shoulder, flipping a pancake. "Sorry, did I wake you up?"

You shook your head.

"No. How are you home already?" you checked your phone on the counter, and verifying that the clock on your bedside wasn't wrong, and it was too early for him to have gotten back home. "You usually only arrived by the time I'm preparing lunch?"

He put the pancake down onto a plate full of them and poured more batter onto a plate.

"I didn't go," he explained. "It's a stay-home day, don't you remember, sweetheart?"

You tilted your head to the side, still frowning in a bit of confusion.

"Is it?"

It was far too early for you to be trying to think of what day today was.

He chuckled and walked to you, resting his hands on your hips and looking into your eyes.

"Y/N..." your boyfriend spoke slowly. "Did you forget what day it is?"

You grimaced.


Bucky laughed, a sound that was so new when it came to his life, but so contagious.

"It's your birthday, baby girl," he rubbed his nose on yours. "Do you remember what you asked me for it?"

Your eyes widened for a moment in realisation and melted as he continued with his affection, kissing and nibbling your jaw.

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