Clueless (NSFW) (F!R)

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Summary: When an incident in his apartment ends up revealing his decade-long feelings for you, Bucky realises he's been clueless for years. Now, it's time to compensate for the lost time.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Smut, friends to lovers, fluff, some dirty talk, University AU.

You stumbled with your stuff, trying hard to keep them in your arms and not the floor. You had a test today, and your students were probably going nuts with how you were already five minutes late. You were a professor in Cambridge, and as much as you tried to be good to your students, your subject wasn't exactly easy.

"Alright," Bucky stopped by your side, taking away boxes you were carrying from your arms. "I'll do it.

"Thanks," you smiled.

You and Bucky were friends since childhood. You lived on the same street, went to the same school and had basically the same group of friends for years of your life. You even studied at the same university and campus and rode the same bus home when possible, stuck to one another like glue. When you'd moved to England to work, it was heartbreaking.

Bucky was a mathematician with numerous qualifications the included a Master's degree, and when he mentioned to you he needed a job – just a year ago – you'd quickly suggested Cambridge, and he soon got in.

"What's all that?" he questioned, frowning. "I thought you had a test today."

"I do," you smiled, walking to your classroom. "But I know the kids are nervous so I decided to bring them something to calm their nerves," you explained. "So I brought them chocolate."

Bucky laughed. You were always like that since you were kids. You cared about people and only wanted good to people around you, tried your best every time to make them happy.

"Can you be even cuter?" he joked as you opened the door of your room for him to come in, and everyone turned to look at the two of you.

There was a rumour in the campus since Bucky arrived; everybody always thought you were together, from students to other workers, and the two of you didn't move a single finger to convince them otherwise.

"Good morning, Mr Barnes," someone said from a chair and he smiled in their direction.

"Morning kids, have a nice test," he said friendly and then turned to you. "Good luck."

"I'm not the one being tested here, James," you rolled your eyes. You always reserved nicknames to when you were out of work.

"Who cares?" he smiled to you. "Luck is never enough."


You sighed, finishing putting the tests inside your suitcase, and raised your head when you heard a knock on the door.

"Bucky," you smiled.

"Ready to go?" he questioned, holding his own suitcase and suit in front of his chest.

"More than ready," you sighed. "I'm exhausted. The week never seemed to end."

"Well, then I have a good idea," you old friend walked to you. "Me, you, and the new pub that opened in front of my place in London."

You looked at him, analysing the possibility and arching an eyebrow while doing so.

"You drive?"

"Fine," he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I'm in."

It took you an hour and a half to get drunk enough to dance among the young kids around. You two lived in Cambridge, but he had an apartment in London and sometimes you'd go there to have a free weekend from time to time. Well, today it was a good time, and you wanted to have fun.

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