All The Pennies

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Summary: You and Bucky may no have a lot, but there's no shortage here for love.
Pairing: Bucky x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, set in the 40's. Songfic.

"Doll?" you heard behind you and the floor squeaked when Bucky entered the bedroom.

"Hey, you," you smiled openly, throwing your arms around him. "So..."

"I got the job," he smiled.

You and Bucky were just married and... Well, pretty broke. None of you had a degree besides basic school, and in the middle of the war, there weren't many things you could do for money. You were studying to be a midwife, but with the little money your parents had to give to you, it was something very slow for you. So, the plan was that the two of your would work in free hours, and when you got your degree and started working in the hospital, the two of you would focus on his time to get a degree.

In theory, it was easy. In practise... Every day was a struggle.

"Yes," you jumped, excited with the news. "That's amazing."

He leant down, kissing your lips softly and quickly.

"I start later today. Just came here to kiss you."

You nodded, pecking on his lips once again.

"I'll make your lunch and bring it to you before I start my shift."

Bucky smiled, but it disappeared from his face quickly while he looked at your face.

"You know, I can go to the army and..."

"No," you interrupted him. "We're okay, we're managing. There's no need for that."

"Come on, Y/N," he sighed. "I mean... Love... We don't even own a bathroom door."

"We don't need one!"

Bucky smirked down at you, not surprised by your words.

You were terrified of the idea of him being a soldier. That was how your father had lost his leg.

"Doll, why are you so against the army? It is heroic and it would be such a help with money and..."

"And you'd be away," you interrupted him. "Money will not hug me at night, kiss me or love me. It won't keep you safe."

He shook his head, but hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead.

"Okay, then," he whispered as you rested your cheek on his chest. "No army."

"No army."

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