Say Dada

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Summary: Bucky tries to make your daughter say 'dada'.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Other Characters: Becca Barnes (OFC)
Warnings: Family fluff. Daddy!Bucky.

"Say Dada." Bucky insisted with your daughter. "Da-da."

"Mama." She said back in a giggle.

"No. Dada." He repeated. "Dada."

You filmed the scene in front of you with a smile, trying hard not to laugh. Becca was learning how to speak and had said 'mama' days ago, which stuck Bucky in a mission of making her say 'dada' too.

Oblivious to his efforts, she reached out and pulled his brown hair in her strong grip. She had taken her force from his side, that was a fact.

"Having fun?" You lowered your phone after blurring your daughter's and posting the video on your Instagram account.

"It's not fair." He frowned. "I spend more time with her than you do and she still only says 'mama'."

You laughed, making a funny face at your girl, who giggled.

"Don't be jealous." You caressed his face for a moment and saw Becky pouting with the corner of your eyes.

You giggled a bit. She looked so much like Bucky, his carbon copy.

"Come here." You whispered to him, cupping his cheek and bringing your husband to a kiss.

Your lips barely touched for more than one second before your daughter complained loudly and when you moved away to look at her, pull Bucky's face from yours with an angry look.

"Dada dada." She said, scoffing you like you would scoff someone. "Dada!"

You busted into laughter and Bucky did the same.

"She's jealous." You said out of breath.

"Who cares?" Bucky smiled bouncing her. "She said dada!"

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