Your Song

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Summary: Imagine walking in Bucky singing for your kids to sleep.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Dad Bucky.

You watched silently the scene in front of you, too hypnotised to say anything.

Inside the nursery, Bucky sang to the two babies in his arms - one at each side - while sat on the rocking chair by the cribs' side.

You were exhausted. Having a kid was hard, but twins meant twice the work. Adding to the fact they were enhanced babies, things weren't so easy for you, but you were completely in love with them anyway. And your husband...

Bucky was completely and absolutely enchanted with his kids. Steve and Samuel had become his whole world and he was wrapped in their little fingers the moment the twins left your womb.

"But then again no," he sang gently, rocking back and forth on the chair. "Or a girl who makes potions in a travelling show."

"I know it's not much but it's the best I can do," you couldn't help but add, walking into the room and making him look at you. "My gift is my song and this one is for you."

Trying not to disturb the twins, you walked to Bucky and took little Steve in your arms, leaving Sam with his father.

"And you can tell everybody this is your song," you continued and he joined you after a moment of silence and admiration. "It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put it down into words."

You looked at your husband, a man you've watched grow and learn since his traumatic experiences to become the person you found walking to the green crib a few steps away, his steps gentle and calculated. You repeated the motion with Steve, both of them soon resting on their shared mattress. While you had a second crib, you didn't want to separate the twins, not só early in life at least.

"How wonderful life is now you're in the world," you gave your boy a last whisper, eyes resting on him until Bucky touched your back.

"You should be sleeping," he whispered, kissing your temple.

"I couldn't help myself," you chuckled. "You are just so beautiful together."

He shook his head, making you giggle, and you walked to your room to lay down together, his arms quickly pulling you to his chest.

You fell asleep quickly and Bucky followed you soon after, walking up just a couple hours later and walking right back into their rooms. He wasn't used to their presence, not yet. Honestly, he thought you and the kids would vanish away at any moment, be taken from them. You were right there, though, every day and every night.

Bucky walked back into your room and lied on the bed, pulling you close to him once again and looking down when you sleepily raised his head.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No," he caressed your back. "Don't worry. Everything is fine."

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